Wednesday, 2024-04-17

fkrgood morning. publiccloud-sig meets here:
hamidlotfi_Hi, I'm having a strange problem when I use Horizon, when I use the IP address, my login is correct but when I use the domain name, I get "Invalid credentials.".08:00
hamidlotfi_Please help me to solve it.08:00
hamidlotfi_The only point is that I use http, not https 08:00
hamidlotfi_Of course, in both IP and domain name08:00
hamidlotfi_And another point is that everything works correctly in the command line with OpenStack client or rest-api with curl commands, even by specifying the domain in OS_AUTH_URL.08:00
hamidlotfi_😬  sorry,Sorry, it was sent incorrectly08:01

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