Friday, 2014-03-28

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openstackgerritIvan Melnikov proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Fix race in worker-based executor result processing
openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed a change to openstack/oslo.messaging: Select AMQP message broker at random
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed a change to openstack/oslo-incubator: Remove common context usage from db model_query()
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed a change to openstack/oslo-incubator: Remove common context usage from db model_query()
openstackgerritIvan Melnikov proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Rework documentation of notifications
openstackgerritIvan Melnikov proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Rework documentation of notifications
openstackgerritIvan Melnikov proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Rework documentation of notifications
openstackgerritAnastasia Karpinska proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Exception when scheduling task with invalid state
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dhellmannharlowja_away: it needs a venv because it has to install the oslo libs that provide options, too13:20
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed a change to openstack/oslo.messaging: Fixed inconsistent EventletContextManagerSpawnTest failures
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openstackgerritAnastasia Karpinska proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Test retry fails on revert
openstackgerritAnastasia Karpinska proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Exception when scheduling task with invalid state
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ihrachys|wfhI just got another failure in gate due to fix missing. can anyone consider this for another +2?15:41
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beekneemechihrachys|wfh: +A'd16:10
ihrachys|wfhbeekneemech: tnx! what's with your nickname? ;)16:12
beekneemechihrachys|wfh: It's casual nick friday. :-)16:12
ihrachys|wfhgood idea!16:13
beekneemechBlame the nova guys ;-)16:13
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack/oslo-incubator: Ensure options passed to are sane
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openstackgerritIvan Melnikov proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Rework documentation of notifications
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beekneemechdhellmann: Got a question on
beekneemechI assume we're adding these as non-voting to start so we know they pass, and then we can flip them to voting/gating?20:57
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dhellmannbeekneemech: that's what happened, but I don't think we need to do that in the future21:16
dhellmannI'd like us to add the jobs before a project uses a library, and then when we add the use of the library we already have a job in place to ensure those changes work properly.21:17
dhellmannbeekneemech: I left a comment on the review in response to lifeless' question21:18
beekneemechdhellmann: Okay, thanks.  I'll just enable it as voting right away.  We aren't using oslo.test yet (although I have the change proposed).21:20
dhellmannbeekneemech: sounds good21:26
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dhellmannbeekneemech: also, I'm working on updating that job template so we can use it for other libraries:
beekneemechdhellmann: Cool, that would be good.21:37
dhellmannbeekneemech: it will mean changes to one of the patches, based on which lands first21:38
dhellmannthe job template name changes21:38
beekneemechYeah, it'll be simple enough to change if that merges first, and that'll be a lot less error-prone. :-)21:39
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* dhellmann nods21:40
harlowjadhellmann qq if u are around21:41
dhellmannharlowja: here21:41
harlowjaso wanted to get your thoughts, think taskflow will have 0.2 ready soon, was wondering if there are any release guidelines u had21:41
harlowjathe requirements repo binds to <0.221:41
harlowjaso icehouse shouldn't destablize21:41
harlowjaof course nothing bad will happen, but never know ;)21:42
dhellmannfor libs not branded with oslo, I've just been cutting the "next" release21:42
harlowjafor libs branded?21:42
dhellmannI'm not sure if that's what we want long term, but all are < 1.0 iirc21:42
harlowjaya, we aren't doing so well following the semantic versioning pattern there21:43
dhellmannwell, if the lib isn't stable, using < 1.0 is appropriate21:43
harlowjai thought though that semantic versioning said that if any product depends on your library then its automatically 1.021:44
harlowjabut maybe i'm wrong (can't remember)21:44
dhellmannoh, maybe21:44
harlowjai guess its just in there faq21:45
harlowja"How do I know when to release 1.0.0?21:45
harlowjaIf your software is being used in production, it should probably already be 1.0.0. If you have a stable API on which users have come to depend, you should be 1.0.0. If you're worrying a lot about backwards compatibility, you should probably already be 1.0.0."21:45
harlowjai guess it depends on interpretation of 'probably' then21:45
dhellmannhaha, yeah21:46
dhellmannwell, maybe we should set a goal of moving all of those libs to 1.0 for juno21:46
harlowjasounds like a good summit talk :)21:46
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/taskflow: Raise error if task asked to schedule with unknown intention

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