Monday, 2024-03-18

opendevreviewYoungjun Yoo proposed openstack/neutron master: refectoring: refectoring docstring
*** liuxie is now known as liushy07:24
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Open the 2024.2 (Dalmatian) DB branch
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add "socket" NUMA affinity policy
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Create an OVN DB transaction context decorator
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] "Logical_Router" pinned to chassis, OVN L3 scheduler
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Provide HA functionality to "Logical_Router" chassis pinning
sebaHow is the etiquette on resolving comments in gerrit? As a committer, do I mark the comments as resolved once I think it is resolved or do I leave them open for the reviewer to decide this? I'm asking for but was asking myself this in the past on other reviews.11:05
fricklerseba: I don't think there is much consensus on this. it is also a relatively new feature in gerrit, so a lot of reviewers still tend to ignore this completely. IMO it is perfectly fine to mark comments as resolved yourself, people can always respond and re-open if they disagree12:09
sebafrickler, so in some cases I feel comfortable that I solved the problem, but in some cases I felt happy with my solution but wanted to leave the reviewer the option to decide for themselves. But as long as this will not stop anyone from reviewing I'll leave it as is for now. :)14:09
opendevreviewSeena Fallah proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: ovn-sb: remove chassis from Chassis_Private on ChassisDelCommand
opendevreviewliuyulong proposed openstack/neutron master: Add a default goto table=94 for openvswitch fw
opendevreviewRodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.1: [OVN] The L3 scheduler does not use all chassis by default
ralonsohykarel_, ^14:43
ykarel_ralonsoh, thx14:43
haleybralonsoh: do you want to get this n-t-p change in? as i just got the release change to approve15:02
ralonsohhaleyb, yes, that should be running now to check the ovn agent with the extension15:02
ralonsohhaleyb, ah, and\15:03
haleybralonsoh: there was another15:03
haleybif that is required15:04
ralonsohright, good one yes15:04
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: Fix iptables mapping of 'ipip' protocol
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: Use the system-dependent string for IP protocol 4
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Update master for stable/2024.1
opendevreviewTerry Wilson proposed openstack/ovsdbapp master: Don't assume BFD.status doesn't change
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: [OVN] Use the OVN agent in "neutron-tempest-plugin-ovn"
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: [OVN] Add documentation about the OVN agent
opendevreviewMerged openstack/neutron master: Add metadata options to generated ovn_agent.ini
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add job definitions for 2024.1 (Caracal) branch
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: ovn-sb: remove chassis from Chassis_Private on ChassisDelCommand
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron unmaintained/yoga: Set trunk parent port as access port in ovs to avoid loop
opendevreviewBrian Haley proposed openstack/neutron master: Add note on iptables cleanup after OVS firewall migration
opendevreviewMerged openstack/ovsdbapp master: nb: commands: fix passing string to LSP attach/detach mirror API

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