Thursday, 2023-03-30

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opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron master: Ensure redirect-type=bridged not used for geneve networks
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron master: Ensure redirect-type=bridged not used for geneve networks
ralonsohbcafarel, hi! if you have 1 min Next week release team will send a patch for Xena, to push the EM release07:57
bcafarelralonsoh: done, can you do yoga also ? so we have the whole chain (did not look at wallaby yet)08:01
fnordahlralonsoh: I believe we've reined in all the other reviewers for if you have a spare moment for a second review08:14
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add debug information to ``MacvtapAgentTestCase.test_get_all_devices``
ralonsohlucasagomes, hi! If you have less than 1 min:
lucasagomesralonsoh, hi there, will take a a look08:31
sahidralonsoh: i noticed your patch that is adding debug details on test_get_all_devices, are we still running issues with it?08:45
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Mark "ipv6_pd_enabled" as deprecated and experimental.
slaweqralonsoh lajoskatona ykarel hi, if You will have some time, please check
slaweqI think we can go with it now and update tests once we will have fix (new rules added internally) later09:10
slaweqalso, please check my last comment there and write Your opinion about potential backport of the fix09:10
slaweqthx in advance09:10
ralonsohslaweq, question in
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [Stateless SG] Add IPv6 and DHCP related tests
slaweqsorry ralonsoh I missed Your question09:14
slaweqgood catch, it's not needed and I just removed it :)09:14
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - TESTING PATCH: neutron-functional-with-uwsgi
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib stable/xena: Don't check context.system_scope to check project scope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-lib stable/yoga: Don't check context.system_scope to check project scope
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [OVN] OVN agent should register "Chassis_Private" by default
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron master: Ensure redirect-type=bridged not used for geneve networks
ykarelslaweq, ack10:29
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] Test stability of workaround
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] Test stability of workaround
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] qemu on nested virt jammy nodes
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] non nested virt jammy nodes
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add debug information to ``MacvtapAgentTestCase.test_get_all_devices``
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM - TESTING PATCH: neutron-functional-with-uwsgi
ralonsohif you don't mind11:33
ralonsohmaster patch is merged11:34
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ralonsohand, if you have time11:41
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [DNM] non nested virt jammy nodes
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/neutron master: port-hints: api extension
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/neutron master: port-hint-ovs-tx-steering: agent side
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/neutron master: port-hint-ovs-tx-steering: shim extension
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/neutron master: DNM debug logs and dev helper scripts
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/neutron-lib master: port-hints: api-ref: Add field length limitation
opendevreviewBence Romsics proposed openstack/neutron-specs master: port-hints: Retrofit spec to details changed during implementation
opendevreviewSlawek Kaplonski proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [Stateless SG] Add IPv6 and DHCP related tests
slaweq@ralonsoh done12:47
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-specs master: Active-active L3 Gateway with Multihoming
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/neutron master: Ensure redirect-type=bridged not used for geneve networks
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/xena: Remove HM uuiid from LB external_ids when the HM's pool is deleted
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovn-octavia-provider stable/xena: Add new FTs for health monitoring basic operations
*** Guest9353 is now known as dasm14:48
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.1: [OVN] OVN agent should register "Chassis_Private" by default
ralonsohfrickler, hi, do you want to join us in the Neutron channel (juno)15:30
ralonsohwe are discussing the neutron-dynamic-routing topic15:31
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [sqlalchemy-20] query.join should define one table/column per call
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sahidif someone avail to (re)+w
fricklerralonsoh: ah, sorry, missed that while being in a different session. not sure if there's much to discuss anyway, maybe I can just submit a patch and we can discuss there if needed16:13
ralonsohfrickler, perfect, we can track this in gerrit16:21
fnordahlthx for reviews and merge of the Active-active L3 Gateway spec! If anyone has a moment for the neutron-lib change we can start staging and getting real CI feedback on the implementation series (which is mostly done)18:00
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: Allow Multiple External Gateways
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: Add extra router attributes for ECMP and BFD
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Add end to end test for QosExtension
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Drop use of OVN_GW_PORT_EXT_ID_KEY
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Drop use of LR OVN_GW_NETWORK_EXT_ID_KEY
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] OVNClient._get_router_ports: Drop unused parameter
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Implement support for external-gateway-multihoming extension
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Honor `enable_default_route_ecmp` attribute
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Allow L3 scheduler to be aware of current transaction
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Add helper for retrieving LR associated with LRP
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Apply soft anti-affinity for LRs with multiple LRPs when scheduling
opendevreviewFrode Nordahl proposed openstack/neutron master: [ovn] Add support for enable_default_route_bfd attribute

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