Friday, 2018-06-22

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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack/osprofiler master: opts: Fix invalid rST formatting
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stephenfindhellmann: Have you any sway over anymore?13:52
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openstackgerritRaildo Mascena proposed openstack/oslo.config master: User guide documentation for backend drivers for oslo.config
dhellmannstephenfin : I have owner rights on pypi but not on that repo. Let me see if I can get someone to give me access so we can move it over to the sphinx-contrib org14:13
openstackgerritRaildo Mascena proposed openstack/oslo.config master: User guide documentation for backend drivers for oslo.config
stephenfindhellmann: Yup, would appreciate that. It looks like a blocker for moving multiple project's docs to Python 314:14
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dhellmannstephenfin : have you tried any of those pull requests that claim to fix python 3 compatibility?14:32
stephenfindhellmann: I have not but I can14:32
dhellmannif you have time, it's not a high priority14:32
dhellmann looks promising14:33
dhellmannas does
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/sphinx-feature-classification master: Update for Python 3 compatibility
stephenfindhellmann: works a-ok for me14:36
dhellmannit looks like it ought to support python 2 as well, which would make rolling it out easier14:37
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stephenfinAye, there's nothing that's not Python 2 incompatible in those14:38
* stephenfin tests to be sure14:38
dhellmannI've asked my contact at DH to help me move the repo over, so I'll let you know when I have a response14:38
stephenfinSounds good to me14:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/sphinx-feature-classification master: Update for Python 3 compatibility
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bnemecI'm trying to add constraints to osprofiler, but it's failing with the dreaded "Could not satisfy constraints for 'osprofiler': installation from path or url cannot be constrained to a version"15:48
bnemecDoes anyone remember off hand how to fix that?15:48
bnemecI know at one point we were filtering the current project out of the list, but I thought we weren't supposed to do that anymore.15:48
dhellmannhow do we do it in the other libs?15:48
bnemecI dunno.  I'm looking at the oslo.config tox.ini and I don't see anything obvious.15:51
bnemecHuh.  The problem appears to be the .[oslo_config] dep in tox.ini.15:54
bnemecIf I remove that then the problem goes away.15:54
bnemecThat's weird.  I wonder why they split it out that way since there are other deps that pull in oslo.config anyway.15:56
bnemecIt's not like it's an optional dependency.15:56
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/osprofiler master: Start using upper-constraints in tox venvs
bnemecLet's see how ci likes that.16:01
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/osprofiler master: Start using upper-constraints in tox venvs
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raildodhellmann, around? need some help with that cache stuff for the oslo.config driver18:22
dhellmannraildo : sure, what's up?18:25
raildodhellmann, so I'm trying to implement to store the external values during the get method here
raildodhellmann, the issue is that looks like we don't know the source for this values at this point18:27
raildodhellmann, so, I'm trying to figure out how to discover if the value come from the external source, so we can store in the new cache, or if it come from the ini value, so we can put in that cache18:28
dhellmannwhat is the value of loc when it comes back from the driver?18:28
raildodhellmann, hum, don't know, I didn't see any location been set over the driver creation18:30
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dhellmannoh, the driver is returning None as the location18:33
dhellmannwe're going to have to fix that to at least return a valid LocationInfo instance18:35
raildodhellmann, hum... got it, so we should create the LocationInfo and return it in the get method over the driver? (line 112)18:36
raildois that right?18:36
dhellmannoh, hang on18:37
dhellmannthis code is so messy18:37
dhellmannif the option is in the namespace object used by the driver that call on line 108 will return a tuple that includes a valid LocationInfo18:38
dhellmannline 112 is the case where the driver doesn't have the value, and None is ok there because the location is going to be ignored18:38
dhellmannso you'll always have a valid LocationInfo on line 2950, but you won't be able to tell from it whether the value came out of a driver or not18:38
dhellmannraildo : maybe using a separate cache is the wrong way to approach this18:39
raildodhellmann, yeah, that my felling at this point18:40
dhellmannunfortunately I have another meeting now, but I suggest spending some time thinking about how to deal with the mutability issue differently18:40
raildoI was thinking how bad would be to not cache values for external sources, at this point18:40
dhellmannin order to not cache them you have to know they came from external sources, too18:40
dhellmannso the real problem is that all values would be cached always18:40
dhellmannand then the cache is discarded when the option is mutated18:40
raildodhellmann, sure, no problem, we can talk about that later, or in the worst case, in the tuesday meeting18:40
dhellmannoh, maybe the second cache can be managed where we access the sources instead of in _do_get18:41
dhellmannsorry, *inside* _do_get instead of where we *call* _do_get18:41
dhellmannraildo : does that make sense?18:42
raildodhellmann, so, it would be one cache per driver? like we will be caching inside the driver?18:42
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dhellmannyou don't need a separate cache, no. but at the point where you're calling the sources you know that the value is coming from a source18:42
dhellmannso you still only need 1 extra cache18:43
dhellmannnot one per driver18:43
dhellmanndown around line 3078 you'd check the cache before entering the loop18:43
dhellmannand then on line 3081 before returning the value you'd add it to the cache18:43
dhellmannI have to run :-(18:44
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raildodhellmann, no worries, we talk about that later18:44
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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.db master: Rename enginefacade async method into asynchronous
openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.db master: Rename enginefacade async method into asynchronous
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