Tuesday, 2022-05-03

spotzAnyone here yet for OPS Meetup?13:03
emccormickThis meeting time is getting a little dicey :D13:04
spotzWe moved up for Chris as he had a conflict at the later one13:05
spotzNilsMagnus[m]: You here?13:06
emccormickyep. Not a big deal. My daughter's bus comes around 8:55. By the time they load up and I walk back to the house...5 minutes late ;)13:06
mihalis68I'm sort of here. Stll digging out from being on-call last week and we had a serious outage13:06
spotzI think I'm usually the only one on time so no worries.13:06
mihalis68is there pressing business this week13:06
spotzDo we want to meet or skip?13:06
NilsMagnus[m]I'm today in another call in parallel. try to catch up later13:06
emccormickah there you are hehe13:06
spotzI don't have anything. I'll check with OIF later for registration numbers13:07
emccormickI think everything's in place. Maybe just a retweet of the registration / topics pad?13:07
emccormickoh, and did anyone talk to Jimmy about the events page? I forgot to look and see if we're on it13:08
spotzGood work on the clean up and wiki. Yeah that sounds good. I can talk to him13:08
mihalis68thanks. I can tweet again a bit later13:08
emccormickThanks both of you.13:09
mihalis68still on my list is to compare the current topic list to the popular topics at the previous meetup in London we hosted13:09
mihalis68and maybe the prior one in NYC13:09
emccormickYeah I need to look at it too. Keep seeing a squirrel run by every time I go to do it13:10
mihalis68maybe later this week. last week on-call, today sprint planning, so later today and for rest of week is first normality in a while13:10
emccormickGuess we're good for today then otherwise.13:10
mihalis68ok good13:10
spotzOk have a good day all, email to Jimmy is sent13:12
spotzI included Wes and Allison just in case:)13:14
NilsMagnus[m]Cool. I think we're quite prepared. I promoted the event a bit in internal channels, let's see what's the outcome. 14:32
NilsMagnus[m]When twittering, encourage folks to +1 on the topics!14:32

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