Thursday, 2018-10-04

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openstackgerritDuc Nguyen proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: Propose spec for handle config changes in code
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.config master: move some documentation out of the source files
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openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/oslo.config master: Add support for looking in environment for config
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: Support wheel 0.32.0+
openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: tox: Suppress output
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hberaudhey guys, just a little bit question concerning the link between review on gerrit and bugs on launchpad, from launchpad I know how to retrieve the review (patchs) if they exists, but how to reverse it? how to identify the bug from gerrit? example with this review how to identify the associated launchpad bug if exist?12:35
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap.daemon with low fd limit
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap.daemon with low fd limit
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap.daemon with low fd limit
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ajoping bnemec can you have an eye on discussion here:
ajozaneb  suggested that may be we could put os-log-merger under the oslo umbrella14:04
ajoalthough it's not a library,14:04
ajoand that's why I didn't propose it initially, but now I see there are some utility projects (like cookiecutter, etc)14:04
ajoor oslo rootwrap...14:06
ajoI guess making a whole openstack project just for merging logs is may be an overkill :) so I'm looking for umbrellas14:07
ajodhellmann: ^ zaneb14:08
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bnemecajo: I'll give it some thought and I added it to the oslo meeting agenda for Monday.14:20
ajobnemec: thanks, let me check the meeting time to see if I can join...14:24
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ajobnemec: added it to my calendar14:27
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap with low fd ulimit
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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: always build universal wheels
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moguimarbnemec, dhellmann, could you guys add this to your list?15:11
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap with low fd ulimit
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openstackgerritStephen Finucane proposed openstack-dev/pbr master: tox: Suppress output
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo-specs master: Propose spec for handle config changes in code
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack/oslo.config master: Pass old_values dict to upgrade_converter
openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: always build universal wheels
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap with low fd ulimit
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openstackgerritCorey Bryant proposed openstack/oslo.config master: python3: Ensure ConfigOpts __iter__ uses list(d.keys())
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Run rootwrap with low fd ulimit
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