Monday, 2021-12-13

slaweqralonsoh lajoskatona good morning, if one of You have some time, please check
ralonsohslaweq, sure08:16
lajoskatonaslaweq: Hi, checking :-)08:16
slaweqand also backports
slaweqralonsoh lajoskatona and also :08:17
slaweqthx in advance08:17
slaweqand not merged backports in :)08:18
ralonsohslaweq, in
ralonsohshould we adopt the policies in UTs?08:19
ralonsohor just skip the warning messages08:19
slaweqit's temporary to just ignore those warnings08:20
slaweqlater we will have new oslo_policy with fix for those scopes and we will start enforcing scope in those tests08:21
slaweqand we will adjust policies08:21
slaweqbut this patch is needed to move on with
ralonsohright so this is temporary08:22
slaweqI mean that we can skip those warnings, that will not hurt us for sure08:22
slaweqbut warnings should be gone when we will switch to enforce scopes in tests again08:23
ralonsohhi folks, if you have time for
ralonsohthis is fixing an issue in the OVN mech driver, setting the info in the correct place09:04
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/rocky: Populate self.floating_ips_dict using "ip rule" information
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/queens: Populate self.floating_ips_dict using "ip rule" information
ralonsohlajoskatona, slaweq
ralonsohmaybe this week we can release a new n-lib09:14
ralonsohwhat do you think?09:14
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: Use setkey for DbSetCommand maps
slaweqralonsoh sounds good for me09:17
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/queens: Don't setup bridge controller if it is already set
fricklerslaweq: lajoskatona: next round of n-d-r backports for your review list :-)09:48
lajoskatonaralonsoh, slaweq: yeah, we merged a lot of things to neutron-lib09:55
lajoskatonaslaweq, ralonsoh: ovsdbapp release is also on its way: , otherwiseguy waits for some patches to be merged10:00
gibislaweq: do you have an open bug for  ?10:02
gibislaweq: I see it happening pretty frequently 10:02
gibislaweq: neutron.tests.functional.plugins.ml2.drivers.ovn.mech_driver.ovsdb.test_ovsdb_monitor.TestAgentMonitor.test_network_agent_present fails with return self.agents[key]10:02
slaweqgibi: let me check10:08
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slaweqgibi: it's the same as
slaweqfor which ralonsoh already have patch
gibislaweq: cool, thanks10:10
gibiI will use that is recheck then :)10:11
slaweqfrickler sorry, I was in the meeting but now I see that Your patches are already approved :)10:11
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/train: Do no use "--strict" for OF deletion in TRANSIENT_TABLE
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/stein: Do no use "--strict" for OF deletion in TRANSIENT_TABLE
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/rocky: Do no use "--strict" for OF deletion in TRANSIENT_TABLE
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron stable/queens: Do no use "--strict" for OF deletion in TRANSIENT_TABLE
gibislaweq: I also see really long running test cases like took 1572 seconds (>25 minutes) is it normal?10:14
slaweqgibi: it shouldn't be like that and it's also reported already
slaweqI didn't had time to investigate it more10:17
slaweqlajoskatona btw, can You maybe check ? I hope it will solve that issue with functional tests, which gibi mentioned above :)10:18
fricklerslaweq: thx, np, my timeframe for patches is days or weeks, not minutes or seconds ;) and thx to lajoskatona too10:22
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/rocky: Don't setup bridge controller if it is already set
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Ignore warnings in the policies UT
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/rocky: [Functional] Wait for the initial state of ha router before test
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: Cleanup router for which processing added router failed
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib master: Add new method "update_network" to "L3AgentExtension".
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing stable/wallaby: Dropping lower constraints testing (stable Wallaby)
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-dynamic-routing stable/wallaby: Add a StaticScheduler without automatic scheduling
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib master: Replace "target_tenant" with "target_project" in RBAC OVOs and models
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron master: [WIP] Use Port_Binding up column to set Neutron port status
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Use LOG.warning instead of deprecated LOG.warn
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Add the VIF details "connectivity" parameter
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron master: [WIP] Use Port_Binding up column to set Neutron port status
slaweqralonsoh bcafarel please give +W in if You will have a moment, it has 2x+2 already13:16
gibislaweq: one more error from tempest Does it ring a bell?13:16
slaweqand other backports are merged13:16
ralonsohslaweq, sure13:16
slaweqralonsoh thx13:16
slaweqgibi checking13:16
slaweqgibi I don't think I have seen something like that already13:19
gibislaweq: OK, I will try to see how frequent it is and if I find multiple hits then I will open a bug13:20
slaweqgibi++ thx a lot13:20
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add logs for test_floatingip_port_details
gibislaweq: I only found two hits in ~ a month so I think we can ignore this for now13:25
slaweqthx for checking13:27
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/wallaby: [stable-only] "_clean_logs_by_target_id" to use old notifications
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/victoria: [stable-only] "_clean_logs_by_target_id" to use old notifications
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/ussuri: [stable-only] "_clean_logs_by_target_id" to use old notifications
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/train: [stable-only] "_clean_logs_by_target_id" to use old notifications
ralonsohslaweq, bcafarel please check those stable-only patches ^^^13:58
ralonsohand lajoskatona of course (if you have time, we saw that in a customer)13:58
slaweqralonsoh checking it right now13:58
iceyhey, would it be possible to get new point releases of Neutron cut?14:37
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Remove the expired reservations in a separate DB transaction
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Keep "connectivity" VIF details parameter in migration
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: Add logs for port_bound_to_host
mdboothHi. I'm getting a 409 deleting a trunk in my CI logs. Search for req-5571a3fa-c1c3-4678-9db1-6be47b96d46a in context to follow15:51
mdboothThis is during a server delete operation, and we're doing: server.list_interfaces(), for each vif { server.detach(vif); delete_trunk_for(vif); delete(vif) }15:53
mdboothWe know we appear to have a race between detach(vif) and delete(vif): we always see ERRORs in the logs from the detach because its port was deleted.15:54
mdboothHowever, I can't explain the 409 deleting the trunk. AFAICT we can delete the trunk when its parent port is attached or unattached. Is there any reason why we briefly wouldn't be able to delete it inbetween?15:55
mdboothstable/victoria in case it's important.15:55
fricklermdbooth: I'm really no expert, but I would expect that the delete(vif) would need to go first, delete(trunk) second. because the vif should be a sub-port on the trunk?16:10
mdboothThe vif is the parent port. I'm pretty sure those deletes are the right way round. I don't think it works the other way round.16:11
mdboothI should have said that. In this case the trunk has no sub-ports.16:12
fricklermdbooth: ah, o.k., though I wonder what trunks without subports are good for. that said, looking at there seems indeed be the possibility for a race if the port is unbound after the initial is_bound() check.16:26
mdboothThey're not useful for anything afaik, but this CI test just doesn't add any. We just need to ensure the trunk is available.16:27
mdbooth(And we can delete it afterwards!)16:27
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add Chassis creation wait event in "TestAgentMonitor"
mdboothfrickler: Sorry for the short answers: was in a meeting (now finished).16:47
mdboothI saw that code, but I got a bit lost working out what was going on with the drivers.16:47
mdboothIIUC if the port is not bound we will never get the 409, so I assume the port is bound. However, in my manual testing I seem to be able to delete the trunk regardless of whether the port is bound.16:48
mdboothOh, I should say: I'm interpreting 'bound' here to mean 'attached'. i.e. I'm doing: port create, network trunk create, server add port, network trunk delete. I'm assuming that's me deleting a 'bound' trunk?16:50
mdboothThat works, btw, and doesn't reproduce the CI failure.16:50
fricklermdbooth: the race would be between server remove port and network trunk delete. do you hit the issue always or only sometimes?17:44
sean-k-mooneymdbooth: technially bound means you have set host-id:<hostname> on the port and an ml2 driver has been selected and updated the port binding:details and and port binding:profile17:55
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sean-k-mooneymdbooth: it does not mean the port is attach to the vm although in almost al cases there is a 1:1 releaship to attaching a port to the vm and binding it17:55
sean-k-mooneythere is an interval of time where the port is bound and not acttached to the vm while we are booting or hot attaching the port or during a migration17:56
sean-k-mooneybut that is mroe of a trasient state17:56
sean-k-mooneye.g. while we are generating the xml and invoking libvirt to do whatever17:57
sean-k-mooneyusing port bound status to infer attachment howver is an ok proxy in must case but technially its not somethign you shoudl realy on17:58
sean-k-mooneyyou should look at the nova not neutron if you care about the attach completeing ectra17:58
fricklermdbooth: o.k., I can trigger your error pretty fast by doing "server add/remove port" in one loop and "network trunk create/delete" in a second one18:07
fricklerI'm also seeing a similar race for trunk creation, which is calling the same function I linked to18:14

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