opendevreview | Renjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test | 00:21 |
opendevreview | Renjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test | 00:33 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Add basical functionalities for metadata path extension | 05:15 |
*** dmellado075539372 is now known as dmellado07553937 | 06:50 | |
opendevreview | Sahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/neutron master: dnm: tests neutron master with osken native | 07:42 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 07:54 |
ralonsoh | slaweq, please check ^, it is important | 07:55 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, hello! please check ^^ | 08:32 |
ralonsoh | I would need to backport it up to 2023.2 | 08:33 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/2024.2: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 08:33 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 08:34 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 08:34 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Explicitly define the mechanism driver | 08:41 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Explicitly define the mechanism driver | 08:41 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Remove the usage of eventlet in the Neutron API (2) | 08:41 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Remove ``neutron-tempest-plugin-linuxbridge`` from experimental queue | 08:50 |
opendevreview | Vasyl Saienko proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add network_data validation for trunks | 08:55 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/tap-as-a-service master: Doc: add documentation for usage and driver details for SRIOV driver | 09:20 |
sahid | lajoskatona, ralonsoh the ci is green with eventlet removal using os-ken native | 09:23 |
sahid | | 09:23 |
sahid | | 09:23 |
ralonsoh | let me check | 09:31 |
tobias-urdin | we have a customer that is a little pickle, they have two physically different provider networks with vlan neutron networks on those and they want to move a neutron network from one of the physical provider network to the other, they apparently have a lot of instances on the network they want to move | 09:52 |
tobias-urdin | now to my knowledge there is no supported way of moving a neutron network between provider networks, but is there anybody that has actually done such a move before? | 09:52 |
tobias-urdin | hacking the database in some way to update the provider network on a network and restarting agents seems extreme and risky but perhaps it works? | 09:53 |
tobias-urdin | ml2 ovs-agent is used | 09:55 |
sahid | tobias-urdin: all the hosts are mapped with the two bridges and physnet? | 09:59 |
tobias-urdin | sahid: yes, both provider networks and their ovs bridges is mapped on all nodes | 10:27 |
tobias-urdin | so i assume they want to physically move the vlan and the instances on it from one provider network the other without having to adding/removing ports on instances or recreating instances | 10:28 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/tap-as-a-service master: GRE/ERSPAN mirroring for taas | 10:33 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/tap-as-a-service master: CLI for Tap Mirrors | 10:55 |
opendevreview | Lajos Katona proposed openstack/tap-as-a-service master: CLI for Tap Mirrors | 11:01 |
opendevreview | Renjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test | 11:03 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: Hi, regarding , don't we need to make the n-d-r tempest job also non-voting? | 11:04 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, this will be fixed with, as tested in | 11:05 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: ack | 11:05 |
ralonsoh | in any case, just to unfreeze the CI, I'll temporarily mark it as non voting | 11:05 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, actually, we should send both changes in one patch | 11:06 |
opendevreview | Renjing Xiao proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Cover both enabled and disabled cases in nested snat validation test | 11:06 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, I'm going to update your patch to add this too, with a comment | 11:06 |
ralonsoh | ok? | 11:06 |
lajoskatona | ralonsoh: thanks, fine for me | 11:06 |
ralonsoh | perfect! | 11:06 |
sahid | tobias-urdin: you can perhaps add new segment to the network that is attach to the second physnet, and then remove the preivous one | 11:09 |
sahid | previous segment | 11:09 |
sahid | so for the new segment, you wii have to use a subset of the subnet range provided to the first segment, and then when removed, extending the one in the new segment | 11:10 |
opendevreview | Renjing Xiao proposed x/whitebox-neutron-tempest-plugin master: Add nested snat test | 11:11 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Bagpipe: make ``neutron-tempest-plugin-bgpvpn-bagpipe`` non-voting | 11:11 |
ralonsoh | lajoskatona, ^^ | 11:11 |
tobias-urdin | sahid: could you elaborate? enable segment extentension, create segment, move both phynet into segment, move networks to segment (is that possible i.e unassigning physnet?), removing one physnet from segment | 11:13 |
tobias-urdin | i assume those networks is tied to the segment for their lifetime (if it works as per above) so i cannot move them away from segment into the remaining physnet in the segment explicitly? | 11:14 |
ralonsoh | slaweq, please approve to unblock the n-t-p CI | 11:14 |
ralonsoh | once the neutron patch is merged, I'll undo the n-d-r change | 11:15 |
tobias-urdin | wonder if agents will wire it up for me if it's works as per above or if i need to handle some kind of restart for the segment changes to apply | 11:15 |
sahid | segments are a bit flexible, you can add and remove segments to a network, basically a segment is 1:1 mapping to a subnet, ou can play with them, that is said I have never tried what you are looking for | 11:17 |
tobias-urdin | sahid: ack, thanks! i will do some testing | 11:18 |
sahid | tobias-urdin: sure :-) | 11:29 |
sahid | ralonsoh: this one is testing neutron master with os-ken in native mode, the point is to ensure the native mode can work with monkey_patching | 11:30 |
ralonsoh | ok | 11:32 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Use admin client for router ext GW operations | 11:36 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron master: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 11:37 |
opendevreview | Rodolfo Alonso proposed openstack/neutron-tempest-plugin master: Remove ``neutron-tempest-plugin-linuxbridge`` from experimental queue | 11:38 |
Yamasa | I am doing a manual demo installation of OpenStack. Where can I find documentation on enabling neutron extensions? | 11:50 |
MengyangZhang[m] | Hi folks, I have some questions about updating neutron QoS policy after reading relevant docs. | 13:40 |
MengyangZhang[m] | - We can update a policy with this put API /v2.0/qos/policies/{policy_id}. But when will the change take effect on the associated port or VM? Would it require any user operation on the VM like reboot or live-migration? | 13:40 |
MengyangZhang[m] | - policy can be associated with a project. Then when we update a policy, will all VMs associated with the project get the update live without reboot or migration action? | 13:40 |
ralonsoh | MengyangZhang[m], the QoS policy enforcement in done in the network backend. In ml2/ovs, the OVS agent will configure this parameter in the local OVS QoS registers. In OVN, similar but in the OVN database (that will configure, via ovn-controller, the needed QoS registers or TC config in the ports). In SR-IOV, the SR-IOV agent will use "tc" commands to set the values in the VFs | 13:54 |
ralonsoh | no reboot is needed, the values are updated immediately* | 13:54 |
ralonsoh | if you have an agent, the agent needs to receive the update (via RPC) and configure the values | 13:54 |
ralonsoh | in OVN, the ovn-controller needs to receive the updates and set the local OVS values or apply the TC values on the ports | 13:55 |
ralonsoh | folks, two very easy CLI patches to review: | 14:25 |
ralonsoh | | 14:25 |
ralonsoh | | 14:25 |
ralonsoh | thanks in advance | 14:25 |
opendevreview | Miro Tomaska proposed openstack/neutron master: Retreive IPs from the external_ids column | 14:54 |
opendevreview | Terry Wilson proposed openstack/neutron master: Update Nova aggregates on changed host mappings | 15:05 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/os-vif master: Remove os-vif-linuxbridge | 15:29 |
tkajinam | ^^^ It seems the linux bridge job is still left in os-vif | 15:30 |
ralonsoh | tkajinam, good catch | 15:31 |
opendevreview | Takashi Kajinami proposed openstack/os-vif master: Drop kuryr-kubernetes-tempest | 15:32 |
tkajinam | and this ^^^ | 15:32 |
tkajinam | ralonsoh, :-) | 15:32 |
tkajinam | it's interesting that kuryr job is not run but anyway we can drop it. | 15:33 |
tkajinam | once lb job is removed we can recheck ... I hope it'll be merged before non-client lib release | 15:35 |
sean-k-mooney | tkajinam: so the linux bridge removal is kind of problematic | 16:57 |
sean-k-mooney | tkajinam: techinally while it was experimental in neutron it was not deprecated or deprecated for removal | 16:58 |
sean-k-mooney | and it certenly was not in nova/os-vif | 16:58 |
sean-k-mooney | so technially we should not be removing it in nova or os-vif untile at elast next cycle | 16:58 |
sean-k-mooney | im not sure that neutron was technially allowed to remove linux bridge supprot this cycle | 17:02 |
sean-k-mooney | unless i a missing where it was formally deprecated in 2024.1 | 17:02 |
sean-k-mooney | per the slurp policy all code that is removed has to be deprecated in the prior slurp release | 17:02 |
sean-k-mooney | im not saying we have to revert the removal but i do need to bring this up with the nova core team to see how we proceed. for now at a minium ill need to disable the nova linux bridge job. | 17:03 |
sean-k-mooney | since os-vif does not allow plugins for out of tree ml2 driver we would also need to remvoe the linux bridge plugin in os-vif | 17:04 |
sean-k-mooney | there is other cleanup we shoudl do in nova but we can defer that to 2025.2 | 17:04 |
haleyb | I think I explained that in on the ML - Linuxbridge was marked experimental in Zed, which implies deprecation. No one was maintaining it and it was a risk to continue it. There were no complaints on the ML or from operators or distros, I don't know what more we could have done | 17:08 |
haleyb | Short of removing jobs that we missed | 17:09 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-removal] Explicitly define the mechanism driver | 17:20 |
sahid | haleyb: any chance you have a look to the serie regarding os-ken? | 17:24 |
sahid | normally they all pass CI | 17:25 |
haleyb | sahid: i will try, sick today so behind on everything | 17:27 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/tap-as-a-service master: GRE/ERSPAN mirroring for taas | 17:28 |
sean-k-mooney | haleyb: that the thign experimintal does not imply deprecation in general | 17:39 |
sean-k-mooney | in nova we have used the term exerpimetal explictly to refer to driver that are not currently deprecated for removal but may be lackingin testing or manintaince | 17:40 |
opendevreview | sean mooney proposed openstack/os-vif master: Deprecate linux bridge supprot | 18:36 |
opendevreview | sean mooney proposed openstack/os-vif master: remove linux bridge plugin | 18:36 |
opendevreview | sean mooney proposed openstack/os-vif master: Deprecate linux bridge plugin | 18:37 |
opendevreview | sean mooney proposed openstack/os-vif master: remove linux bridge plugin | 18:37 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron-specs master: Update to use openstack-python3-jobs template | 18:51 |
*** jlibosva is now known as Guest9053 | 18:53 | |
*** jlibosva is now known as Guest9054 | 18:59 | |
sahid | haleyb: no worries have a good rest | 19:09 |
opendevreview | Terry Wilson proposed openstack/neutron master: Avoid race condition by using persist_uuid | 20:31 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Drop useless sanity check of nova notification support | 21:18 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron stable/2024.1: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 21:18 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron stable/2023.2: Add router ``PUT`` external gateways actions policies | 21:18 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/os-ken master: hub: implement threads related functions | 22:44 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/os-ken master: hub: add equivalents for eventlet functions using native | 22:44 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/os-ken master: hub: implement listen as native | 22:44 |
*** dmellado075539373 is now known as dmellado07553937 | 22:48 | |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/neutron master: Add metadata path extension openflows | 23:43 |
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