Friday, 2025-02-21

mnasertkajinam: fyi this may interest you :)03:08
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix wrong rejex for [ovs] ovsdb_connection
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix wrong rejex for [ovs] ovsdb_connection
tkajinammnaser, ^^^05:24
tkajinamI really don't know why these defaults do not agree by the way05:24
mnaserMe either. It seems like they are duplicated, but this should do the trick for now (tm)05:41
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/neutron master: osken: bump version to 3.0.0
opendevreviewTobias Urdin proposed openstack/neutron master: wip: Use quota driver from allowed address pairs
sahidlajoskatona: o/08:59
sahidI was looking into your comment
sahidI think you made a good point, removing and creating it again is perhaps not good08:59
sahidthat is said we are normally at time where wr launch the agent and we can consider that a full resync will happen09:01
lajoskatonasahid: Hi09:32
lajoskatonasahid: yeah, it sound safer to keep it and update if something is missing or not what is in the neutron cfg file values09:34
sahidlajoskatona: sure09:52
opendevreviewSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed openstack/neutron master: ovs: log warning when ovs is reported dead
zigoHi there!10:05
zigoWe're having some issue with some Windows VMs. They use the virtio-net driver. When I ping something outside the VM, I'm seeing some packet loss between the interface within the VM and its associated TAP.10:05
zigoIs there a way to select smoething else than virtio-net for windows VMs ?10:05
zigoI hate trying debugging MS crap, seriously ... :/10:06
priteauzigo: you have various options available via hw_vif_model depending on your hypervisor, see
zigoThanks, having a look.10:21
priteauI don't work with Windows VMs, but I would assume most of the emulated NICs would work, although some might require installing extra drivers10:22
zigoOk, I see: hw_vif_model=<something>, with something being e1000, e1000e, ne2k_pci, pcnet, rtl8139, virtio, vmxnet3 and igb...10:24
zigoProbably defaulting to virtio, I guess.10:25
priteauI think it depends on the other metadata you have on the image. Nova uses libosinfo to pick the best hardware type for your selected operating system.10:39
sahido/ neutron team11:45
sahidany chance to have this easy one?
toreWhen DVR is enabled, and a tenant network port is both assigned a floating IP, and is a member of an Octavia load balancer, traffic to the FIP ends up centralised (going through the CR-LRP port). is it possible to detect this situation from looking in the MySQL database? I end up programming the wrong MAC address in my EVPN agent for this corner case11:57
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Fix wrong rejex for [ovs] ovsdb_connection
lajoskatonasahid: done13:51
lucadelmontehello, not sure if this is the right channel for this question, i have an openstack 2024.2 cluster deployed with kolla, i am using ovn and genericswitch mech driver for ironic BM provisioning, i have an issue with neutron vif created by ironic, basically neutron-server reports the port as down and then gets plugged in again in an endless loop,, do you have any advice on how to fix 14:02
sahidlajoskatona: thank you !14:24
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/neutron master: [eventlet-deprecation] Remove eventlet from DHCP agent
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/neutron master: Use openvswitch interface driver by default
shermanmlucadelmonte: admittedly I haven't tried ovn+genericswitch, but what do you have for `mechanism_drivers` in your ml2_conf.ini? the order there matters, and I've seen similar issues in the past. 15:45
shermanmwith ovs (not ovn), ours looks like: `mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,genericswitch,baremetal`15:45
fricklertempest with ovn startup failing, haven't seen that before, I assume it is just a one-off, but maybe someone wants to take a look anyway
lucadelmonteshermanm: the order is mechanism_drivers = baremetal,ovn,genericswitch, but i was trying to debug until now and i see that the event which is pluggin the port is fired from PortBindingChassisUpdateEvent, not sure if i have some misconfiguration on the HA of ovn chassis16:10
lucadelmonte_shermanm no luck when changing the order, same "loop"16:16
shermanmlucadelmonte: that was unfortunately my only  "bright idea", especially since ngs is reporting that it bound the port successfully, then neutron is trying again anyway17:45
opendevreviewMohammed Naser proposed openstack/neutron master: Add MTU for all non-external ports

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