Tuesday, 2015-01-13

xnwquestion - what are you guys using for monitoring?00:00
xavpaice(for alerting, at least)00:01
xavpaiceand collectd + Grafana for graphs of stats00:01
xnwnice. are you monitoring both physical hosts and vm's?00:02
xnwor just hosts?00:02
xavpaicemost of our OpenStack infrastructure is on VMs, we monitor the hypervisors, hardware and VMs, plus several OpenStack metrics00:04
xavpaicemonitoring is kinda continual improvement, we just keep adding more every time we want to look at something00:04
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xnwahh, gotcha - what's the hypervisor, are you running openstack over vmware, or on kvm, or what?00:19
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xnwnice. how many nodes? are you a production cloud?00:27
xnwI'm at Cloudscaling/EMC, we have a bunch of big production openstack clouds, but I want to know how other people are doing things00:28
xnwspecifically monitoring, from an ops perspective00:28
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xnwwe're digging hard on monasca currently00:31
xavpaicewell, then my 2c is that our production cloud is monitored with Icinga and collectd/Grafana, and additionally we use Tempest on all the pre-production environments to keep us sane00:32
xnwbig grafana fan here00:32
xnwkibana also00:33
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xnwwhat are you using for the backend? carbon or influxdb?00:33
xavpaicewe're a fairly small shop, I'm not totally sure how well it's going to scale00:34
xnw*nod*. ehhh... you can get pretty far with carbon-relay00:34
xnwa few hundred nodes, no problem00:34
xnwwell, not *no* problem, but it's doable00:34
xnwI'm really liking influxdb, but I'm not sure I'm willing to trust it for production yet00:35
xnwreally digging the idea of agents->kafka->storm->a persister of some type00:36
xnwbig fan of proven scalable tech... if kafka+storm can run Twitter, it can handle monitoring a cloud.00:36
xnwright now I'm trying to implement 'tach' on the nova services running in docker containers... but not sure how I'm going to get the statsd-style or graphite-style data into monasca yet00:37
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xavpaiceit would be good to hear your experiences with monasca on the mailing list - I'm sure many of us are looking at it but not taking the plunge just yet00:40
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xnwthere's a lot of moving parts00:45
xnwcurrently the biggest flaw imho is the lack of documentation on the install00:45
xnwthe vagrant image works great, but implementing it in your own environment... you're kinda on your own00:45
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serverascodeanyone have an idea on how to best figure out what instance or tenant is using a lot of network resources?02:22
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dvorakxnw: We're fairly close to having Monasca deployed now13:55
dvoraktwo of our guys are maintaining the puppet module for it13:55
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beddariI'm looking at Bosun ... :)17:11
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jlkxnw: we use sensu for monitoring right now18:53
jlkwe have many clouds being monitored and it's all feeding back into our central sensu system and pager duty18:54
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