Tuesday, 2022-01-18

damanisorry i forget when is the oslo meeting ?10:54
hberauddamani: oslo meetings are no longer trigger since Y. I stepped down from meeting facilitator and AFAIK nobody volunteered.10:59
damanii can be facilitator :)11:00
damanihberaud, what do you think ?11:00
hberauddamani: +111:01
damaninice 11:01
damanii will start to work on that 11:01
hberaudlet me know if I can help you11:01
damaniyes actually 11:02
damanifirst what is the best time and day ?11:02
damaniand can you explain a bit to me how that works like the bot and so on 11:03
hberaudthe bot is automatically trigger when you send those commands => https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Oslo#Agenda_Template11:07
damanihberaud, bnemec, johnsom, stephenfin, bcafarel, kgiusti, jungleboyj, gmann, i will start the meeting again let's do it next monday 11:07
bcafareldamani: ack, you may want to send a mail to openstack-discuss about it (some people may want off or on the courtesy ping list)15:49
damanibcafarel, right i will do that 16:04
gmanndamani: ack, thanks16:40

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