Wednesday, 2015-03-11

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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow injected atom args to be persisted
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack/oslo.policy: Publicize oslo_policy.opts.register
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/tooz: Add a driver feature compatibility matrix
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add failure json schema validation (WIP)
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add failure json schema validation (WIP)
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openstackgerritDan Krause proposed openstack/taskflow: Added EventTimeListner to record when events occur
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openstackgerritDan Krause proposed openstack/taskflow: update uses of TimingListener to DurationListener
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openstackgerritDan Krause proposed openstack/taskflow: (WIP) lazy loading for logbooks and flowdetails
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/taskflow: Denote issue 17911 has been merged/accepted
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.utils: Imported Translations from Transifex
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow injected atom args to be persisted
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow injected atom args to be persisted
openstackgerritLan Qi Song proposed openstack/oslo.config: Support deprecate both name and group
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow injected atom args to be persisted
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Update to oslo.context
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Deprecates the localcontext API
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jd__dhellmann: btw you owe me a response in I think09:55
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viktorsdhellmann: ping12:12
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sdaguedhellmann: fyi, towards the end of my nova philly ops meeting email, there are some interesting bits around rabbit / oslo.messaging, especially a patch everyone wants landed.13:06
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dimssdague: ack the rabbitmq heartbeat patch13:27
dimssdague: first trying to verify that the patch does work as we lack functional testing13:27
dimssileht: ^^ :)13:27
silehtdims, sdague, yes it's hard to test13:30
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dimssileht: so how did you test it when you wrote the patch?13:31
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dimsozamiatin: and i can try to replicate that same testing sileht hence asking13:32
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silehtI have a small script to create rpc client and server, I have make some call() then sleep13:33
silehtI restart rabbitmq13:34
silehtthe server immedialty detect the connection lost since oslo.msg 1.6 (when we start poll the broker at least every 1 sec)13:34
silehtand then see on the client part that all polled connection used for call() have been restart when next heartbeat occurs13:35
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silehtdims, also the large ops jobs is a good tests to ensure that rabbit doesn't unexpectly closes the connection because it doesn't receive a heartbeat (all previous implementations tentative was failing randomly on that job)13:37
dimssileht: cool, can you share the script please?13:39
silehtdims,, this not the exact version I have used for my testing13:40
dimssileht: thanks,13:41
silehtdims, you have to reintroduce the sleep()13:41
dimssileht: approx which line?13:41
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silehtdims, just after the main() to not close the connections when all the calls have finished13:43
dimscool thanks13:43
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silehtdims, thanks for testing it !13:49
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dhellmannNakato: let's not let the fact that we don't have a maintainer block us from starting the graduation work13:59
e0nedhellmann, Nakato: +1 from me on it13:59
dhellmannjd__: I don't think we can remove that function since it has so many users14:00
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dhellmannsdague: I'll check it out.14:00
jd__dhellmann: uh? since when is it impossible to deprecate for removal? :(14:01
dhellmannjd__: the fact that the function is small and apparently useless to you isn't, imo, sufficient justification to require all of the users of it to have to go touch code that is working for them14:02
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dhellmannsileht: is that test script part of your patch?14:02
dimsdhellmann: no14:02
jd__dhellmann: it's more than useless, it's dangerous, bad idea to use it, we should deprecate it to stop having it spread everywhere14:03
dhellmanndims, sileht : it would be useful to add it, at least for documentation purposes14:03
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dhellmannjd__: then you need to publicize the plan more and get some buy-in from some of the other projects. Maybe a ML thread?14:04
jd__really? a ml thread to bike shed on that? :(14:04
jd__it's a deprecation warning14:04
dhellmannjd__: people do not pay close enough attention to plans we make in reviews or in here, so what I predict happening is someone filing a bug against the library because it is logging deprecation warnings too much and causing a nova job to fail14:05
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jd__dhellmann: which is orthogonal to the fact that this patch is good or bad14:06
dhellmannthere will be a lot of anger, and more calls to just stop oslo from even existing, and I'm not in the mood to deal with that this cycle14:06
dhellmannthe patch is bad because it is likely to cause issues downstream from us, and we need to start thinking about that more14:06
silehtdhellmann, this is not really a test script, this is a tools to help me to play around oslo.messaging14:07
dhellmannsileht: ah, ok. still, it might be useful to have it in the repo to share it14:07
silehtdhellmann, it needs some cleanup to do that, it have a lot of hardcoded thing14:08
jd__I thought we were supposed to resolve the technical debt, not maintaining it14:08
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dhellmannjd__: we can remove technical debt. You're asking to discard a function that is working as designed in some large number of places. To do that, you need more of a plan than "this thing is going away". We need to provide a replacement or a fix.14:10
jd__dhellmann: there already is a replacement and a fix (IIRC from my commit message)14:10
jd__dhellmann: there's just code to change in $project14:10
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dhellmannis replacing strtime() with isotime() going to work if we're mixing them? can the time parser handle both formats of values?14:11
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: tools: add simulator script
silehtdims, dhellmann I have proposed by tools:
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silehtdims, the example in the script is exactly what I have done to test the heartbeat patch14:55
otherwiseguydhellmann: With neutron needing rootwrap daemon mode, and it just having a security hole fixed and release made, I assume bumping the version in global-requirements so neutron can use 1.6.0 is ok? (
ihrachyshkadhellmann, hey. some weird bug in oslo.config with --config-dir, not sure whether it's me or the library.14:57
silehtdims, when the client part print 'calls finished, wait 15000', you restart rabbitmq14:57
ihrachyshkadhellmann, I try to make neutron l3 agent to use --config-dir14:57
ihrachyshkaso I created a dir (/etc/neutron/l3_agent)14:57
silehtdims, without heartbeat patch client doesn't detect the closed connection and with it detects it14:57
dhellmannotherwiseguy: see
ihrachyshkamoved fwaas_driver.ini file into the dir, and pass --config-dir=/etc/neutron/l3_agent to l3_agent14:57
ihrachyshkabut it complains that fwaas is not enabled (so it does not see enabled=True from the fwaas_driver.ini file in the dir)14:58
dimssileht: going to fast approve it! :)14:58
dhellmannihrachyshka: does the log output show you where it is loading config settings?14:58
otherwiseguydhellmann: great, thanks.14:59
ihrachyshkadhellmann, not really, I don't see any relevant output14:59
ihrachyshka(debug is True in neutron.conf)14:59
dhellmannihrachyshka: I'm in the middle of something else now, but I would start by making oslo.config show what it's doing. If it doesn't already log that at at least debug level, I'd be happy to have a patch that makes it do it.15:00
openstackgerritTimofey Durakov proposed openstack/oslo.db: InsertFromSelect class refactored
ihrachyshkadhellmann, oh, once I got into the code, I see the problem. it seems --config-dir parses *.conf files only, and mine is *.ini15:01
ihrachyshkaI wonder whether it should limit filenames like that15:01
ihrachyshkaoh, it's actually mentioned in option description15:02
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ihrachyshkaso - the bug is in my head :)15:02
otherwiseguydhellmann: so the global-requirements.txt patch won't merge until after feature freeze?15:04
otherwiseguyor did I read that wrong?15:04
dhellmannotherwiseguy: right, but in the mean time pip will cause the latest version to be used15:05
otherwiseguydhellmann: my patch fails tests due to the requirements test failing, so wouldn't be mergeable until after the requirements patch passed, though, right?15:06
otherwiseguywhich also needs to merge before feature freeze.15:06
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prometheanfireis there a reason oslo.db had test deps added to the main requirements file?
otherwiseguydhellmann: does that mean that I should not be putting the the requirement in our requirements.txt yet? That seems odd.15:08
dhellmannotherwiseguy: which patch is failing?15:08
dhellmannprometheanfire: see for the rationale15:08
otherwiseguygate-neutron-requirements : Incompatible requirement found; see in 17s15:09
dhellmannotherwiseguy: remove the change to requirements.txt in your patch and it will work15:09
otherwiseguydhellmann: ok. just checking that that is what is supposed to happen. felt weird.15:09
dhellmannpip will do the right thing, and when the requirements pins are put into place they will ensure the right version is used15:09
otherwiseguydhellmann: works for me. thanks.15:10
dhellmannotherwiseguy: np15:10
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prometheanfiredhellmann: I guess I'm more questioning the inclusion of a test library in the main code15:11
dhellmannprometheanfire: the library provides a test fixture which is part of the public API, so the test library is a dependency15:12
dhellmannprometheanfire: if you disagree with that policy, please respond to the spec review15:12
dhellmannprometheanfire: the paragraph starting on line 44 is a relevant section15:13
prometheanfireya, read that15:13
openstackgerritDan Krause proposed openstack/taskflow: add _listeners_from_job method to Conductor base
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Deprecates the localcontext API
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prometheanfireI can see why testresources was added, but not testscenarios, as that seems to only be used in tests, not part of the public api15:16
prometheanfirethe closest it could get to the public api is oslo_db/sqlalchemy/test_base.py15:17
dhellmannprometheanfire: please respond on the review, I'm in the middle of some other stuff I have to concentrate on15:18
prometheanfiredhellmann: ok15:19
dhellmannprometheanfire: thanks, we're collecting input on this so it will be good to have it all in one place15:19
prometheanfiredhellmann: I don't have a problem with the policy, it's more of an additional dep slipping from test to normal dep15:19
prometheanfireas a packager less deps is good, all these oslo packages getting added are hell15:20
prometheanfirehere's the discussion
dhellmannprometheanfire: which platform do you package?15:24
prometheanfiredhellmann: gentoo :P15:24
dhellmannI didn't realize anyone was working on gentoo support, that's great15:24
prometheanfireset up a nice release pipeline15:24
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prometheanfiredhellmann: I think we package quicker then anyone else, also have test support15:25
prometheanfireanyway, I can see why this was added now, just feels odd15:26
dhellmannprometheanfire: you aren't the first person to react that way, so we're reconsidering our approach15:26
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prometheanfireya, I heard that there might be an oslo-requests, which kinda seems insane :P15:27
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prometheanfiredhellmann: as an example... I've had to package nearly 100 packages for openstack15:34
dhellmannprometheanfire: no, I think oslo.requests was more of a joke15:35
prometheanfire17 oslo things15:35
prometheanfiredhellmann: that's good at least :D15:35
dhellmannprometheanfire: that list is going to grow again next cycle15:35
prometheanfireit continuously grows15:35
prometheanfirethat's not a problem, it's the rate of churn that sucks15:36
prometheanfireI totally stopped packaging horizon because of the node stuff too :(15:36
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prometheanfiresaw that requirements update and nopenopenope15:36
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/oslo.utils: Add exception_to_unicode() function
haypo^^ i just proposed a new function to format an exception because it looks like there is no reliable way to log an exception in python 2 and python 3 when the exception contains a non-ASCII character16:08
haypoi'm working on the dummy bug considered as fixed16:08
openstackLaunchpad bug 1419905 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Nova may not start instances when OS is installed with locale not en_US" [Low,Fix committed] - Assigned to Davanum Srinivas (DIMS) (dims-v)16:08
haypobut i'm not sure that it works16:08
haypothe final fix is something like LOG.debug(u'... %(e)s', {'e': exc, ...})16:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.messaging: Properly distinguish between server index zero and no server
dimshaypo: the u'' is the critical part i guess16:10
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haypodims: see - the new code doesn't look to work16:12
haypodims: i don't understand the fix16:12
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otherwiseguyFor some reason I seem to be completely incapable of installing oslo.context==0.2.0. It's like pip can't see the links for the 0.2.0 version? Example:
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otherwiseguyThe links are there at when I browse there, they just don't appear to be noticed by pip?16:16
haypodims: i tried to document the best practice a few weeks ago in
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haypodims: but there is no solution which works on all cases16:16
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openstackgerritTimofey Durakov proposed openstack/oslo.db: InsertFromSelect class refactored
dimshaypo: does this new guidance work? -
dimshaypo: << from this review16:27
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haypodims: no, i don't think that examples at work with non-ASCII characters16:34
haypo>>> logging.exception(Exception('\xe9'.encode('utf8')))16:34
haypoUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)16:34
haypooops, it's:16:35
haypo>>> logging.exception(Exception('\xe9'.decode('utf8')))16:35
haypoUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 0: unexpected end of data16:35
haypoway, no, what i am doing? :-p16:35
haypo>>> logging.exception(Exception(u'\xe9'.encode('utf8')))16:35
dimshaypo: there's one more review to consider
haypook, this one works ;)16:35
haypo>>> logging.critical(u"error: %s", Exception(u'\xe9'.encode('utf8')))16:36
haypoUnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)16:36
haypothis one doesn't work16:36
dimswill that work with 163027?16:36
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: tools: add simulator script
haypodims: hum, we don't use directly the logging module?16:37
dimshaypo: "from oslo_log import log as logging" is a common way for us16:38
haypodims: i was not aware of the magic unicode conversion16:40
haypodims: but no, converting the message to unicode is not enough :-(16:40
haypodims: the problem occurs at fmt % args, even if fmt type is unicode16:41
dimshaypo: fmt is unicode and args is unicode it would work right?16:42
haypowell, i should dig all these issues16:42
haypodims: yes16:42
haypodims: the problem is very specific to exceptions16:42
haypodims: in short, it's not possible to convert an exception to unicode in python 216:42
haypodims: so u'...%s...' % exc will fail16:42
haypowe must write u'...%s...' % exception_to_unicode(exc) to avoid issues16:43
dims"Now, the error should be converted to unicode either by calling six.text_type() or by using a unicode formatting string to provide context."16:43
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dimsthat takes care of the args. the automatic conversion in 163027 takes care of the fmt16:44
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haypodims: unicode(Exception) doesn't work if the exception message contains a non-ASCII character16:48
haypodims: let me check 16302716:49
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haypodims: i have to go. i will read all these patches16:51
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haypodims: thanks for the pointer to 16302716:51
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david-lyleprometheanfire: question, do you prefer all the javascript libraries vendored in the horizon code base as they used to be?16:56
david-lylewe're just being honest about our dependencies now16:56
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prometheanfireif only to avoid that insanity16:57
prometheanfirenot the right answer, but meh16:57
david-lyleprometheanfire: I understand, but don't you have to gut those out in the end anyway?16:58
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prometheanfirewhat do you mean?16:58
david-lyleprometheanfire: actually I don't know your use case, if it's only for internal consumption that's probably not a concern17:01
prometheanfireit's not17:02
prometheanfireit was packaged wrong in the first place17:02
prometheanfirewebapps are not fun to package17:03
david-lyleweb tools are built for site deployments not general tool reusable site deployment17:03
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david-lylewhich where most of our difficulties come in17:04
david-lyle*is where17:04
prometheanfirewe kinda have something for that in gentoo (webapp-config)17:04
prometheanfireI could use a site deploy type thing maybe17:04
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david-lylebut most deployments don't want to be pulling down random packages from github, nor can they in a lot of cases17:05
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prometheanfirethat's what happens?17:06
david-lyleno, that's what we're avoiding by making packages17:06
prometheanfirewhat is causing you to need to avoid that17:07
prometheanfirewhy is it not a static file included in horizon?17:07
david-lyleversioning becomes a problem, additionally, feedback from other distros has been that they have to remove that code anyway and just link to the version of the javascript package they already ship17:08
david-lyleso that the security, maintenance burden is less17:08
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david-lylebut when they did that, they had no idea what version of the library they were replacing, and that caused problems with horizon expecting features in versions (newer or older) that weren't there17:09
prometheanfireok, my complaint is more on the end of packaging all those missing deps17:10
david-lyleI get it17:11
david-lyleimagine trying to push all those through the openstack requirements process17:11
david-lylewonder if one package to rule them all would be better?17:12
david-lyleone big blob of javascript dependencies rolled up together in a toxic little ball17:12
prometheanfireso toxic17:12
david-lyleI'm open to suggestions17:13
david-lylebecause both the old and new way are a mess17:13
prometheanfirethe toxic ball worksforme17:13
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david-lylewill look into17:14
david-lylethanks for the feedback, I really want a workable solution for as many as I can17:15
prometheanfireasking in #openstack-stable and the operators mailing list might get you more feedback17:16
david-lyleprometheanfire: will continue there, thanks again17:17
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow injected atom args to be persisted
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow using ordered(set/dict) to retain ordering
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Use ordered[set/dict] to retain ordering
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dhellmanndims: I have a tempest patch up to convert to use all of the current oslo libs:
dhellmannbnemec: ^^18:14
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mriedemthere is still not a thing in oslo.config to mark an option as deprecated and not being renamed, but being gone in a release, right?18:19
dhellmannmriedem: we *just* added that in the last release18:19
bnemecmriedem: There is now. :-)18:19
* mriedem is all over it18:19
bnemecdhellmann: That looks like a really fun patch. ;-)18:19
dhellmannbnemec: I got surprisingly far by using "sed -i" :-)18:20
bnemecdhellmann: That's good.  I'd hate to think you had to do the whole thing by hand.18:20
bnemecIck, those lock_path references though. :-/18:21
dhellmannI did have to go back and sort the imports by hand in most places, but emacs + flake8 in a compilation buffer made that fairly quick18:21
dhellmannbnemec: yeah, I talked with mtreinish about that. We need to decide if we want to provide a way to ask lockutils what path it is using, or if we want tempest to somehow own that value and just send it down into lockutils18:22
dhellmannI figured this was ok for now, though, since the patch was originally just going to be about adopting oslo.log so barbican's tests would be unblocked18:22
bnemecdhellmann: Yeah, since we had to drop the config filter anyway I guess there's no need to worry about it immediately.18:25
dhellmannbnemec: right18:25
bnemecIt kind of looks like those things maybe don't belong in the lock path and should be in a separate temp directory.18:25
mtreinishbnemec: the issue is that dir has to be the same between all the test runner processes so using tempfile wouldn't work18:25
dhellmannbnemec: yeah, it wasn't clear exactly what they were so I left them alone for now18:26
dhellmannso it sounds like it doesn't have to be the lock dir, it just has to be the same for all processes and right now the lock dir fits that requirement18:26
mtreinishdhellmann: exactly18:26
dhellmannjungleboyj: have a sec to chat about ?18:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1417018 in Cinder "Cinder encounters dbapi error: NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column '%(140070887032400 anon)s.volumes_id'"" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Eric Harney (eharney)18:26
bnemecmtreinish: Yeah, that's a pain.18:26
dhellmannmaybe we can put something in oslotest to help solve this18:27
mtreinishdhellmann: I was thinking we could just add a lock_path tempest option back to the default group, and just use set_defaults() to set it for lockutils in tempest/config.py18:27
dhellmannsort of like the lockutils wrapper in oslo.concurrency, but more general18:27
dhellmannmtreinish: you'd need to use a different name, I think, but that could work too18:27
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mtreinishoh right because of the deprecated on the lockutils option18:28
dhellmannbut yeah, that's a pretty straightforward solution18:28
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mtreinishdhellmann: if I added that opt would using deprecated opts on the one in lockutils one work? So if people who have default.lock_path or oslo_concurrency.lock_path in existing config files it would be seemless?18:31
dhellmannright now if they have default.lock_path that will be picked up and used as the value for the existing option in oslo.concurrency18:32
dhellmannI don't know what would happen if you registered another option with the same name in default, but I suspect it would not work as you want.18:32
mtreinishno I meant if I added one like default.lock_dir and set deprecated opt on  oslo_concurrency.lock_path would it pick up both that and default.lock_path?18:33
dhellmannwhy would you set the deprecated flag on the option in oslo.concurrency?18:33
bnemecmtreinish: dhellmann: I'm confused.  How is Tempest getting a common lock_path without using the lockutils-wrapper script?18:33
bnemecI don't see it used anywhere in the repo.18:33
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dhellmannbnemec: could the test job in project-config be setting the value?18:34
dhellmannor maybe one of the devstack-gate scripts?18:34
dhellmannit works by setting an environment variable, right?18:34
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bnemecIt's possible, but that would be bad since it wouldn't work in local runs.18:35
mtreinishtempest has it's own config file, so it just loads the lock_path from config before it runs any tests18:35
mtreinishthe config file path is loaded with env vars18:35
mtreinishbnemec: or were you talking about the unit tests?18:35
bnemecmtreinish: No, but that makes sense.  Since you have your own config that's your global source of truth.18:36
bnemecWe didn't have that for unit tests in the other projects.18:36
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add failure json schema validation
bnemecIn that case, +1 to just letting Tempest set its own lock path.18:37
mtreinishdhellmann: for setting the deprecated flag, after your patch lands the sample config will say use the oslo.concurrency option. I want to handle the window between that and the future patch w/ the tempest option gracefully so if someone follows the sample config at any point it'll just work18:40
dhellmannmtreinish: if you want the tempest option to take precedence over the default or user-provided value for the oslo.concurrency option you can call set_overrides() to force-set the oslo.concurrency value (although we don't provide a public way to do that either, yet)18:42
dhellmannbnemec: I wonder if we should decouple the lock path from the config a bit more. Use a module-level value to store it, provide an API to set/get it, and use the config setting if the value isn't set when something asks for it.18:43
dhellmannalternately we could provide a function to fetch the current lock path value, that would be a simple change to add18:43
mtreinishdhellmann: the inverse case. Lets say I pull tempest after your patch lands, I set lock_path in the oslo_concurrency group because that's what the sample tells me. Then next week we land a patch adding lock_dir to default in tempest and I pull that. Things will break if I try to reuse the config file18:44
mtreinishbecause the code in is looking for lock_dir18:44
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dhellmannmtreinish: you can set the default for your option to %(oslo_concurrency.lock_path)s (I think that's the syntax)18:45
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dhellmannalthough really that gives us the same issue, which is that you're now relying on us to not change that name18:45
mtreinishok, that'll work (although we're still dependent on the lib config option then)18:45
bnemecdhellmann: We could do that.  The module-level variable would just be another addition to the lock_path precedence we already have.18:45
dhellmannright, so that's not great either18:45
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dhellmannbnemec: does that meet mtreinish's needs, though?18:46
dhellmannI wonder if we really just need a public way to call set_overrides() for that option18:46
dhellmannsort of like what we have for set_defaults()18:46
dhellmannthen we aren't syncing the values between different global storage locations18:46
bnemecSeems reasonable.18:46
bnemecAnd something to query the value, but that's trivial.18:47
dhellmannyeah, I'll do both in the same patch18:47
mtreinishif there is a lock_path query function in the api, that solves all of tempest's needs, because I can just use that in accounts.py18:48
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ndipanovhey guise - I have a oslo.messaging question18:48
dhellmannmtreinish: ok, we'll start small and just add that then18:49
ndipanovor more a oslo + kombu question18:49
ndipanovso correct me if I am wrong here - but for sending threads  -we create a connection (or use one from the pool) and then each connection has only one channel18:50
ndipanovdoes that sound right?18:50
dhellmannndipanov: I'm afraid I'm not sure. The best person to ask is sileht, but it's late in Europe so he might not be online any more.18:52
ndipanovdhellmann, thanks - I am europe too so I will try to catch him tomorrow morning18:53
dhellmannndipanov: sounds good18:53
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo.concurrency: Add lockutils.get_lock_path() function
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo.concurrency: Remove py33 env from default tox list
dhellmannbnemec, mtreinish : ^^19:07
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harlowja_dims ya, makes me sad, lol19:15
harlowja_seems like not so easy to just close stuff19:15
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harlowja_to many hidden sockets and stuff being shared19:20
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add + use failure json schema validation
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jungleboyjdhellmann: I am around now.19:24
dimsharlowja_: yea!19:26
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harlowja_although maybe nova should be recreating that socket when it gets a 'Bad file descriptor' on its expected socket19:28
harlowja_dims lets see what happens with
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harlowja_probably still won't work though, lol19:42
harlowja_but lets see, ha19:42
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dhellmannjungleboyj: I wanted to catch up and see how big of an issue that bug is for the cinder folks, and see if we can agree on a way to fix it.19:48
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo.concurrency: Remove py33 env from default tox list
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/oslo.concurrency: Add lockutils.get_lock_path() function
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add + use failure json schema validation
jungleboyjdhellmann: Other than it being mentioned in #openstack-cinder earlier today, that was the first time I really had heard about it.19:56
dhellmannjungleboyj: zzzeek has been hunting down the source of the problem, and I assumed it was something the cinder team was already aware of and involved with19:57
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zzzeekdhellmann: looks like people are on it now that I mentioned it on the list19:57
jungleboyjdhellmann: Not that I have been involved in.19:57
jungleboyjNow eharney has a patch proposed.19:57
jungleboyjWe have been focused on feature freeze and behind on bugs.19:58
dhellmannjungleboyj: sure, I'm trying to get ahead of the bug fixing thing and this is one we have listed as critical for the oslo team to help you all work through19:59
dhellmannzzzeek: is the fix just for cinder, then?19:59
zzzeekdhellmann: I think there are multiple “fixes” in play19:59
zzzeekdhellmann: one is the “close all the FDs on service start” fix19:59
zzzeekdhellmann: which will “work”, though clumsily, for everyone19:59
dhellmannzzzeek: yeah, that's harlowja_'s and I don't know if that's actually working yet or not19:59
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zzzeekthe next is the one I’m helping them in cinder directly which is
harlowja_zzzeek (looks like people are re-using other sockets elsewhere and aren't handling re-opening them)20:00
harlowja_mainly seems to be that wsgi parent pid socket20:01
harlowja_*which child just dups20:01
harlowja_*after fork (and after closed)20:01
harlowja_likely more cases that aren't seen yet (but hopefully not to many others)20:02
dhellmannharlowja_: that behavior makes sense in a web server, doesn't it?20:03
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dhellmannzzzeek: I wonder if we can generalize your cinder fix? it looks like cinder's Service class expects a Manager instance which is a subclass of Base20:04
harlowja_dhellmann ya, i think so; but might be better to try to open it if it died in child, not sure20:04
harlowja_ is seeing what happens there20:04
harlowja_*with reopening it20:04
dhellmannharlowja_: ok20:04
zzzeekdhellmann: um well I dont know that architecutre but if everyone kind of has a “Service” class with a “.db” element, then sure, somethign like that20:04
dhellmannharlowja_: I guess I'm thinking of forking for each worker, but we're probably not doing that20:04
zzzeekdhellmann: I’d sure rather keep it some interaction between oslo libraries but as usual, blah blah blah -1 zeek !20:05
dhellmannzzzeek: yeah, that's what I'm looking for. I don't think the incubated version of the Service class makes that assumption20:05
harlowja_dhellmann what do u mean, thought we were forking :-/20:05
harlowja_blah blah blah -1 harlowja lol20:05
dhellmannharlowja_: sorry, per *request* not per worker20:05
harlowja_man, we should just use some other wsgi container, lol20:05
harlowja_stop recreating apache prefork , lol20:06
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harlowja_* ...20:06
dimsharlowja_: +1 :)20:06
dhellmannzzzeek: hmm, it looks like "Base" is a common concept, but it's not part of any of the incubated code anywhere20:06
zzzeekdhellmann: i really like the idea of: 1. oslo provides patterns  2. the patterns implicitly handle the extremely common case of “service + fork where db already exists” 3. everyone builds off the API and doesn’t have to remember to abide by this case in each individual project20:07
harlowja_looks like apache prefork tracks more than we are :-P20:08
dhellmannzzzeek: right, we just don't have some of the common stuff in a library, yet20:08
zzzeekdhellmann: but as I work with all these projects, I’m cosntantly getting hit hard with, “we want to build this ourselves, we want to do this ourselves, we want to do that”20:08
dhellmannzzzeek: yeah, I hear that a lot, too. We can focus on enabling, though.20:08
zzzeekdhellmann: its the definition of Sis·y·phe·an20:08
dhellmannI don't know, maybe the right thing is to just make oslo.db reconnect20:08
harlowja_syphilis ?20:09
dhellmannI think sileht said oslo.messaging was already doing that20:09
dhellmannharlowja_: sisyphus20:09
zzzeeknow keystone wants to stop using foreign keys.  sorta cant win20:09
zzzeekcombine sisyphus with plate spinning20:10
zzzeekso pushing *ten* rocks up hills20:10
harlowja_thats my nightly workout20:11
zzzeekevery time I try to task switch back to the VM where I want to clone devstack, I see another “5” lit up in my email icon20:11
dhellmannzzzeek: I keep my email on a separate desktop so it doesn't distract me while I'm working :-)20:11
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harlowja_foreign keys aren't webscale, duh20:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.messaging: tools: add simulator script
zzzeeklifeless: more in my wheelhouse :)20:19
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lifelesshaven't seen that one, will watch after this meeting20:20
dhellmannzzzeek: if you address my comments about the log level and wording on,cm I'll +2 it20:23
zzzeekdhellmann: wow did someone update the CSS for gerrit20:23
dhellmannzzzeek: oh, I use the "new" view and sent you that link (look in your preferences, you can change it)20:24
zzzeekdhellmann: i ilke it, though its kind of falling off the right side of my screen20:24
zzzeekdhellmann: um what log level do you want20:24
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow backend connection config (via fetch) to be a string
dhellmannzzzeek: yeah, it has to be a wide window. You can remove the ,cm bit and I think it will show you the default view20:25
dhellmannzzzeek: debug20:25
dhellmannzzzeek: the rule I'm applying is that the operator can't do anything about it and we're recovering from the condition20:25
zzzeekdhellmann: OK.  So the message you have, waht’s inaccurate about it is that if we are in fact invalidating the connecvtion here, then it will *not* cause any race condition.  nothing at all will really go wrong20:25
dhellmannzzzeek: actually, let me double-check that: *are* we recovering in the latest version of your patch?20:25
zzzeekdhellmann: the one you’re pointing me at here does recover20:25
dhellmannzzzeek: ok, good. So for the message, maybe say "Parent process forked with an open database connection, which is being discarded and recreated." or something like that?20:26
zzzeekdhellmann: basically in the pool, if you craete a “checkout” event and raise DBDisconnectionError, the pool says, “OK let me reconnect"20:26
zzzeekdhellmann: yes.  jstu give me wahtever msg you want :)   im all msged out20:26
dhellmannzzzeek: ok, use what I just wrote then and we'll refine it if someone else comes up with better words :-)20:27
zzzeekholy crap, the VM is still sitting there and i havent cloned devstack yet.   geezus20:27
dhellmannharlowja_: even if we move on with zzzeek patch in oslo.db, we should still figure out whether there's a way for your close-all-fds patch to be made to work as a more general way to fix the problem20:28
harlowja_dhellmann agreed, looking at what apache pre-fork does, it tracks the sockets (or thats what it seems to do); we likely need some mechainsm for that :-/20:28
dhellmannharlowja_: ew. :-/20:29
harlowja_ i think20:29
harlowja_orrrrrr like ummm, just start to get people to use apache , lol20:29
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harlowja_and then remove all wsgi stuff, lol20:30
harlowja_*serious talk (no lol)20:30
harlowja_which seems to be quite similar to what i did ( is the socket closing)20:31
harlowja_but they have more control over what is closed20:32
dhellmannharlowja_: moving off of the home-grown wsgi thing would be my preference, too. I have no idea if that will work for nova20:32
harlowja_ya, sadly there are expectations that work now, with an unknown amount of code, that make this switch hard :-/20:33
harlowja_dhellmann u on TC right? maybe can start getting the TC to see how this could be done?20:36
harlowja_since i have no idea, haha20:36
dhellmannharlowja_: someone needs to do the work to figure it out and write a spec proposing it20:36
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dhellmannthis is sort of tied up in the "drop eventlet" work, too -- how is that going?20:37
harlowja_me thinks not just 1 person could do that, lol20:37
dhellmannsure, but the TC isn't going to do it either20:37
harlowja_ya, not doing to much there, haypo and i need to merge that stuff20:37
harlowja_haypo when can we do that?? when u around :-P20:38
harlowja_*and we need to figure out a good reason to even move, lol20:38
dhellmannhe's in europe, so I don't suppose you'll overlap online all that much20:38
harlowja_chillen in france with jd__20:38
dhellmannyes, well, that's the main thing. without a sufficiently strong argument in favor of moving at all, the options won't even be considered20:38
harlowja_which leaves us to be the people making an argument (based on some level of facts) that people will refute (i'm sure people will say, well eventlet doesn't seem that bad, or its acceptable to me...) , which is sorta not the most useful place to be, lol20:40
harlowja_sounds like being in US congress20:41
dhellmannyep, we have to convince enough other people that moving is the right thing to do, we can't just make the decision20:41
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harlowja_eventlet bill, lol20:43
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openstackgerritDan Krause proposed openstack/taskflow: lazy loading for logbooks and flowdetails
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Avoid duplicated links in memory backend
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jungleboyjzzzeek: Sorry, I am all over the place today.  So, is this proposed patch OK in your opinion?
zzzeeki have a +1 there21:31
jungleboyjzzzeek: Ah, so you are Michael.  :-)21:32
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dhellmannzzzeek: if you're still around, your patch is under discussion in #openstack-cinder21:43
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* dhellmann calls it a day21:51
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Use the ability to chain exceptions correctly
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Put underscore in-front of alchemist helper
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Just use the local conf variable
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Avoid duplicated links in memory backend
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