Wednesday, 2016-12-14

zhenguomorning nimble01:50
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shaohe_fengzhenguo: morning02:46
shaohe_fengzhenguo: oslo_config.cfg.RequiredOptError: value required for option glance_api_servers in group [glance]02:46
shaohe_fengzhenguo: do we has add new option in nimble config?02:47
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zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, you need to specify the glance_api_servers02:51
shaohe_fengzhenguo: copy your config of [glance] group02:51
zhenguoglance_api_servers =
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I find my evn does not start glance.02:53
shaohe_fengzhenguo: so I need to re-stack my evn by devstack02:53
shaohe_fengzhenguo: or manully start glance02:54
zhenguoshaohe_feng: yes, we need glance to provide image02:54
zhenguoI would suggest you restack you env02:54
shaohe_fengzhenguo: OK.02:54
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shaohe_fengzhenguo: doc/source/dev/dev-quickstart.rst03:36
shaohe_fengzhenguo: has we updated this file?03:36
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I do not find, the devstack config enable the glance.03:37
zhenguoshaohe_feng: not updated yet03:46
zhenguoshaohe_feng: we should addd glance there, sorry03:46
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use uuid as the primary key
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zhenguoshaohe_feng: seems glance is enabled by default04:44
shaohe_fengzhenguo: good.05:39
shaohe_fengzhenguo: Callback: `` subscribed to event `identity.user.deleted`. register_event_callback /opt/stack/keystone/keystone/
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I always encounter issue, when I re-stack05:40
shaohe_fengzhenguo: how do you avoid these issues.05:41
shaohe_fengzhenguo: But if I rebuild it on a fresh evn, it usually can stack successfully.05:42
shaohe_fengzhenguo: /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/ does not exist05:46
shaohe_fengzhenguo: manually create the file. Hope It can works .05:48
shaohe_fengzhenguo: and I $ keystone-manage fernet_setup05:59
shaohe_fengzhenguo: why I need to create the fernet-keys by manually, do we need extra config for the devstack ?06:00
zhenguoshahe_feng: not sure why that happened,06:02
zhenguoshaohe_feng: maybe you can clean the env first,06:03
shaohe_fengzhenguo: I use unstack06:16
shaohe_fengzhenguo: but seems it can not deep clean06:16
zhenguoshaohe_feng: there's a in devstack root directory06:17
shaohe_fengzhenguo: find it.06:21
shaohe_fengzhenguo: let me try06:21
zhenguoshaohe_feng: ok06:21
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use uuid as the primary key
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use uuid as the primary key
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Use uuid as the primary key
openstackgerritliusheng proposed openstack/nimble: Don't need exposing direct executable entry in nimble/cmd
liushengour nimble commands looks too long, not user-friend :(08:15
zhenguoliusheng: we just have one more 'instance' than ironic commands08:21
zhenguoliusheng: do you have other suggestions?08:22
liushengzhenguo: and the "instance" is hard to understand for users08:22
liushengzhenguo: maybe "baremetal server" ?08:23
liushengzhenguo: openstack baremetal server list08:23
zhenguoliusheng: yes, I also like server08:23
zhenguoliusheng: as ironic use baremetal node, so baremetal server is ok for us08:23
zhenguoliusheng: and for nimble API, do you think it's better to also use server than instance08:24
zhenguoliusheng: like what nova does08:24
liushengzhenguo: like this, since I found the openstack cli seems like to avoid the difference service, it just focus on resources08:24
zhenguoliusheng: yes, but not sure it's ok to add our sub command directly under the name space of baremetal08:25
zhenguoliusheng: but seems it's ok08:25
liushengzhenguo: yes, that is what I concern08:27
zhenguoliusheng: I discussed with RuiChen before we choose this pattern.08:28
liushengzhenguo: in another word the "baremetal" in the openstack commands, I think it not indicate the ironic service, osc treat it as a type of resource, right?08:29
zhenguoliusheng: yes, I think so08:29
liushengzhenguo: like other commands, the OSC don't care the service or project name, it just care the resources08:29
zhenguoliusheng: yes, so seems we can use it08:30
zhenguoliusheng: like we can add 'compute' under 'baremetal', why we can't add 'server' :P08:30
liushengzhenguo: hah08:31
zhenguoliusheng: is there some place to record what commands a project has already used, in case of duplicated?08:32
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* zhenguo brb08:38
liushengzhenguo: I am not sure08:39
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zhenguoliusheng: you can add a agenda to tommorow's meeting, we can discuss there08:49
liushengzhenguo: ok08:50
liushengzhenguo: add it in the wiki ?08:52
zhenguoliusheng: yes08:52
liushengzhenguo: ok, done08:54
zhenguoliusheng: thanks08:54
liushengzhenguo: the instance related commands can be openstack baremetal server xxx, but it seems hard to shorten the types related commands08:55
liushengzhenguo: openstack baremetal server type xxx08:56
zhenguoliusheng: how about server type or servertype08:56
liushengzhenguo: I also considered server type, but it don't reduce the amount of words08:56
zhenguoliusheng: what's nova flavor looks like08:57
liushengzhenguo: openstack flavor list08:58
zhenguoliusheng: really short,hah08:58
liushengzhenguo: hah, may we can use baremetal flavor xxx08:58
zhenguoliusheng: hah, yes08:59
zhenguoliusheng: but we have changed flavor to type08:59
liushengzhenguo: yes, but the "baremetal type" may mislead users...09:00
zhenguoliusheng: yes, 'type' is too general,  and maybe ironic will use it in future09:01
liushengzhenguo: yes09:01
zhenguoliusheng: so how about change instance_type back to flavor, lol09:01
liushengzhenguo: let's listen others' voice tomorrow meeting :P09:02
zhenguoliusheng: yes, now I think flavor is a nice name :P09:03
liushengzhenguo: hah09:04
zhenguoliusheng: and it's accept by openstack users09:04
zhenguoliusheng: so I think maybe I was wrong before.09:04
liushengzhenguo: but cinder use volume type09:05
liushengzhenguo: :)09:05
zhenguoliusheng: yes, but it's storage resouce, but we are compute resouce like vm09:06
liushengzhenguo: yes, we fight with Nova :P09:09
zhenguoliusheng: hah09:09
liushengzhenguo: btw, do you think if it is necessary add notifications in Nimble ?09:10
zhenguoliusheng: sure09:10
zhenguoliusheng: it's your task, hah09:11
liushengzhenguo: OK, I will file a bp, yes, sure09:11
zhenguoliusheng: hah09:11
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* zhenguo away for dinner09:57
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zhenguoshaohe_feng: I have updated the taskflow patch, please use the new patch set to test.11:24
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/nimble: Add create instance taskflow
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nimble: Don't need exposing direct executable entry in nimble/cmd
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/nimble: Add create instance taskflow
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