Friday, 2018-10-12

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openstackgerritTommyLike proposed openstack/oslo.privsep master: Use threads to process target function
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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack/osprofiler master: Add a job to run Tempest tests on py27
openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: doc: Remove crud from file
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openstackgerritDuc Nguyen proposed openstack/oslo.config master: update valid value in choice list for the opt
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/oslo-cookiecutter master: Clean up .gitignore references to personal tools
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/futurist master: Don't quote {posargs} in tox.ini
openstackgerritMerged openstack/pycadf master: Use templates for cover and lower-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.service master: Always build universal wheels
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Add guidelines for naming policies
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Add guidelines for naming policies
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
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openstackgerritHervé Beraud proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: doc: Remove crud from file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/oslo-cookiecutter master: Don't quote {posargs} in tox.ini
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/ master: Remove dead tooling
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/debtcollector master: Don't quote {posargs} in tox.ini
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.concurrency master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.config master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.config master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.context master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.db master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.i18n master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.log master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.middleware master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.policy master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.privsep master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.reports master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.serialization master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
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openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.service master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.upgradecheck master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed openstack/oslo.versionedobjects master: Change python3.5 job to python3.7 job on Stein+
openstackgerritMerged openstack/oslo.config master: Unit tests to illustrate positional argument bug
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