Tuesday, 2016-01-05

openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: Fix formatting of code blocks in zmq docs  https://review.openstack.org/26348200:03
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Differentiate failures (internal vs external)  https://review.openstack.org/26341700:12
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openstackgerritVilobh Meshram proposed openstack/tooz: Add Consul Driver  https://review.openstack.org/24536200:56
openstackgerritVilobh Meshram proposed openstack/tooz: Add Consul Driver  https://review.openstack.org/24536201:03
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add rundimentary job priorities  https://review.openstack.org/26351201:19
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Rename '_emit' -> '_try_emit' since it is best-effort (not ensured)  https://review.openstack.org/26352001:41
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openstackgerritOleksii Zamiatin proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: (WIP) [zmq] Heartbeat implementation  https://review.openstack.org/25734605:08
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add rundimentary job priorities  https://review.openstack.org/26351205:31
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add rundimentary and/or non-optimized job priorities  https://review.openstack.org/26351206:30
openstackgerritEinst Crazy proposed openstack/oslo.config: Replace assertEqual(*, None) with assertIsNone in tests  https://review.openstack.org/26358306:47
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openstackgerritAlexandre Viau proposed openstack-dev/pbr: exclude from files in _find_git_files  https://review.openstack.org/26329707:13
openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/oslo.cache: Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning  https://review.openstack.org/26360107:21
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/oslo.privsep: Replace deprecated LOG.warn with warning  https://review.openstack.org/26360507:28
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mhorbanlxsli: nova-compute shows trace after reloading with SIGHUP. I proposed fixes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/259066/, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/258499/, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/258441/ to resolve that issue08:42
openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack-dev/oslo-cookiecutter: Remove unused file openstack-common.conf  https://review.openstack.org/26363508:49
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openstackgerritSwapnil Kulkarni (coolsvap) proposed openstack/oslo.cache: Replace deprecated LOG.warn with LOG.warning  https://review.openstack.org/26360109:14
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mhorbanHey guys, could you please look at  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/260384/09:36
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openstackgerritZhihai Song proposed openstack/oslo.config: Make oslo-config-generator fail gracefully when no arguments  https://review.openstack.org/26275811:06
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openstackgerritMarian Horban proposed openstack/oslo.service: Removed double stopping of service on SIGHUP  https://review.openstack.org/25849911:14
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lxslimhorban: thanks for adding some info to 258499 but I was hoping for some line numbers11:17
lxsliI understand what double-stop means, I just don't see the conditions which cause it to happen11:17
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lxslisomething like "when X and Y are true, we stop on L111 and L222"11:18
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openstackgerritMarian Horban proposed openstack/oslo.service: Refactoring of tests/eventlet_service.py  https://review.openstack.org/26038411:21
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack/tooz: tests: do not hardcode /tmp  https://review.openstack.org/26368311:21
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mhorbanlxsli: We have double stop each time when we run service with Servicelauncher in daemon mode and send SIGHUP to it11:23
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mhorbanlxsli: Because we have one stop in finally block and other inside self.restart()11:24
mhorbanlxsli:  self.restart() consists of service.stop(); service.start()11:25
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lxslibut after we restart we loop11:25
lxsliit's in a while True11:25
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mhorbanlxsli: It is loop . And natural reload is : stop-start-stop-start.... But we have stop-stop-start-stop-stop-start...Or what do you mean?11:28
lxslithe thread sits on line 280 most of the time11:28
lxsliif we get SIGUSR1 (any non-SIGHUP) we go to line 284 and restart11:29
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mhorbanactually inside super(ServiceLauncher, self).wait() (line 260)11:29
lxslithen we loop to 278 and sit on 280 again11:29
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lxslioooh those methods are the other way around... give me a minute...11:30
mhorbanif we got any NON-SIGHUP we do not loop but exit11:30
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lxsliyes I get it now, somehow I thought _wait_for_exit_or_signal called wait, not the other way around11:31
mhorbanself.restart() (line 284) contains stop-start of services11:31
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openstackgerritAlexis Lee proposed openstack/oslo.log: Only format isotime if it's needed  https://review.openstack.org/26369211:42
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openstackgerritjaveme proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: rabbit: Missing to pass parameter timeout to next  https://review.openstack.org/26369411:52
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openstackgerritjaveme proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: rabbit: fix unit conversion error of expiration  https://review.openstack.org/26371212:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.privsep: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/26291512:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack/tooz: utils: replace exception_message by exception_to_unicode  https://review.openstack.org/26336512:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.messaging: Fix formatting of code blocks in zmq docs  https://review.openstack.org/26348213:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/taskflow: Use shared util helper for driver name + config extraction  https://review.openstack.org/26076113:07
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lxslidhellmann: need to discuss 254821 when you can13:48
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack/oslo.utils: Add a mechanism to mask passwords in dictionaries  https://review.openstack.org/25756114:22
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dimsdukhlov : are we ready to merge pika feature branch to master?14:24
dimsozamiatin : what can we do to fix the ceilometer failure in your zmq review?14:25
ozamiatin_dims: recheck is probably enough14:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Split changelog on nulls instead of (  https://review.openstack.org/26374814:27
dimsozamiatin_ : ok, let's try that14:28
dukhlovdims, I think yes, but but before this we could merge current pending patch with unit tests and probably add ceilometer job for pika-driver14:29
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dukhlovdims: as far as I understood merge to master means just add new pika driver as optional - default driver remains kombu-driver, correct?14:30
dimsdukhlov : it would be better to setup ceilometer job on master for pika driver rather than the feature branch (harder to do)14:31
dimsdukhlov : yes14:31
dukhlovdims, ah ok14:31
dimsdukhlov : we need to document how to switch from one to another if someone wants to14:32
dukhlovdims: yes, sure. should it be pika_driver.rst in solomessaging/doc?14:33
dimsdukhlov : sure14:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Split changelog on nulls instead of (  https://review.openstack.org/26374814:33
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dukhlovdims, should I do it after merging to master or create patch in pika branch?14:34
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dimsdukhlov : which ever is easier14:34
dukhlovit would be easier to do it after merge to master if merge process will be fast.14:35
dukhlovdims: but if we need pass through review process and it may take more then two days, I will create patch to pika branch14:37
dimsdukhlov : ok14:37
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openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack/debtcollector: Add updated_kwarg_default_value decorator  https://review.openstack.org/25594114:51
ozamiatin_dims: one more patch from zmq side: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/261546/14:51
dimsack will watch that too14:52
ozamiatin_dims: Alexey is trying to add HA support for redis with sentinel (more options in the driver so on), need your advice what to do with 'inspect' package he used14:52
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ozamiatin_dims: it is not in global requirements, should we add it there first?14:53
dimsozamiatin_ : which review?14:53
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ozamiatin_dims: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/261546/14:54
dimsozamiatin that "import inspect" is builtin to python itself14:54
dimsso we are good14:54
ozamiatin_dims: ah, ok14:55
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dansmithdims: what is the purpose of the stable/$foo branches on the oslo repos?15:42
dansmithdims: legacy the-script-creates-them perhaps?15:43
dimsdansmith : the stable/liberty one is not used at all right now. we created them just like we used to...before we decided the policy change about new oslo libraries should work with all stable branches15:44
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dansmithdims: okay, the confusing thing is that we have those branches, but what we actually run with a given stable branch of, say, nova is actually what is in upper-constraints15:45
dimsdansmith : right15:45
dansmithfor o.vo, we were at 0.10 at liberty, but we're now running liberty in CI with 1.1.015:45
dansmithso our packaging guys were confused, and still using 0.1015:45
dimsdansmith : when we do mitaka, we will not create stable/ branches15:45
dansmithokay cool15:46
dimslifeless : where can we add some information to packagers? ^^^15:46
dansmithyeah, my next question was going to be.. if this was documented somewhere I can point people to15:46
dimsdansmith : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226157/ is the spec15:48
dansmithdims: would it be crazy to delete the stable/liberty branch, and/or add a README_EOL.md file to it or something?15:48
dimsdansmith : y good point, we should do something15:49
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openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack/oslo.log: Remove deprecated use-syslog-rfc-format option  https://review.openstack.org/26378516:00
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openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack/oslo.log: Added public method to getting default log levels  https://review.openstack.org/26346816:06
openstackgerritAlexandre Viau proposed openstack-dev/pbr: exclude from files in _find_git_files  https://review.openstack.org/26329716:06
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openstackgerritAlexandre Viau proposed openstack-dev/pbr: exclude from files in _find_git_files  https://review.openstack.org/26329716:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.config: Replace assertEqual(*, None) with assertIsNone in tests  https://review.openstack.org/26358316:10
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mhickeyrlrossit: Hey. Thanks for the code for the temp pattern. My attempt was not working as expected! :)16:29
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openstackgerritMartin Hickey proposed openstack/oslo.versionedobjects: There is a temp registry pattern [1] where you can backup the object registry, register a  class locally, and then restore the original registry. This could be used for test objects that do not need to be registered permanently but will have calls which l  https://review.openstack.org/26380016:44
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rlrossitmhickey: glad I could help!16:45
openstackgerritMartin Hickey proposed openstack/oslo.versionedobjects: Add temporary registry pattern to VersionedObjectRegistry  https://review.openstack.org/26380016:47
mhickeyrlrossit: btw, I have just added a patch to wrap the temp registry pattern ^16:49
rlrossitmhickey: neat! I'll take a look at it if I get some free time later16:50
mhickeyrlrossit: not a bother. it might not be best way but feel free to take it apart! :)16:51
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lxslidhellmann: re: mutable opts, to make oslo.log mutable I need to offer a notify_oslo_config method which Nova must remember to call. If oslo.xxx which Nova uses adds config mutability, we'll need to patch Nova to support that. Is this OK, desirable or a developer-scaling problem please?17:09
lxslitcammann suggested using a decorator on these methods but that's really just a syntax for a callback framework which I know you didn't want17:10
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/oslo.utils: Add "configdrive" to the list of keys used by mask_password()  https://review.openstack.org/26381117:11
dhellmannlxsli : at the summit we talked about having the application code that triggers the config reload (probably a signal handler, but maybe an amqp message) do all of the work of resetting libraries when the config is reloaded by calling public functions in those libraries. Is that what you mean?17:19
lxsliyes that area17:20
dhellmannok. I was hesitant to build any sort of callback system into oslo.config, because that makes initialization order of the libraries important. We did talk about doing that in oslo.service, I think, but I'm not sure how far we got.17:21
dhellmannso how about if we continue with the manual implementation and get something working, and then refine it?17:21
lxsliyeah sounds good17:21
lxsliI'd like to be able to say the reload order is not to be relied upon17:22
lxslithe other thing was your comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251471/16/oslo_config/cfg.py , I responded on PS#17 but I'm not sure I understood you17:23
dhellmannlxsli : I'd like to avoid insisting on an order, too17:23
dhellmannlxsli : looking17:24
openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack/oslo.log: Remove deprecated use-syslog-rfc-format option  https://review.openstack.org/26378517:25
dhellmannlxsli : the case I'm worried about it loading a config file, reloading it, then registering a new option that is mutable -- I think, if I interpret your code right -- that would result in the mutable option using the initial value, rather than the reloaded value17:25
dhellmannso what I want to do is reload the entire file from which options can be pulled, and look for any existing options that are *not* mutable but that have changed, and drop those values (log an error and reset to the old value maybe?)17:26
dhellmannthat way as new options are registered, they will get the current value. for immutable options, that's fine, since they won't have been used before. for mutable options, that's what we want.17:26
lxsliso values are held even if their options are unregistered? eugh17:27
dhellmannlxsli : yes, we parse the config file to build a database, and then as options are registered their values come from the database17:28
harlowja_at_homedims, the russian xmas is this week right (i am guessing u might remember)17:28
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harlowja_at_homeor was that last week, i can't remember, ha17:29
dhellmannlxsli : I forget what that class is called internally, maybe the namespace? Anyway, yeah, the 2 step process is used to avoid re-reading the file every time an option is registered and to allow an option class to do type conversion17:29
dhellmannharlowja_at_home : epiphany is this weekend, so I think this week?17:29
lxsliI think it's the namespace yeah17:29
harlowja_at_homedhellmann,  thx i think so to :)17:30
dhellmannlxsli : does my concern make more sense now?17:30
lxslithere was some chatter about class structure with harlowja_at_home here btw: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/253125/17:30
lxsliah right yes it's the Parser that actually holds values which is just weird17:31
harlowja_at_homeya, up to u as to what u want to do there17:31
harlowja_at_homewhen i started doing some refactoring a long time ago, i started to split that up17:31
dhellmannoslo config is some of the oldest living code in openstack, so it's getting a little long in the tooth17:31
harlowja_at_homemany moons ago17:32
lxsliI'd like to leave it alone and circle back after my feature is in17:32
lxslifair enough :)17:32
harlowja_at_homehttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/134671/4/oslo/config/cfg.py lxsli17:32
harlowja_at_home^ was some start of that17:32
dhellmannyeah, you may get farther instantiating a new ConfigOpts object and populating its list of registered options, having it read the file, and then comparing what it contains to what it is allowed to contain17:32
dhellmannrather than trying to refactor the underlying parts at this point, which we should do, but later17:33
dhellmannI have to run, bbiab17:33
harlowja_at_homedoes anyone know what/if systemd is doing any kind of config reloading thing as well (just curious)17:33
harlowja_at_homeu'd start to think it might have some built-in feature for that to17:33
lxsliyeah the ConfigOpts-Namespace-Parser stack was what stopped me just making a new ConfigOpts in the first place :/17:34
lxsliOK, I'm going home, thanks for the help!17:34
elarsonharlowja_at_home: there is some daemon reload thing that sounds destructive, but isn't, that reloads things17:34
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harlowja_at_homeelarson, any docs on it anywhere?17:34
harlowja_at_home(if u know)17:35
elarsonharlowja_at_home: I just used --help17:35
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elarsonharlowja_at_home: systemctl daemon-reload I think17:36
dimsharlowja : yep17:36
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openstackgerritGauvain Pocentek proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: list_opts: update the notification options group  https://review.openstack.org/26381817:37
harlowja_at_homeelarson, thx, will check it out17:40
elarsongood luck!17:41
openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack/oslo.log: Added public method to getting default log levels  https://review.openstack.org/26346817:43
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lifelessdims: I thought we were still doing stable branches18:11
lifelessdims: my spec certainly doesn't do away with them18:11
dimslifeless : the confusion is that we are not currently making oslo lib releases from stable/liberty branch. what do packagers who are using latest stable/liberty for say nova use?18:13
dims(set of oslo libraries)18:13
lifelessdims: My understanding is that if they are using latest stable/liberty nova - e.g. unreleased stable, the stable maint team wants them to use latest stable/liberty oslo18:14
dimsdansmith : ^^18:15
dimsmriedem : question for you too ^^18:15
lifelessdims: *unit test* CI is not yet constrained in liberty, but we will be doing so, which will clamp it - we're also going to be adding jobs that test deliberately with latest18:15
lifelessso that we get both signal points18:15
dansmithI'm so confused18:15
lifelessdansmith: first step complete. Now for the lemur18:16
dansmithwe're not currently testing stable/liberty nova against stable/liberty oslo libraries18:16
lifelessdansmith: For unit tests18:16
lifelessdansmith: devstack should be18:17
dansmithwe are for devstack?18:17
dansmithbecause upper-constraints.txt shows 1.1.0 for o.vo18:17
lifelessdansmith: unless the stable team have landed changes to upper-constraints18:17
dansmithbut the stable/liberty branch is muuuch older18:17
lifelessdansmith: if they have, they've effectively said that thats the known good version18:17
dansmithright, but now there is a conflict between the stale stable oslo branch and the reality of what we're using (and have declared as known-good)18:18
lifelessdansmith: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226157/ is what I hope we'll be blessing in the TC meeting today18:18
dansmithlifeless: yeah, dims told me a couple hours ago that that review would effectively end the oslo library stable branches18:18
dansmithwhich made sense to me18:18
dansmithnow I'm confused about what and how we're communicating to packagers18:19
lifelessdansmith: well, it actually says that due to packager an distributor feedback18:19
lifelessdansmith: that the spec *does not* end stable branches18:19
mriedemwe don't test stable/liberty oslo libs against stable/liberty nova18:19
lifelessdansmith: it specifically sets up testing of both 'stable <-> stable' as well as 'latest <-> stable'18:19
dimsdansmith : my data point was what's in stable/liberty upper constraints...18:19
mriedemwe test stable/liberty nova against whatever released versions of oslo libs are available and fit the constraints for nova stable/liberty18:20
mriedemthe only time we test branches for a lib are in the -src jobs18:20
mriedemas far as i know18:20
lifelessdansmith: obviously its not implemented yet18:20
lifelessdansmith: anyhow, it sounds like right now a) stable/liberty constraints is pointing at much newer code as known good18:20
lifelessdansmith: and things have bitrotten somehow such that that newer code is required ?18:21
dansmithso why are we not just creating branches for things like 0.10.x if we need to backport fixes to create an 0.10.1 if we plan to bump the upper-constraints to 0.10.1 for a given package?18:21
dansmithlifeless: tbh, I'm not sure what events led to bumping that version18:22
lifelessdansmith: which version of what ?18:22
lifelesso.vo ?18:22
mriedemi've also wondered why the libs don't have branches based on versions rather than just stable/x18:22
dansmithyeah, o.vo for stable/liberty18:22
mriedembut in the past the libs were just capped in stable anyway18:23
lifelessdansmith: ok, so branch naming - I have no idea. Its a good question. I can speculate - we're not supporting all released versions of libs, only the ones that matched major cycles from a stable team perspective18:23
mriedemso the next version of a stable branch lib was clear18:23
lifelessso going off of the name lets them get end of lifed without much thought18:23
dansmithlifeless: right, so we just create it when we need to create a .z18:23
lifelessdansmith: well no, we mass created stable/liberty branches of everything I thought18:24
dimsyes, we mass created them18:24
dansmithlifeless: I know we do now,18:24
lifelessdansmith: ok, now I'm confused :)18:24
dansmithI mean I think we should be just creating an 0.N branch when we need to release a 0.N.1 fix for a given version we care about18:24
lifelessok - so I'm saying I don't have a dog in that race :). But I'd guess mriedem and the stable team might, since figuring out which branches to delete is easy right now.18:25
mriedemwould we need to delete 0.N.x branches?18:25
* dansmith isn't sure why we ever need to delete branches18:25
lifelesssame reason we delete stable/juno etc18:26
mriedembtw, ^ is how i handle patching packages on older versions internally18:26
dansmithso, I'm completely lost in the requirements repo trying to find out what the history of the o.vo bumps were18:26
dansmithlifeless: I don't really see much point in doing that, FWIW18:26
mriedemi create a branch for the target minor version i need, patch it and produce a .z package18:26
dansmithback to the original problem though,18:27
mriedemlifeless: we delete stable/juno b/c there are jobs tied to those18:27
lifelessdansmith: sure, I'm at best ambivalent on the deletion thing, but its the current norm18:27
dansmithour packagers were just blindly packaging the stable/$release version of everything, which turns out to be completely wrong18:27
dansmithwhich might be because we're not keeping them up to date with the changes we make to the upper constraints,18:27
dansmithbut that seems like a real liability for issues to me18:27
mriedemheh, yeah18:27
dansmithdoesn't seem like a given setup.py::version should ever exist in multiple branches18:27
dansmiththat's just crazy confusing18:28
dansmithand is never going to be kept right by the humans18:28
mriedemfor legal reasons once we GA'ed a release, we had to jump through hoops to ship new minor versions of rpms, so we would just patch the GA'ed versions as needed18:28
mriedemand bump the rev number on the package18:28
lifeless2217bb7f (OpenStack Proposal Bot 2015-12-13 06:35:52 +0000 203) oslo.versionedobjects===1.1.018:28
mriedem^ meant that you had to explicitly know why you needed to patch something18:28
dansmithlifeless: right, that's not a helpful item of history I think18:29
lifelesswell, it took us from 0.12.018:29
mriedemyeah, it's just a bot https://review.openstack.org/#/c/246211/18:29
lifelessits who approved it thats more interesting18:29
lifelessflavio and theirry18:30
dansmithlifeless: but really, lots of changes in there... how are they supposed to vet them all?18:30
mriedemThierry CarrezDec 14 9:43 AM↩Patch Set 25: Code-Review+2 Workflow+1Living dangerously18:30
dansmithand the proposal bot changes are just auto-+Wd elsewhere18:30
mriedemthey saw jenkins was green18:30
lifelessdansmith: its meant to be CI tested; the issue is that stable branch policy is different to master on this I suspect18:31
mriedemthe problem is the jobs on the generate-constraints changes are a subset of everything that's tested, a lot of which isn't in tempest runs18:31
lifelessdansmith: and - the backwards compat spec specifically takes a copy of upper-constraints for testing of the at-time-of-release libraries18:31
mriedemthere is no stable branch policy for the upper-constraints bot changes18:31
mriedemi've just seen people approving them as they see them passing jenkins18:32
dansmithmriedem: right, per normal behavior I imagine18:32
lifelessthats the policy for master; Idon't think we actually sat down and talked about policy on stable for it18:32
lifelessbbs, ECHILD.18:32
mriedemchanges to global-requiremnets on stable are generally much more thought out18:32
mriedemsince a human is proposing them18:32
mriedemwell, assuming sdague is human18:33
dansmithright, which makes sense, but having to keep the stable/$release branch exactly sync'd with the code in the version that we put in the constraint on stable seems highly failure-prone to me18:33
mriedemthat hurts my brain18:34
lifelessso thats why we're going to have two files18:35
lifelessupper-constraints will be latest known good, released-constraints will be stable/liberty versions and hand curated18:35
mriedemlatest known good* where *is based on what test coverage we have18:36
mriedemso g-r has the min,18:36
lifelessmriedem: yes18:36
mriedemreleased-constraints has the max at the time of release,18:37
mriedemand u-c is the max today18:37
lifelessline 204 in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226157/12/specs/backwards-compat-libs-clients.rst18:37
mriedemand you test new changes against released-constraints to make sure you don't break people that would have fall <= that version18:37
dansmithso that's three points.. the minimum we think will work, the maximum we think will work and .. a third one18:37
lifelesswe may want to have a separate bot run that only accepts changes to non-openstack projects, or some such, targeting release-constraints18:37
lifelessmriedem: right. we want to know that nova changes in stable work with the set of libraries it was released with. we also want to know it works with the current highest version folk can run18:38
mriedem"Then we test with that rather than 'upper-constraints.txt'"18:39
mriedemthat == release-constraints which is the max at the time of release18:39
mriedemwhich is another way of doing what we did with capping previous stable branches in g-r18:39
mriedemexcept we f'ed that up a few times18:39
dansmithso to be honest,18:40
lifelessyes, because the capping is basically a distributed database and thats hard :)18:40
dansmithI know I'm not a smart person, but I really don't understand how I'm going to explain this to our packaging people :/18:40
mriedemwell, the capping failed for 2 big reasons18:40
lifelessdansmith: what are they trying to do ?18:40
lifelessdansmith: and what got you coming down this path ?18:41
dansmithlifeless: they're trying to know what to ship and when. right now I can tell them that it should be the version in upper-constraints because that's what is tested, but going forward I don't think I can tell them how to decipher things for themselves18:41
dansmithlifeless: what got me here is that o.vo's stable/liberty is not what is in upper-constraints, not what is tested, and is missing a couple fixes to make it work with liberty nova at all18:42
lifelessdansmith: ok, so I think going forward we're going to want release-constraints.txt to be the golden rule for stable branches.18:42
lifelessdansmith: known good, branch specific18:43
lifelessdansmith: (or, upper-constraints, for less risk-averse distributors)18:43
dansmiththat would be fine with me, but keeping the stable/$release branch in sync with that file is what concerns me18:43
dansmithand because I don't see the point in doing that18:43
lifelessdansmith: basically we're going to have two known-good sets: one with latest versions of deps, and one with stable release versions of deps18:43
dansmithyeah, I get that18:44
lifelessdansmith: and we're going to have to have that to be able to test stable changes for backwards compat issues18:44
lifelessoop, ECHILD again - sorry, its breakfast time etc18:45
mriedemso rather than knowing what your cap is in the project's own requirements.txt, you have to check in the release-constraints.txt file in another repo18:46
dansmithdims: what are your thoughts on all this?18:46
mriedemi've commented again in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226157/12/specs/backwards-compat-libs-clients.rst18:46
dansmithI would guess that mriedem and dims need to have a high level of comfort in whatever solution we come up with18:46
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mriedemi'm not really comfortable with this :) i've expressed that a few times, but people want what people want18:47
dimsdansmith : i agree that if we have stable branches then they should work with the stable release!18:47
mriedemi think it makes packaging more confusing, at least on stable18:48
mriedemi think it makes testing more confusing on stable18:48
dimsdansmith : so we seem to end up with 2 sets of libraries (one set of say oslo libs from master and another set reflecting oslo libs from stable branches)18:48
dimsand both should work18:49
dimsdon't know if we'll end up there18:49
dansmithyeah, I don't feel like we're on a path to end up with that18:49
mriedemif i'm a distro, i don't really know why i'd want to pick up oslo libs from master when i'm supporting a kilo release18:49
mriedemor liberty18:49
mriedemb/c that exposes me to knew untested territory18:50
dimsdansmith : the other way to look at it is that oslo libs are just like other libs from pypi so we don't have stable branches18:50
mriedemwhen all i want on stable fix pack releases is bug fixes18:50
dansmithI do feel like we're on a path to end up with some very confusing failures because the version in one of the 12 requirements files reflects slightly different code than what is in the stable branch for that repo18:50
dansmithdims: right, unless we need to release a .z for a specific reason, right?18:50
dansmithdims: and then we create a branch for it, fix it, and then release the .z18:50
dansmithdims: thats +1000 from me18:50
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* dhellmann notes the very long scrollback18:52
dimsdhellmann : so we started off by dansmith exploring what their packagers should use for o.vo with stable/liberty nova18:53
dimsdhellmann : stable/liberty branch of o.vo will not work with stable/liberty nova18:53
dhellmannI see a question about branch naming, I can answer that: Branches are tested with things with the same name, or master if nothing else with that name exists. So if we had stable/0.10 of something it would be tested against master instead of whatever stable series it was part of18:54
dhellmannthe other reason for using series names is to only need to support one stable branch for a given series at a time18:54
dhellmannsame as the servers18:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.i18n: add versionadded designations to newer functions  https://review.openstack.org/26202218:54
dansmithdhellmann: well, that's demonstrably not how it is today18:54
dansmithdhellmann: and not how lifeless is describing the future, AFAICT18:54
dhellmanndansmith : ok, that was the intent, I'm not sure how we got away from that18:55
dansmithdhellmann: keeping the stable branch correct with what the stable branches are tested against would require humans18:55
dhellmannI'm not sure how the future will be different. I don't think we want to support a bunch of separate stable branches though18:55
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dhellmanndansmith : the devstack gate machinery that checks out code does the testing. every cycle we have to add a name to the list of things it knows how to check out18:56
dhellmannif that has broken down, I wonder if we don't have the right jobs defined against the stable branch of the lib somehow18:56
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dansmithdhellmann: but today we test nova from oslo packages from pip on stable and master, not from the branches of those projects18:56
dansmithdhellmann: the reason it's not right today is that we're using the pip version of the package from upper-constraints, which does not match what is actually in stable/liberty18:57
dhellmanndansmith : right, but the constraints should be set to use the released versions of things from the branches for nova and changes to oslo.vo stable/foo are tested against nova's stable/foo18:57
dhellmanndansmith : ok, so that's where we went wrong, that shouldn't have been allowed18:57
dhellmannwe should dial that back down18:57
dansmithdhellmann: that's how it's been for a long time, AFAIK18:57
dansmithdhellmann: the only time we test (say) nova against o.vo's master is in the o.vo test with a different job.. nova itself is tested against the released version,18:58
dansmithwhich means we don't get things like the upgrade jobs using the branches, only the packages18:58
dhellmannthe upgrade jobs should be defined to run against changes in the libraries, right?18:59
dansmithand same for all the other ones, AFAIK18:59
dhellmannbut you're right about where the source comes from in both cases18:59
dansmithdhellmann: sure, we could, that's a different topic I'm just pointing out how the tests are run now and from what, yeah19:00
dhellmannah, the constraints bot updated that entry for us19:00
dhellmannso we're in this weird transition period between the capping we used to do and the "no stable branches" era lifeless wants to usher in19:00
dhellmannwhere we're not capping, but we have stable branches, but they don't match19:00
dansmithI know we are, and that's understandable19:01
dansmithwhat I care about is the future, and this actually getting better19:01
dhellmannoh, I'm just talking outloud while I come up to speed on the existing conversation19:01
dansmithwhat I'm concerned about is that we won't actually fix it19:01
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dhellmannwell, lifeless' spec is up for discussion at the tc meeting in about an hour. after that, I don't know exactly what has to happen off the top of my head, unfortunately.19:01
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dhellmannif we go ahead with his plan, I'm not sure how we clearly indicate to anyone packaging the stable branch what version of a lib they should use -- I don't recall if that was covered in the spec19:02
dhellmannthat's https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226157/ for reference19:02
mriedemdhellmann: basically i'd recommend to packagers that they use the proposed release-constraints.txt file as a cap19:02
dansmithI feel like in lifeless' post-apocalyptic future, we can still have this case where we bump the version in some requirements file that we're testing as the bottom end of something for stable/liberty,19:03
dansmithand that will not match what is in that branch for the oslo library19:03
dansmithbasically, exactly what has happened here with o.vo19:03
dhellmannmriedem : ah, right, I forgot about release-constraints.txt, that's how we're supposed to do it19:03
mriedemdhellmann: which i'd argue is just another way of capping the requirements in g-r19:03
mriedembut fancier19:03
mriedemand more complicated19:03
dhellmannmriedem : I think it's less complicated to change the cap, but more files to keep track of19:04
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dhellmannthat is, I think we don't run into the wedging issues using the constraints system that we had with upper bounds19:04
mriedemin release-constraints or g-r?19:04
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack/oslo.utils: Add a mechanism to mask passwords in dictionaries  https://review.openstack.org/25756119:04
dhellmannin release-constraints19:04
dhellmanndansmith : again, I'm still catching up: are you familiar with that spec I linked?19:04
dimsmriedem : dhellmann : release-constraints reflect current stable branches?19:04
dhellmannit sounds like you'd have good input on it19:04
dhellmanndims : IIRC, that's the intent19:05
mriedemdims: release-constraints is meant to be upper-constraints (a snapshot of) at the time of the releease19:05
dansmithdhellmann: I'm familiar with it as described by folks here.. I haven't read/digested it myself and I won't by the time the TC meeting rolls around19:05
dimsdhellmann : so we do end up with 2 sets of working libs (one set of oslo libs from master and one set of oslo libs from stable branches)19:05
mriedemdims: so g-r stable/liberty has the min when liberty was released,19:05
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mriedemrelease-constraints in stable/liberty would be u-c at the time of liberty release19:05
dhellmanndansmith : sure. if you can be around to discuss it in the meeting that would help, but I'll raise the concern if you can't19:05
mriedemand u-c stable/liberty is whatever is bleeding edge and passes tempest today19:05
dimsmriedem : that does not imply release-constraints tracks stable branches or is even working against it19:06
dhellmannmriedem : I would expect release-constraints to be updated if we backport fixes to older versions of the libs, is that what the spec says?19:06
dansmithdhellmann: that's the part that requires humans that concerns me19:07
mriedemdhellmann: the spec doesn't say when we'd raise caps in release-constraints on stable19:07
dhellmanndansmith : yeah, we'd want to write some validation to ensure only patch-release changes can be made to that file19:07
dhellmannmriedem : ok, I can't remember if it's meant to be static or not, maybe it is19:08
lifelessdansmith: sp, to bump a version in a requirements file19:08
lifelessdansmith: that gets reviewed by stable folk19:08
lifelessdansmith: the constraints files are just points within the requirements space to test at19:09
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dansmithlifeless: yeah, I get that19:09
lifelessdansmith: the mismatch we have at the momemnt is because a) we only test one point and b) humans approved a change that isn't in line with policy19:09
dansmithlifeless: yeah, I get that too19:09
dansmiththe current situation is fully understandable19:09
lifelessdansmith: once we have two points, and no bot suggesting changes to the release-branch one19:09
lifelessdansmith: it seems like humans would have to go out of their way to cause a policy break ?19:10
openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack/oslo.log: Remove deprecated use-syslog-rfc-format option  https://review.openstack.org/26378519:11
dimslifeless : do the versions in the release-constraints reflect the stable/ branch of the library?19:11
dansmithlifeless: because they propose lifting the release version for something that isn't actually in the stable version? sounds like a thing a human could do pretty easily19:11
dansmithwriting lots of checks to make sure we don't let humans do bad things will obviously eventually end up working,19:11
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dansmithbut this just seems like a large amount of complexity19:11
dhellmannlifeless : have we already turned off the bot that is proposing constraints changes to stable branches?19:12
lifelessdansmith: how are you measuring the complexity here? like - this has way fewer things in the air at once than actual capping19:12
dansmithlifeless: really?19:13
dansmithI don't understand that at all, so clearly I don't belong in this conversation19:13
lifelessdansmith: really. to do capping we have to do an expand-contract pattern across a hundred odd repositories at every release19:13
dansmithdims: what could I do to catch up the stable branch? do I have to backport everything between 0.10 and 1.1.0 and land them?19:13
lifelessdansmith: we didn't manage to do it right even *once*19:14
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mriedemthe caps in stable/kilo have been much less of a problem than they were in icehouse and juno19:14
lifelessdansmith: see e.g. tony's mails about shared versions between releases, and the caps in those things break if you install the libs directly because they downgrade other componennts19:14
dimsdansmith : if we do something we should do it for all the oslo libs and not just one. so don't know yet. need to think a bit more19:14
mriedemlifeless: right, the shared versions were really between juno and kilo19:15
dansmithdims: okay, I need to go back to my packagers and tell them to forget what I told them this morning, but they're going to need to do something about o.vo right away19:15
mriedemi remember unwinding that issue myself personally19:15
lifelessmriedem: fun times19:15
dansmithdims: so either I need to tell them to do a one-off for o.vo and hold on for the rest or ... something19:15
dimsdansmith : understood :(19:15
mriedema big reason for shared versions between stable branches was because back in juno/kilo, the PTLs were releasing libs/clients themselves at whatever version they thought was appropriate19:16
mriedemwhich usually mean not bumping minor versions19:16
mriedemthe releases process has fixed a lot of that19:16
lifelessmriedem: also we just didn't release some things19:16
lifelessmriedem: capping means 'must release every time' because of the distributed redundancy in the caps19:16
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mriedemi get that capping the first time is a pain in the ass19:17
lifelesswe could do a pure semver thing everywhere, but distributors have pushed back because they don't trust new releases to actually not be subtly broken19:17
mriedemwho are distributors?19:18
lifelessmriedem: helion, ibm, rackspace, redhat etc19:18
mriedemso i'm the only packaging guy ibm ever really had for openstack19:18
lifelessmriedem: I think I've had someone from all of them say 'please keep stable branches and don't require use to run latest releases ever'19:18
mriedemso i'm not sure what ibm is saying about this19:18
lifelessmriedem: Well, its your apparent needs I'm going off of :)19:19
dimsmriedem : lifeless : my one thing here is that release-constraints should reflect a library version released from a stable branch..... or no stable branch exists for that library19:19
lifelessmriedem: in that, AIUI, you want stable branches19:19
mriedemsure, i also mostly want caps19:19
mriedemi want my stable/kilo nova to work with the versions of it's dependencies that were out there at the time of kilo GA19:20
dansmithmriedem: you prefer stable branches of stable/$release or 0.X.Y?19:20
lifelessmriedem: so caps completely stop us testing for backwards compat, for instance. I don't think you get how intrusive they are19:20
mriedemi don't care that nova kilo could pick up oslo.utils from mitaka19:20
mriedemcaps allow libs to break backward compat with major version bumps19:20
lifelessmriedem: I too want stable/kilo nova to work in that case19:21
dansmithlifeless: I can't believe you just said that to mriedem19:21
mriedemdims' life would be a lot easier if we capped on stable so oslo libs could drop things in major versions19:21
dims++ mriedem19:21
lifelessmriedem: but we can drop things in major versions19:21
mriedemwe can't w/o the caps19:21
mriedemor until -eol19:21
lifelessdansmith: sorry, why?19:21
mriedemi assume for my lack of knowledge on gate wedge issues on stable19:22
mriedemi have some experience there19:22
dansmithlifeless: because it's mriedem.. I think he's pretty well versed in the actual mechanics of fixing these issues19:22
lifelessmriedem: that is true. One part of the problem is that caps presume all breaks will affect all users19:22
mriedemi don't get that statement19:23
lifelessdansmith: if nova liberty caps on o.vo < 1, and we're releasing 1.2 of o.vo, how can we test it with nova liberty?19:24
mriedeme.g. if nova kilo works with let's say lib foo at 1.2.1, we cap foo<1.3 in kilo g-r b/c we assume foo follows semver19:24
lifelessdansmith: we don't know its breaking nova liberty - we might be deleting something that was deprecated in juno19:24
mriedemand won't release backward incompatible changes in 1.2.219:24
dansmithlifeless: by pinning nova liberty at a version?19:24
mriedemlifeless: why would we want to test o.vo 1.2 with nova liberty if it's capped19:24
dansmithyeah, that19:24
lifelessmriedem: so that we know if we're breaking things we didn't mean to?19:25
dansmiththe reason we actually broke the released version was because we had to make stable/liberty work with 0.10 and 1.1.0, IIRC19:25
mriedemif some packagers nulls out the nova liberty requirements.txt and wants to ship o.vo 1.2, that's their problem19:25
lifelessECHILD, sorry but this is basically the worst time of day for discussion for me19:25
mriedemlet's break,  i want to get coffee before the TC meeting19:26
mriedemin 34 min19:26
* dansmith looks for a rusty fork19:26
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add rundimentary and/or non-optimized job priorities (WIP)  https://review.openstack.org/26351219:41
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add rundimentary and/or non-optimized job priorities (WIP)  https://review.openstack.org/26351219:52
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openstackgerritGauvain Pocentek proposed openstack/oslo.messaging: list_opts: update the notification options group  https://review.openstack.org/26381820:01
lifelessand back20:02
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openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack/oslo.log: Remove deprecated log-format option  https://review.openstack.org/26390320:57
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stpierrecan someone help me understand the oslo (specifically oslo.log) release cycle? it seems like it's mostly separate from the openstack release cycle, but i'm confused about the purpose of the stable/* branches (e.g., stable/liberty, stable/kilo, etc.)21:56
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rockygThe oslo releases *are* separate from the integrated release cycle.  They are done on an as needed basis.  But, the stable branches are there because when the integrated release happens, it works with the current (and sometimes earlier) versions of the lib, but may break on later ones21:59
rockygSo, the stable branch has a "guaranteed to work with" version of the library21:59
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rockygstpierre ^^22:01
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stpierreok, that makes sense22:02
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stpierredoes the stable branch ever change? are fixes backported to it? does it follow the latest release unless there's a known breaking change?22:02
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rockygYes.  fixes are backported if needed (and someone does it)22:03
rockygUh, the second point...I *think it isn't capped until there is breakage, but not positive.  There has been a lot of churn trying to get various libraries and packages to not break over time.  I believe that going forward, from Liberty, on, there will be caps on all requirements22:05
rockygThe person to ask definitively on this is lifelfess.  He's the guru/expert.  dims and dhellmann also know the specifics.22:06
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Allow for alterations in decider 'area of influence'  https://review.openstack.org/24605122:09
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openstackgerritEric Brown proposed openstack/oslo.config: Numerous corrections to the docstrings  https://review.openstack.org/26393422:32
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Add rundimentary and/or non-optimized job priorities  https://review.openstack.org/26351223:05
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Use newly minted notifier library and deprecate existing and alias to new  https://review.openstack.org/25613023:15
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: Replace clear zookeeper python with clear zookeeper bash  https://review.openstack.org/19652823:18
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/taskflow: For taskflow patterns don't show taskflow.patterns prefix  https://review.openstack.org/25753823:38

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