Monday, 2022-05-02

opendevreviewMiro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron master: [WIP] Notify mech drivers with original and modified network
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opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe master: CI: add required projects for unit test jobs
fricklerlajoskatona: if this patch were in n-d-r I would single-approve it, maybe you could give it a +2 at least?  09:49
lajoskatonafrickler: sure,  I just checked if we have more people to check it and have some knowledge of BGP09:52
fricklerlajoskatona: right, maybe bcafarel or tobias-urdin want to have a look ^^10:15
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: Handle properly ObjectNotFound while deleting network from DHCP agent
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron master: Bump oslo.policy to 3.12.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [Doc] packet rate limit user workflow and notes
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lajoskatonaslaweq: Hi, When you have some time could you please check these patches for ODL and Bagpipe: & to open the gate of these11:16
tobias-urdinfrickler: ack11:17
fricklertobias-urdin: thx11:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Imported Translations from Zanata
opendevreviewVishal Manchanda proposed openstack/networking-bgpvpn master: Address RemovedInDjango40Warning
opendevreviewMerged openstack/python-neutronclient master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
slaweqlajoskatona: hi, can You maybe approve ?13:12
slaweqor do You think something more would be needed there?13:12
lajoskatonaslaweq: sure, I checked, and waited for experimental, but now see your comment13:18
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Consolidate neutron-tempest-plugin-api with scenario jobs
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Make test test_remove_associated_ports to be compatible with L3HA
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Consolidate neutron-tempest-plugin-api with scenario jobs
slaweqlajoskatona: I just rebased itso if You can give +W again, that would be great13:20
slaweqand thx for help with it13:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/train: Docs build: Add requirements.txt to deps
slaweqlajoskatona: and the result of that patch should be visible in 13:20
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
lajoskatonaslaweq: When you have some time could you please check these patches for ODL and Bagpipe: & to open the gate of these projects13:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/yoga: [API] Return 403 for POST requests when user is not authorized
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [bgpvpn] Remove _create_network & _log_console_output
slaweqlajoskatona: +2 on both14:02
mlavallelajoskatona: tomorrow I might not make it to the weekly Neutron meeting, depending on whether an appointment gets delayed or not14:10
lajoskatonamlavalle: ok, thanks14:11
lajoskatonamlavalle: slaweq will be off also, perhaps we can skip tomorrow's meeting14:12
mlavallelajoskatona: chances are I'll be on time to the meeting. But with medical appointments you never know, at least in this country. You can't be late but they can 14:13
lajoskatonamlavalle: ok, (I sadly hear your sentence about medical appointments, as it seems these things are global ;))14:16
slaweqlajoskatona: +1 for skipping it tomorrow14:23
mlavalleslaweq: ci meeting tomorrow?14:23
slaweqmlavalle: I'm just checking now how it is going this week14:23
slaweqand I will send email about it14:23
mlavalleslaweq: thanks14:24
lajoskatonamlavalle, slaweq: last week we said that skip CI meeting14:24
slaweqlajoskatona: we said that I will check it on Monday14:24
slaweqand if there will be nothing critical we will skip it14:24
mlavalleyeap, we said to check today before making a decision14:24
slaweqif there will be something, ralonsoh will chair the meeting :)14:24
slaweqand I'm just checking it now14:25
lajoskatonaslaweq, mlavalle: then et's skip team meeting also, I added some topic for jemmy jellyfish which would be good to discuss with the whole team14:25
slaweqlajoskatona: mlavalle if You have few minutes, please check
slaweqit's pretty small patch :)14:38
slaweqthx in advance14:38
mlavalleslaweq: approved14:41
slaweqmlavalle: lajoskatona thx, that was fast :)14:44
slaweqmlavalle: lajoskatona ralonsoh ykarel I just sent email to cancel our tomorrow's ci meeting14:45
slaweqI don't see anything urgent/critical to discuss this week14:46
mlavalleslaweq: ack. thanks!14:46
ykarelwe also have public holiday tomorrow14:46
lajoskatonaykarel, slaweq, mlavalle: ok, I send out also the mail about canceling the meeting14:56
slaweqlajoskatona++ thx14:56
mlavallelajoskatona: ack, thanks!15:57
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Bump oslo.policy to 3.12.0
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: doc: update peering network BGP guide
lajoskatonahaleyb: Hi, shall I have an IPv6 question?16:38
haleyblajoskatona: sure, what's the question?16:39
lajoskatonahaleyb: our downstream team found again an old bug:
lajoskatonahaleyb: the story is that if you create a net with IPv6 subnet boot a VM on it, and after you decide to add an IPv4 net to it the port is not updated automatically with it (it works by manually updating  the port)16:41
lajoskatonahaleyb: do you remember by chance if there is something behind it our just a bug in the code?16:41
lajoskatonahaleyb: In the code I would add another condition here to hanlde the port update for IPv4 subnet alaso: but I fear that there is a story behind it perhaps :-)16:43
haleyblajoskatona: that is an old bug :)  I'm not sure it's a bug as comment 1 mentions - in the case an IPv4 subnet is added first, then an IPv6 stateful (dhcp) subnet is added, ports aren't automatically update either16:43
lajoskatonahaleyb: that's why add_auto_addrs_on_network_ports() is called to select only the ones which needs update really, am I right?16:44
haleybIPv6 stateless is a little different as the Router Advertisement will start to be sent and VMs will just configure the address16:44
* haleyb looks at code link16:44
lajoskatonahaleyb: but if IPv4 is added later that and dhcp is enabled that is something to start port update as I see16:46
haleybSo the comment above that code seems to agree - if it's "auto" addressing update the ports else don't16:47
haleyblajoskatona: so if dhcp is disabled then enabled after subnet add things work?16:48
lajoskatonahaleyb: you mean add the 2nd subnet than disable / re-enable dhcp? that I have't tried16:49
haleyblajoskatona: maybe i didn't understand your last comment about dhcp being enabled16:50
haleyb" but if IPv4 is added later that and dhcp is enabled that is something to start port update as I see"16:50
lajoskatonahaleyb: I mean I create an IPv4  subnet with dhcp enabled, and add that to the network16:51
lajoskatonahaleyb: that should trigger the port update, no?16:51
haleyblajoskatona: in that case does an existing VM have it's port updated? i didn't think it did16:54
haleybi guess there'd have to be a subnet to boot a VM on the network though...16:58
lajoskatonahaleyb: yeah that is the IPv6 subnet on which the VM is booted, and the IPv4 subnet  added later17:06
haleyblajoskatona: i'm trying to look at this from the other perspective - what are the downsides to auto updating all the ports? there is probably more than one reason not to explicitly do it17:13
haleybfor example, if i have a network with a single IPv4 subnet, VMs booted, and add an other since it's addresses are exhausted, automatically updating ports will exhaust that one too.17:15
haleybtheoretically an IPv6 subnet can support more ports than an IPv4 one, so updating all the ports could fail17:15
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lajoskatonahaleyb: hmmm, sounds reasonable17:32
lajoskatonahaleyb: I update the bug with these, could you check it tomorrow if I havent written dumb things, and I will update it to be invalid with explanation17:34
lajoskatonahaleyb: perhaps we can add also a line / warning to doc also, what do you think?17:34
haleyblajoskatona: that's only my opinion of course, I've been known to be wrong. And making sure the docs have a reason for this would be a good thing, it might have only been documented in a spec or something when IPv6 was added, don't know17:35
lajoskatonahaleyb: sounds like a plan then, and during the review perhaps others appear to add their opinion also17:45
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/neutron master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/networking-bagpipe master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/networking-odl master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
opendevreviewJakub Libosvar proposed openstack/neutron master: Avoid register config options on imports
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [fwaas] Remove create_server & _create_network
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [fwaas] Remove _log_console_output & ping_ip_address
opendevreviewMiguel Lavalle proposed openstack/neutron master: Avoid race condition when deleting trunk bridges
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Drop lower-constraints.txt and its testing
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [fwaas] Remove _get_server_port_id_and_ip4 & create_floating_ip
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [fwaas] Remove get_remote_client & check_vm_connectivity
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [fwaas] Remove _create_subnet & setup_clients
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Make test test_remove_associated_ports to be compatible with L3HA
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [bgpvpn] Remove _get_server_port_id_and_ip4 & create_floating_ip

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