Monday, 2018-01-15

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dhellmannstephenfin : I added you to oslo-core a minute or two ago. Welcome to the team!14:27
dhellmannfungi : we had something we thought was blocking a release but no one could remember what. at this point in the cycle we were a bit reluctant to introduce disruption because it's hard to pin that library, so we were going to wait until after the release, iirc (maybe gcb or stephenfin has more detail at this point)14:28
fungiahh, okay14:28
stephenfindhellmann, fungi: Sorry, I missed that. I think we're actually good to go14:28
stephenfinI had things backwards. It was reno that was blocked, not pbr14:28
stephenfinWe needed pbr to lose that hook functionality14:29
dhellmanndo we know how to either revert or block a pbr release if there's a problem due to other changes?14:29
stephenfindhellmann: I assume that's aimed at fungi? My guess would be fix/revert the feature and issue a PATCH release?14:30
fungiyeah, in the past we've done a roll-forward tagging a revert to "roll back" pbr breakage14:31
dhellmannoh, sure, that makes sense14:31
fungithough there's still the "support v_versions" dev ml thread which needs some resolution i think14:32
fungihrm, the changes discussed in the last post on that thread have merged to pbr14:34
fungii guess there was just no followup to the ml14:34
fungii'll reply asking if there's any outstanding issue with it at this point14:34
fungiahh, right, there's still the hanging question as to how a project can prevent pbr from considering tags without a "v" prefix in version calculations14:35
dhellmannany new features like different version syntax will have to wait for next cycle at this point14:37
fungiright, since that commit got approved i suppose tagging master at this point is not in the cards14:41
fungithat commit meaning 53116114:41
fungianyway, i replied on that ml thread14:41
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fungido you normally have a feature freeze for shared libs to avoid merging changes like that on late in the cycle, or just a release freeze to avoid tagging them after a certain point?14:44
dhellmannoh, if it's approved, that's fine14:44
dhellmannI thought it was a request to implement something new14:44
gcbweekly meeting in 10 minutes14:50
dhellmanngcb : fungi, stephenfin, and I were just discussing a potential pbr release14:51
gcbdhellmann: just read the irc log14:51
gcbabout and email .  I don't think we will support  version with prefix 'v' in OpenStack14:53
gcbmaybe pbr can support that in other projects14:53
stephenfinYes, if I understood correctly, the author of the patch was dismayed that the generated sdist (I think) was using non-prefixed versions14:54
stephenfinWhich makes sense, since we discard the 'vV' prefix14:54
stephenfintbh though, that's not a bug - that's an additional feature14:54
* dhellmann needs to reread the email thread14:54
stephenfinor an addition to the original feature14:54
dhellmannyeah, I think we can consider any remaining work on that either a bug fix (filenames) or new feature (ignore unprefixed versions)14:55
dhellmannand I'm not sure we want to do the latter, unless it's easy14:56
stephenfinDitto. That's a problem better addressed by things like Git hooks, IMO14:56
stephenfin"You're not allowed push tags without a 'v' prefix"14:56
stephenfinI'll reply to the email now, actually14:57
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gcbstephenfin: ++ to reply what we will do in OpenStack15:00
gcb#startmeeting  oslo15:00
openstackMeeting started Mon Jan 15 15:00:17 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gcb. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'oslo'15:00
gcbcourtesy ping for amotoki, amrith, bknudson, bnemec, crushil, dansmith, dhellmann15:00
gcbcourtesy ping for dims, dougwig, e0ne, electrocucaracha, flaper87, garyk, gcb15:00
gcbcourtesy ping for GheRivero, haypo, jd__, jecarey, johnsom, jungleboyj, kgiusti15:00
gcbcourtesy ping for kragniz, lhx_, lifeless, lxsli, Nakato, ozamiatin, rbradfor15:00
gcbcourtesy ping for redrobot, rpodolyaka, sergmelikyan, sileht, spamaps, sreshetnyak, sreshetnyak15:00
gcbcourtesy ping for stevemar, therve, thinrichs, toabctl, viktors, zhiyan, zzzeek,zxy15:00
ansmithgcb, hello15:00
kgiustikgiusti: o/15:00
gcbhi ansmith, dhellmann ,kgiusti, stephenfin15:01
gcb#topic  welcome stephenfin to oslo team15:02
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gcbstephenfin: congratulation !15:02
kgiustistephenfin: huzzah!15:02
gcbhope you will be happy to work within oslo team15:03
ansmithstephenfin, welcome!15:03
gcbhi bnemec15:03
bnemecgcb: Hi15:03
gcbI knew stephenfin  when I pushed python 35 patches in Nova,  he aslo help presented Oslo Project Update in Sydney Summit15:05
gcbwelcome stephenfin  again :-)15:05
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gcb#topic Red flags for/from liaisons15:05
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gcb shows failure for cinder, would like to check with jungleboyj later15:06
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gcb#topic Releases15:06
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gcbwe are in the last week to release oslo libraries for queens according to
gcb for queens15:08
dhellmannI'll review that right after we're done meeting15:08
gcbdhellmann, stephenfin:  would you like to  do a release for pbr  for queens or just wait the early of rocky as we talked before15:09
dhellmannlet me look at what else is included...15:10
fungigiven my features in master are mostly cosmetic (pypi-oriented) i don't consider them urgent15:12
dhellmanna lot of items on the list are doc update, but there are a couple of features that could be disruptive15:12
stephenfinThe only potential risks I see there are a260dc3 ("Discover Distribution through the class hierarchy") and 3a6b96c ("Use 'build_reno' setuptools extension if available")15:12
stephenfinimo, anyway15:13
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dhellmannI guess "225e882 2017-12-06 11:01:52 +0000 Put test-requirements into an extra named 'test'" is probably safe, if it's just adding data15:13
stephenfinIndeed. If it's broken, well, no one's using it yet anyway15:13
dhellmann"32c90ba 2017-10-09 10:48:33 +0100 Remove support for command hooks" appears to be a feature removal15:14
stephenfinIt is, but no one uses it in OpenStack15:14
dhellmannso a major version bump but we think it's safe15:14
gcbso  It seems we'd better to do release for pbr until early Rocky15:14
stephenfinper codesearch.o.o15:14
dhellmannI would feel better waiting, and then more actively releasing next cycle as we make changes15:15
stephenfinPerhaps, yes. The only thing anyone will miss is the reno-in-sdist feature15:15
stephenfinwhich is no killer feature15:15
stephenfinI vote punt til Rocky, so15:15
dhellmannyeah, I wanted that in this cycle but it's not critical15:15
gcb+1 for releasing it in Rocky15:16
gcbokay, let's move on15:17
gcb#topic Stuck Reviews15:17
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dhellmannsounds good, I'll set a reminder for myself15:17
gcbdhellmann: thanks15:18
gcbwe don't have bugfix patches in review now15:18
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gcbso there is no stuck review for queens15:18
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gcbanyone have review to raise ?15:19
smcginnisNot for queens, but I will have a couple more to fix stable jobs on ocata shortly.15:19
gcbsmcginnis: thanks for the work , fee free to add me as reviewer :-)15:20
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smcginnisThanks, will do. They've been making it through pretty quick, so thanks all for that.15:21
gcbsmcginnis:  I didn't release pike/ocata if we only have non-functional changes like fix the gate jobs.  is that okay?15:21
smcginnisgcb: Yeah, that's fine. I just wanted to get these fixed now so when we actually do have something to get out there it won't be a problem.15:21
smcginnisBut no need to do a release for these changes.15:22
gcbyeah, we're in the same page :-)15:22
gcb#topic PTG15:22
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gcb we have some topics15:23
gcbI would like to take the task of enabling mutable configuration, I will add it as one of community goal and would like to discuss that during the PTG15:23
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gcbbtw, I got approval of  Travel Support Program, so I can attend the Dublin PTG15:24
gcblooking forward to meeting up with all of you, old friends :-)15:25
gcbso please collect more topics about oslo LOL15:27
dhellmanngcb: do we know which day we are meeting, yet?15:28
gcbdhellmann: will check with ttx tomorrow, I  can't attend the meeting in Monday due to I just be selected as individual director , need attend the boarding meeting in Monday15:31
dhellmanncongratulations :-)15:31
stephenfinOh, congrats indeed :)15:31
gcbI think my company will let me attend the PTG even I got  travel support support :-)15:32
kgiustihey that's excellent news!15:32
gcbs/got/ didn't get15:32
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gcb#topic Open discussion15:33
dhellmannI'm sure ttx will help us schedule around the board meeting so you can participate in both15:33
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gcbdhellmann: agree15:33
gcbfor the Rocky, we need new PTL15:34
ttxwe'll do our best15:34
dhellmannttx: I think as long as Oslo is not on Monday we'll be fine.15:34
gcbttx: thanks15:34
dhellmannso we're looking for volunteers to be PTL? folks, please talk to your managers if you're interested.15:35
dhellmannI'd be happy to talk to anyone if you have any questions, and I'm sure gcb would, too.15:35
gcbdhellmann: yeah,  I would like to focus on coding like enable mutable configuration15:36
* dhellmann nods15:36
* jungleboyj sneaks in late. 15:39
jungleboyj Sorry we are off today.15:39
gcbwelcome to run for the PTL :-)15:39
* stephenfin considers jungleboyj mad to be here on his day off15:39
bnemecstephenfin: +1 :-)15:40
gcbjungleboyj: it doesn't matter just need double check with you about
bnemecAlthough given the weather here he may have nothing else to do. ;-)15:40
dhellmanngcb : if you haven't already, it would be good for you to announce on the mailing list that you are not running15:40
jungleboyj:-)  Somebody said my name though.  :-)15:40
smcginnisbnemec: Very true. ;)15:41
jungleboyjbnemec:  Yeah.15:41
gcbdhellmann: sure , will send out tomorrow15:41
dhellmanngcb : ok, thanks15:41
jungleboyjsmcginnis:  Have we seen that failure anywhere else?  I haven't.15:41
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jungleboyjgcb:  Glad you can make it to the PTG.15:42
dhellmannjungleboyj : that's with unreleased libs so we probably wouldn't see it anywhere else15:42
jungleboyjAnd congrats on the Board member results.15:42
smcginnisjungleboyj: I may have seen that one once before, though it's possible it was from this review.15:42
gcbjungleboyj: thanks15:43
jungleboyjOk, so we will need to go take a look at what is happening there.15:43
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smcginnisjungleboyj: That's using a global, so likely that UT failure was just a race.15:45
jungleboyjOk.  So something we just need to make sure isn't happening consistently.15:46
gcbany other topics someone want to discuss :-)15:47
gcbhave a nice day everyone thanks, we will end the meeting in 1 minutes :-)15:50
jungleboyjgcb:  Thanks!  You have a good one too.15:50
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openstackMeeting ended Mon Jan 15 15:52:26 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:52
openstackMinutes (text):
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack/sphinx-feature-classification master: Initial cookiecutter patch
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sphinx-feature-classification master: Initial cookiecutter patch
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.privsep master: msgpack-python has been renamed to msgpack
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.serialization master: msgpack-python has been renamed to msgpack
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/tooz master: msgpack-python has been renamed to msgpack
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bnemecdhellmann: What do you think about ?  It has two +2's over minimally changed patch sets, but it's late in the cycle to be changing deps.21:39
dhellmannwe can land it, but I wouldn't release it21:40
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