Wednesday, 2023-07-12

opendevreviewliuyulong proposed openstack/neutron master: [Trivial] speed up l3_db floating IP port janitor DB query
ykarelgmann, ack /me will also check this week what is causing the failure when they run parallel04:50
opendevreviewyatin proposed openstack/neutron master: Add unit tests periodic jobs to the experimental queue
opendevreviewMaxim Korezkij proposed openstack/neutron master: [neutron-api] remove leader_only for sb connection
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add initial support for local OVN cluster instead of kernel-networking
*** elvira1 is now known as elvira07:58
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add initial support for local OVN cluster instead of kernel-networking
opendevreviewBracha Frenkel proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: adds a test for SSH connectivity for 3 VMs on the same network
opendevreviewLuis Tomas Bolivar proposed openstack/ovn-bgp-agent master: Add initial support for local OVN cluster instead of kernel-networking
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [neutron-api] remove leader_only for sb connection
stephenfinralonsoh: Just an FYI, I'm still seeing failures on a proposed sqlalchemy-2x job against requirements
stephenfinI haven't looked into it beyond making sure that it is neutron tests that are failing, so there's a chance it's something _else_ causing the issue, but I'm letting you know since I know you have sqlalchemy jobs that might not be covering everything you think they are14:17
ralonsohstephenfin, let me check14:17
stephenfinOh, and I'm talking about the cross-neutron-py310 job naturally
ralonsohstephenfin, we don't run UTs with sqlalchemy + oslo.db master14:22
ralonsohI'll check it manually now14:22
ralonsohand I'll propose a fix (if that is a problem in our UTs)14:22
ralonsohI'll ping you ASAP14:22
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [sqlalchemy-20] Network "repr" should be tested with any order
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [sqlalchemy-20] Define one DB model per "FromClause.join" clause
ralonsohstephenfin, ^^ both patches16:05
ralonsohwe should be good now, I'm locally testing now16:06
stephenfingreat, thank you for the quick turnaround! :)16:06
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add "neutron-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master" CI job
ralonsohrbacosta, hello?16:39
rbacostaHello ralonsoh16:40
rbacostaralonsoh, about your comment in the review:
ralonsohwhat do you need in L2935? The router ID, right?16:41
rbacostaCan you provide some example of how to do this directly in ovn without taking it from the neutron bank?16:41
rbacostaI need the router name for the NAT rule transaction16:42
ralonsohso you can list the Logical_Router_Ports stored in the NB DB16:42
ralonsohand find this one with external_ids:"neutron:subnet_ids" == <subnet_id> 16:43
rbacostaList all ports? From what I've seen there's no way to user filter on get Logical_Router_Ports.16:44
ralonsohno, you should do that manually16:44
rbacostahummm, okay.I  didn't see anyone doing it like that in mech_driver, I'll try.16:46
ralonsohyou have an example in ovsdbapp: QoSDelExtIdCommand16:46
ralonsohfinding the qos register with a specific external_ids register16:47
rbacostaI'll look at this, thank you very much.16:50
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [sqlalchemy-20] Use the correct OVO field type
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add "neutron-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master" CI job
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [sqlalchemy-20] Define one DB model per "FromClause.join" clause
ralonsohhaleyb, mlavalle, please review these 4 patches ( related to sqlalchemy. The last one introduces the validation with the "neutron-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master" job. 17:59
ralonsohplease note the failing UTs jobs are due to an issue in n-lib.master that slaweq is addressing now18:00
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [sqlalchemy-20] Use the correct OVO field type
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add "neutron-tox-py310-with-sqlalchemy-master" CI job
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Add unit tests periodic jobs to the experimental queue
opendevreviewRoberto Acosta proposed openstack/neutron master: [RFE] [OVN] - IPv6 Distributed routing

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