Monday, 2015-03-02

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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add a fully functional orderedset (WIP)
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslosphinx: Speed up blueprint checking with naming convention
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo-incubator: Simplify boolean expression
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.config: Add expose_opt to CfgFilter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: "packages" might list multiple directories
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.vmware: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.utils: Utility API to generate EUI-64 IPv6 address
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openstackgerritAbhijeet Malawade proposed openstack/tooz: fix mysql driver url parsing
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ttxjogo: right. StoryBoard has n:n project groups so you can just put a project in as many projectgroups as needed07:52
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed openstack/oslo.db: POC: Add a public DB fixture
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.vmware: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Add a check for staticmethod
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-dev/hacking: tests: allow to run the same test for different code
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: rabbit: heartbeat implementation
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dimshi jd__, flaper87, dhellmann, beekneemech, i pushed a priority fix in oslo.log for Nova folks, details here -
openstackLaunchpad bug 1426544 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Nova switching to oslo_log blows up instance object repr in logs" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Davanum Srinivas (DIMS) (dims-v)12:22
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sdaguedims: per -nova conversation, the logs are actually *really* broken after oslo.log merged. All the request_id, user_id, project_id information is gone13:07
sdagueeven with your proposed fix13:08
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dimssdague: ack13:21
sdaguefor those playing along at home - here is the critical bug -
openstackLaunchpad bug 1427209 in oslo.log "oslo.log doesn't log request_id, project_id, user_id in nova" [Critical,New]13:24
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dimssdague: so i picked the same exact message in both logs13:25
dimsthey look the same13:26
dimsso at least some paths are working13:26
sdagueso it's just missing in the actually wsgi log message>13:27
sdaguewhich is a really important one13:27
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dimstrying to get a sense of how may are missing13:29
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sdagueso, the wsgi path is going through eventlet13:31
sdaguethat might be the only one that's missed, but it's a big break from the n-api side13:34
dimssdague: digging through now13:35
sdaguedims: looks like the writable logger is to blame13:36
dimsis there a line in nova that logs this?13:37
dimsi mean calls .write()13:38
dimsself._wsgi_logger = loggers.WritableLogger(self._logger)13:39
sdagueit's all passed to eventlet, then we use eventlet's request logging13:39
sdagueanyway, I need to deal with snow for a bit. back later.13:41
dimsack thanks13:41
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mriedemdhellmann: is the script supposed to work for python-novaclient?14:29
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dimsmriedem: dhellmann may not be around today14:31
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dimsbeekneemech: will you be able make it to the oslo meeting today? i am supposed to run it today, but working this nova/oslo.log show stopper14:32
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sdague.deprecated was removed from oslo.log?15:01
sdaguewhat's the replacement pattern?15:02
dhellmannmriedem: it *should* but you have to set up your launchpad project in a particular way with naming conventions for milestones. Did it fail, or are you asking before trying?15:03
dhellmanndims: my house-guest plans changed so I'm around today. You can still chair the meeting, but I'll be able to be there.15:03
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dimsdhellmann: thanks!15:03
dhellmannsdague: there's a function in versionutils15:03
dhellmanndims: oh, I just saw the thing about the nova show-stopper, so if I need to run the meeting I can. Just let me know, I didn't want to step on any toes. :-)15:04
sdaguedhellmann: so what's the new invocation?15:04
dimsdhellmann: yes, please go ahead!15:04
mriedemdhellmann: there are a few issues, i have a storyboard thing open15:04
mriedemdhellmann: will probably push some changes up to release-tools15:05
sdagueI have 2 patches in flight with LOG.deprecated in them15:05
dhellmannsdague: you call versionutils.report_deprecated_feature directly15:05
dhellmannwe had to remove a circular dependency between those 2 modules :-/15:05
dhellmanndims: ok, I'll take care of it15:06
dhellmannmriedem: let me know when you push and I'll help ttx review them15:06
dhellmannsdague: the docs haven't landed yet,,cm15:07
sdaguedoes debcollector have something for this yet?15:08
sdagueit seems odd to revert back to incubator, then have to change again shortly15:09
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dimsdhellmann: things logged through WritableLogger does not seem to have context information15:16
dhellmanndims: hmm15:16
dhellmannsdague: debtcollector is not going to include version info like versionutils does -- it's for developer-facing deprecation messages for API changes15:17
dimsi suspected a disconnect between oslo.log and nova context15:17
dhellmanndims: likely, or maybe the ContextFormatter isn't being set up correctly for the writable loggers?15:17
dimsdhellmann: hmm15:19
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo.log: Add migration notes
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dhellmanndims: let me look at the writable logger code so I can see what it is doing...15:23
dhellmannok, as I thought that's just a thin shim15:23
dhellmanndoes something in the wsgi app set up the request context using oslo.context?15:24
dhellmanndims: ^^15:24
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dimsdhellmann: looks like here -
dimssdague: mriedem: can you please confirm that's where the nova RequestContext is minted?15:29
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mriedemdims: looks right15:30
dhellmannmriedem: ah, yeah, good point15:30
sdaguedims: to the best of my knowledge15:31
mriedemdhellmann: still doesn't work for python-novaclient b/c of the milestone rename stuff assuming the milestone next-$version scheme which novaclient doesn't follow - looks like a lot of the clients don't follow that15:31
mriedemso was thinking about putting some skip logic in the script for that15:32
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dhellmannmriedem: or start using that convention so we're handling the libs consistently?15:32
mriedemdhellmann: i don't have access to create series and milestones manually in lp for novaclient15:32
mriedembut yeah..15:32
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dhellmannmriedem: yeah, you need to be on the drivers team, so you'd need to talk to someone there about adding you -- I think you can request access through lp but it'll be faster on irc15:33
mriedemyou'd think :)15:33
mriedembut probably not15:33
dhellmanndims: nova.context.RequestContext doesn't appear to subclass oslo_context.context.RequestContextx15:34
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mriedemit never has15:35
mriedemnova has it's own request context15:35
dhellmannmriedem: it needs to now to work properly with oslo.log15:35
mriedemthere was an attempt to use oslo.context a few releases ago for domains i think?15:35
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dhellmannthe oslo_context class was copied from nova15:35
mriedembut the thing that required that was dropped15:36
dimsdhellmann: mriedem: trying
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dhellmanndims: left a comment about to_dict15:39
mriedemdhellmann: ok, so oslo_context already processes the instance kwarg, but since we're not using the right thing oslo.log isn't formatting it correctly?15:42
mriedemi should say, oslo.log already processes the kwarg15:42
dhellmannmriedem: what's being passed in?15:42
mriedemsomething like, LOG.warning(_('foo happened'), instance=instance)15:43
mriedemwhere instance is a nova object15:43
mriedemthat implements __repr__15:43
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dhellmannmriedem: ok, so that's going to passed through to the logging context just as it used to be, and the default for the format string hasn't changed yet so it will keep working15:45
mriedemso why are we seeing the entire instance object logged rather than just the uuid like we did before?15:45
mriedemor are you saying it will go back to 'normal' after we start using oslo.context?15:45
dimsmriedem: i already patched oslo.log for the instance stuff15:45
dhellmannoh, I didn't realize it was being logged incorrectly15:46
dimsam chasing the wsgi/context problem now15:46
mriedemdims: link?15:46
dimsdhellmann: mriedem: one sec15:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1427209 in oslo.log "oslo.log doesn't log request_id, project_id, user_id in nova" [Critical,Confirmed] - Assigned to Davanum Srinivas (DIMS) (dims-v)15:46
dhellmannso we need an oslo.log release for that15:46
dimsyep and yep15:46
dimsdhellmann: yep, only if we can nail the wsgi/context15:47
sdaguemriedem: there are multiple issues in flight here, I only discovered the second one when looking to verify the formatting fix15:47
dhellmanndims: eventually we'll want to convert that to "resource_uuid" somewhere (maybe inside oslo.log?) to allow for the format string change15:49
dimsdhellmann: note that the instance is specified as kwargs in LOG calls, not from context15:50
dhellmannyeah, still, when we change the default format string there won't be anywhere for that value to go if we don't store it as resource_*15:50
sdagueunrelated question, which I'm running into while working on tests, why is policy_dirs a configuration variable?15:50
dimsdhellmann: right, that's why nova sets its own context logging string15:51
dhellmannsdague: I think I lost that argument15:51
sdagueas in, in what world do we believe that needs to be deployment changable15:51
sdaguedhellmann: is there history somewhere, because this seems like a very odd knob15:51
dhellmanndims: oh, if that's the case, then why was this failing and why do we need to do anything special?15:51
dhellmannsdague: I'd have to go find the review in gerrit.15:52
dhellmannI may have just given up on that to get the feature into the library.15:52
dimsdhellmann: instance was getting picked up, but we were not applying the instance_uuid_format/instance_format to it15:54
dhellmannactually, it looks like I was just assuming we did want it configurable:
dhellmannsdague: ^^15:54
sdaguedhellmann: yeh, just found it15:54
dhellmanndims: ah, got it15:54
dimsdhellmann: so the entire __repr__ was printed15:54
sdaguethat links to a blueprint that doesn't exist15:54
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dhellmanndims: maybe we should think about generalizing that "how to format a special object" stuff so it's not just useful for instances15:55
dimsdhellmann: ack15:55
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dhellmannsdague: the blueprint links in gerrit don't work for oslo because they aren't under the openstack project group15:56
dimssdague: should pick up the nova Depends-On: change and latest oslo.log trunk right?15:56
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dimssdague: am pulling in oslo.log from trunk using "LIBS_FROM_GIT=oslo.log" and the Depends-On points to nova chance15:57
sdaguedims: so that assumes the changes are landed in oslo.log, right?15:58
dimssdague: the instance explosion, i landed it15:58
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sdaguedhellmann: yeh, so it looks like the original blueprint only cared about .d support, not that it's configurable - - maybe we could remove that config var, as it seems like knob that we're highly unlikely to want.16:02
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dhellmannsdague: makes sense16:07
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack/oslo.policy: remove policy_dirs option
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add a fully functional orderedset (WIP)
sdaguedhellmann: well, proposed there16:37
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openstackgerritMichael Bayer proposed openstack/oslo.db: Implement generic update-on-match feature
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: NotifyPublisher need handle amqp_auto_delete
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: NotifyPublisher need handle amqp_auto_delete
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dimsdhellmann: could use your eyes again - when you get a chance please17:00
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ihrachyshkadhellmann, we could come up with some API that would generate something 'similar' to datetime, but not exactly the one :)17:01
ihrachyshkadhellmann, still, that would be a new API17:01
ihrachyshkabut easier to adopt17:01
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jogottx: nice17:16
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dhellmannihrachyshka: I really don't think we want to reinvent datetime. Can we fix this upstream?17:21
ihrachyshkadhellmann, I suspect there is a reason for the module not to support it till now17:22
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ihrachyshkadhellmann, viktors|afk ideas on why datetime is not leap seconds aware (and documented as such)? ^^17:22
ihrachyshkadhellmann, see first answer
ihrachyshkadhellmann, maybe we can use it as a workaround? :)17:24
ihrachyshkathough it would just mean we don't ValueError (while still generating incorrect datetime object that does not correspond to real 'leaped' time)17:24
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dhellmannihrachyshka: if the problem is just in the datetime class with the validation of seconds, that seems like a relatively easy fix?17:26
ihrachyshkadhellmann, it depends on whether we consider timeutils returning a 'slightly' incorrect datetime object as a problem17:27
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dimssdague: looks like the context stuff did the trick -
ihrachyshkadhellmann, if we're ok with it consistently leaping for +1 sec for leap sec case, then ok17:27
ihrachyshkadhellmann, I guess the hack around is a good short term fix, but we may need to rethink the usage of datetime objects in long term (spec?)17:28
dhellmannihrachyshka: whether we're ok with that would depend on the context, which is why I think we should just fix the stdlib module instead of working around it17:28
dhellmannthat documentation message says the module "does not" support leap seconds not "will never"17:29
ihrachyshkadhellmann, I don't feel like diving into python dev community, but we'll see :)17:30
dhellmannihrachyshka: as it happens, haypo is a python developer17:31
ihrachyshkaright, someone with hands dirty in cpython would be good to have on board17:32
haypoihrachyshka, dhellmann : datetime is not my favorite module :) too many users complain about it, because each user has a different use case :-p17:32
dhellmannhaypo: in this case, we have a leap-second bug coming up later this year:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1427212 in oslo.utils "timeutils is not leap second safe" [Undecided,New]17:32
ihrachyshkahaypo, "too many users complain about it" isn't it openstack way?17:32
ihrachyshka"each user has a different use case" that one is also pretty openstack17:32
dhellmannhaypo: we're trying to decide whether (and how) to work around it, or if we can/should fix it upstream (my preference)17:32
haypolast issue related to leap second: -- doc fix to mention that datetime doesn't support leap seconds :-p17:33
haypo+   Unlike the :mod:`time` module, the :mod:`datetime` module does not support17:33
haypo+   leap seconds.17:33
dhellmannhaypo: yeah, that won't help us here because we might end up with a crashing server17:33
ihrachyshkathat's an easy fix :)17:33
dhellmannhaypo: do you know if it doesn't support them out of principle, or just because no one has made it work yet?17:34
haypodhellmann: no idea17:34
dhellmannhaypo: ok17:34
ihrachyshkahaypo, do you have people on your mind to ask?17:35
haypodhellmann: which result do you expect for datetime(2012,6,30,23,59,60)-datetime(2012,6,30,23,59,59) ?17:36
haypoihrachyshka: sure, alexander beloposky aka belopolsky17:36
haypoihrachyshka: you may start by opening a issue to request the feature17:36
haypoihrachyshka: belopolsky is our time expect :)17:36
ihrachyshkahaypo, hm, 1 sec diff, isn't it??17:37
ihrachyshkahaypo, ack, will do17:37
dhellmannhaypo: I expect it to be what's passed in, I guess. I mean, that's the actual time value, right?17:37
otherwiseguydhellmann: Just added you as a reviewer for . I'm mplementing rootwrap daemon mode support for neutron and running into some tricky environment variable stuff and would appreciate your input.17:37
dhellmannotherwiseguy: ok, ttx is our expert for rootwrap17:37
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haypoihrachyshka: ok, so what do you expect for datetime(2012,7,1,0,0,0)-datetime(2012,6,30,23,59,59) ? 1 or 2 seconds?17:37
dhellmannhaypo: oh, your message wrapped and I didn't notice that it was a computation not just one time17:38
ihrachyshkaI guess 2 secs (assuming it's the moment the leap second wasadded)17:38
haypoi don't know how other time modules handle leap seconds17:38
otherwiseguydhellmann: great, thanks. just did a git blame on and it showed all you, didn't notice it was a code move. :)17:38
ihrachyshkahaypo, I suspect leap seconds are stoped in e.g. tzdata (?) and the data should be crawled each time we do such calculations17:39
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haypoihrachyshka: datetime has a poor support for timezones17:39
ihrachyshkaor we rely on proper leap aware functions from e.g. POSIX under the hood17:39
dhellmannotherwiseguy: yuriy taraday is another good reviewer for that, since he did the work on daemon mode17:40
haypoihrachyshka: it's not a good idea to rely on the system if you want portability. we had a *lot* of issues with windows, solaris and aix17:40
ihrachyshkahaypo, I suppose they also have some platform specific way to get the data17:40
ihrachyshkaor screw them :P17:40
otherwiseguydhellmann: you wouldn't happen to know if he hangs out on IRC/how to get ahold of him?17:41
dhellmannotherwiseguy: I don't remember his irc nick :-/17:41
ihrachyshkaotherwiseguy, email?17:41
dhellmannotherwiseguy: gerrit should do tab completion on his name for you, though17:41
dimsdhellmann: sdague: mriedem: we should roll out the oslo.log release for that "instance" show stopper17:41
haypoihrachyshka: the old may enhance timezone support, but it's still a draft17:41
haypoihrachyshka: seriously, datetime is a just a can of warms. be careful :)17:42
haypoof worms17:42
otherwiseguydhellmann: Yeah, I added him to the review first and hadn't heard anything. Just wondered about some real-time communication. ;)17:42
dhellmanndims: how about a +2a on
dhellmannotherwiseguy: ah, ok17:42
dimsdhellmann: ack17:43
otherwiseguyihrachyshka: good point. I always forget that email thing.17:43
ihrachyshkayeah, it's so 90s17:43
ihrachyshkawe're in TDD world (twitter driven development), right?17:44
haypoihrachyshka: i may help you to support leap seconds in datetime, but it doesn't look to be easy to add it today. it might break the backward compatibility...17:44
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dhellmanndims: oh, I see jecarey had comments on that patch. We can merge it after the release17:44
ihrachyshkahaypo, sounds like a piece too huge for me to bite on the first sight, though I'll check later myself17:45
dimsdhellmann: y, i was reading the rendered document, reads well17:45
dhellmanndims: I'll go ahead and tag 0.4.017:45
haypoihrachyshka: just open an issue at ;)17:45
ihrachyshkahaypo, and thanks in advance for help17:45
dhellmannthen update that doc patch17:45
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dimsdhellmann: ok17:46
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* ihrachyshka leaves home. cu all17:46
dimsdhellmann: do you know if other projects have custom RequestContext classes? we may want to add a note about that too17:47
dhellmanndims: good point. I mean, the whole point of providing the context library was for this, but yeah.17:47
dhellmanndims, mriedem, sdague : oslo.log 0.4.0 released17:49
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo.log: Add migration notes
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/oslo.config: Typo in StrOpt docstring: Integer to String
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thervedims, Heat has one at least18:27
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dimstherve: thanks, we should make sure it inherits from the oslo_context one18:29
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therveYeah it does18:31
dimstherve: cool18:33
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack/oslo.policy: remove policy_dirs option
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dhellmannsdague: I'm not sure how to go about deprecating policy_dirs. If we just remove it, there's no warning to the user.19:01
dhellmannbnemec, you did some work on deprecating opts recently, thoughts? ^^19:03
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bnemecHmm, this is a little different.  That was for renamed opts.19:06
dhellmannso what's the policy for options we're no longer using at all?19:06
bnemecBut we could put some logic in oslo.policy to log if the opt is set.19:06
dhellmannit seems especially important given that this is the option potentially telling us where to look for a file that we might now not be loading at all19:07
bnemecAs a one-off we could just default the opt to None in oslo.policy and log if someone overrides that, and use policy.d otherwise.19:09
bnemecA formal "this opt is deprecated for removal" in oslo.config might be good though.19:09
dhellmannit would be useful to have a "deprecated and no longer used" feature in oslo.config, too19:09
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bnemecdhellmann: I'll take a look at adding something like that to oslo.config.  Shouldn't be too hard.19:11
bnemecOf course, famous last words and all that. :-)19:11
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dhellmannbnemec: sounds good, thanks19:12
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/oslo.config: Add ability to deprecate opts for removal
bnemecdhellmann: ^Should do the trick19:57
dhellmannbnemec: should we tie into versionutils there to say when it will be removed?19:58
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bnemecdhellmann: I wasn't sure.  Libs don't have a concept of "deprecated in K, will be removed in L".19:59
dhellmannbnemec: now that we're capping stable branches, the libs can know about versions20:00
dhellmannwe can make that enhancement later, because we still have to figure out what we're doing with verisonutils20:00
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bnemecYeah, and we can't use versionutils in oslo.config.20:01
bnemecSo we'd have to reimplement all of that here.20:01
dhellmannwell, we can if we always leave it in the incubator, which is looking like what we'll have to do20:01
bnemecAh :-(20:01
dhellmannthat's not a big deal, it's going to change once or twice per cycle so it's pretty darn stable20:02
dhellmannbut as a matter of dependency management, there's no useful way to put it in a library20:02
bnemecdhellmann: Even if we don't use it in oslo.config?20:03
dhellmannno, but that's one of the main places we want to be able to use it20:03
sdaguedhellmann: it's only because of the fatal deprecations option right?20:03
dhellmannsdague: that's what introduces the circular dependency, yes20:04
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo-incubator: Add liberty release name to versionutils
sdagueso what about combining a couple of these foundational libraries to get around that?20:05
sdagueor having fatal deprecations be env triggered for version utils, and put the conf option in oslo.config that just sets the env variable20:07
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dhellmannit's not just fatal configuration deprecations though, right? it's any deprecation?20:08
dhellmannso then we have oslo.config controlling the behavior of versionutils20:08
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dhellmannthis isn't the problem I'm trying to solve right now, so I don't want to unload what I'm working on to think about this20:08
sdagueok, no prob20:08
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dhellmannbnemec: that deprecation warning is only going to be triggered when some code tries to read the config value, right?20:09
dhellmannbut that won't be the case for an option we're removing, will it? or is it going to be triggered when the options are logged?20:09
bnemecdhellmann: Yeah, it's the same problem as the previous change - at parse time we don't have the Opt definition so we don't know whether it's deprecated or not.20:10
dhellmannyeah, we relied on the logging behavior for that, too20:10
bnemecIt will be triggered when the options are logged in debug, but that requires the debug firehose to be turned on.20:10
dhellmannok, just verifying20:10
dhellmannoh, hrm20:10
dhellmannand I guess we can't trigger when the option is registered because the file hasn't been loaded yet20:11
dhellmannI suppose logging for debug is better than nothing20:11
bnemecBasically we can't rely on the file being loaded when the opt is created, or vice versa because they can both happen asynchronously.20:11
bnemecI suppose we could always call the debug logging thing and give it a silent flag or something.20:13
dhellmannwhen would we call it? :-)20:13
bnemecIn fact, I wonder if that happens anyway.  It should be safe to call LOG.debug when the log level is set higher than that?20:13
dhellmannyeah, the messages are just ignored20:13
dhellmannoh, right, so maybe it will log deprecations anyway20:13
* dhellmann hates side-effects20:14
bnemecYou'd have to do it any time an opt is registered or we run conf()20:14
dhellmannwe could track deprecated options before __call__() happens and look for them when the file is read, then when new options are registered we could notice that we have the file and a deprecated option registration and do something special20:15
dhellmannbut that's going to be more work20:15
dhellmannsmall steps, let's take this version first20:15
bnemecIt's amazing how complicated it is to parse an ini file. :-)20:15
dhellmannit's amazing how complicated *we make it* to parse an ini file20:16
bnemecHeh, true20:16
dhellmannif we didn't let code anywhere in the system register a configuration option we'd be better off in this regard20:16
dhellmannof course other things would be harder :-)20:16
bnemecProbably also worth noting that if someone manages to run a service without ever referencing the deprecated opt, it probably doesn't actually matter to them if it goes away.20:17
* bnemec is way overdue for lunch20:18
dhellmannbnemec: but if we remove the opt, as in this case, then nothing will refer to it20:20
bnemecdhellmann: Right, but we can't do that if we're going to deprecate it first.20:26
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dhellmannbnemec: true20:38
dimsdhellmann: requirements bump please -
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dimsdhellmann: something weird in amqp logging -
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openstackgerritMichael Bayer proposed openstack/oslo.db: Implement new oslo.db.sqlalchemy.enginefacade module
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add a fully functional orderedset
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add a fully functional orderedset
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add a frozen checking decorator
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harlowja_dhellmann yt22:29
harlowja_for and (involving haypo )  what the heck is expected there :-P22:29
harlowja_meta-spec ;-/22:29
harlowja_whats that, lol22:30
* harlowja_ doesn't quite understand why 2 specs are bad22:30
harlowja_they are sorta different :-P22:30
harlowja_*if u have any idea, if not thats ok, will bother thierry22:31
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add a fully functional orderedset
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dhellmanndims: +2a23:07
dhellmanndims: are you talking about the log line or the traceback that follows it?23:08
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dimsdhellmann: the traceback after that. i think it be because of the dict<->object round trip, hoping this will fix it dhellmann -
dhellmanndims: I wonder if the request is not be reconstructed properly after it comes over the wire23:08
dhellmanndims: I'll bet that will fix it23:10
dimscross my fingers23:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/taskflow: Bring over from nova/heat/others
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/taskflow: Stick to one space after a period
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dhellmannharlowja_: I was hoping to get into oslotest so we don't have to copy it all over the place
harlowja_might as well23:29
harlowja_good to know23:29
dhellmannalthough that apparently needs a rebase and to pull the right version of the script body23:29
* dhellmann has had an unusually high number of interruptions lately23:31
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harlowja_damn HP people leaving cores and such23:32
harlowja_and interrupting dhellmann23:32
dhellmannharlowja_: heh23:32
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslotest: Import nova's wrapper for nice testr output
dhellmannmtreinish: what's the status of splitting out the subunit-trace command from tempest-lib to make it possible to pip install it separately? can I help with that?23:37
mtreinishdhellmann: I had completely forgotten about that23:38
dhellmannmtreinish: I'd be happy to do the work, if you like, but you're more familiar with the code.23:38
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dhellmannmtreinish: I could also file a bug/blueprint if this is a bad time to do the work (dunno what your work load is like right now)23:39
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mtreinishdhellmann: well I'm not oppossed to moving it into it's own thing. BUt what was the motivation for doing it again23:41
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dhellmannmtreinish: I would like to be able to deliver that wrapper script from ^^ in a package of some sort instead of copying it around into various projects. I had planned to put it into oslotest, but it could also go into the package with the lib itself, I guess. However, no oslo projects can depend on tempest-lib because tempest-lib depends on some of the oslo projects...23:42
dhellmannso I was hoping to be able to carve that one piece of functionality out of tempest-lib to make it installable on its own so we can use it in oslo23:42
mtreinishdhellmann: just oslo.log I think, but sure23:42
dhellmannyeah, I wasn't sure about config and frankly didn't want to have to keep up with the list :-)23:42
mtreinishfwiw, the one source of might not work, because there are local differences between some projects' versions of it23:43
dhellmannthere don't need to be, though, right?23:43
dhellmanna version could be shared as long as the projects were willing to share it?23:44
mtreinishwell, for the most part. At it's very basic it's just a pipe testr. Some projects have a workaround for until-failure. Others add some output to the end of the run23:44
dhellmannI don't care about one-offs. We can just put the script in oslotest if we have to, but I don't want 27 copies in all of the oslo repos being different.23:45
mtreinishdhellmann: it really doesn't need to be a separate script to just run tox jobs, because you can just do bash -c "testr run --subunit | subunit-trace"23:45
dhellmannother projects can have their own, or use ours, or not use it at all23:45
mtreinishdhellmann: ok sure23:45
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mtreinishdhellmann: I can try to do the subunit-trace split tomorrow (if you ping me in the morning to remind me :) )23:47
dhellmannmtreinish: will do23:47
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mtreinishit shouldn't be hard, just spin up a cookiecutter and copy the one file and add an entry point23:47
dhellmannmtreinish: sure, or you can use oslo-incubator/tools/ if you want to preserve the history23:48
dhellmannyou still need the cookiecutter stuff after that, of course23:48
dhellmannmtreinish: ok, time for me to sign off, I'll talk to you about it more in the morning23:49
mtreinishdhellmann: oh yeah, I guess I should try to preserve the history23:49
mtreinishdhellmann: ok cya23:49
mtreinishdhellmann: oh also fwiw, the issue I put in the earlier review I've since fixed in subunit-trace so you didn't have to update it :)23:50
dhellmannmtreinish: oh, well :-)23:51
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dhellmannmtreinish: does this look like what we need?
dhellmannmtreinish: obviously the setup files need to be modified, and we need the cookiecutter stuff applied, but I thought that could happen after an import23:53
dhellmannI don't know if we need any other files besides that one script23:53
mtreinishdhellmann: nope that should be it23:55
mtreinishthat looks like all that's needed23:55
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Use ordered(set/dict) to retain ordering of requires/optional

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