Tuesday, 2022-01-25

damanihberaud, can you look please https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.utils/+/826077 ?08:04
damanihberaud, https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.utils/+/82491208:05
damanistephenfin, can you review this patch please https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.context/+/825750 ?08:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.context master: Don't test with setuptools local distutils.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.context/+/82575011:40
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo.context master: Integrate mypy  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.context/+/74248712:18
hberaudbnemec: o/ sorry to harass you with these patches but please can you validate https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.cache/+/824944 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.cache/+/803747 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.cache/+/803716 thanks in advance13:07
*** mrunge_ is now known as mrunge13:11
damanistephenfin, are you around here ?13:21
iurygregoryHey oslo experts :D, oslo.messaging can have multiple drivers enabled? The reason I'm asking is because the ironic-prometheus-exporter  has it own driver so we can collect the sensor data from Ironic, today a person asked if it's possible to have the the kafka driver in oslo_messaging_notifications for the normal notifications he gets in their env plus the ipe driver to get the sensor data  https://docs.openstack.or13:39
iurygregoryg/ironic-prometheus-exporter/latest/configuration.html 13:39
hberaudiurygregory: I'd argue that yes, it is possible https://docs.openstack.org/oslo.messaging/latest/configuration/opts.html#oslo-messaging-notifications13:43
hberaud"The Drivers(s) to handle sending notifications. Possible values are messaging, messagingv2, routing, log, test, noop"13:44
iurygregoryhberaud, yeah, but for example the transport_url can have multiple values (I think each driver will need it owns transport_url, right?)13:46
iurygregoryironic sends the sensor data via rpc from what I remember, so we just have "fake://" in the transport_url when using the ironic-prometheus-exporter13:48
hberaudiurygregory: yes I think each driver need its own transport url13:48
hberaudiurygregory: does these drivers configs will be stored in the same config file?13:49
iurygregoryhumm good question, the ironic-prometheus-exporter is stored in the ironic.conf13:50
iurygregorylet me ask the person to join the channel here13:50
hberaudiurygregory: my main concern is that I don't think is it possible to store multiple similar config sections/keys in the same file, else they will be overrided13:51
hberaudparasitid: o/13:51
parasitidhi hberaud. so to achieve what i'm trying to do, it would mean a dedicated entry(transport_url)/section for monitoring?13:52
iurygregorythe kafka config you have is already in the oslo_messaging_notifications in ironic.conf right?13:53
hberaudparasitid: taking into account the configuration doc I'd argue that yes, it would require a dedicated entry for monitoring13:55
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo.context master: Integrate mypy  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.context/+/74248713:55
parasitidsome should spawn a brand new oslo project: oslo.monitoring, so we could have harmonized prom exporter configs :)13:56
hberaudparasitid: maybe an already existing place to host those monitoring => https://opendev.org/openstack/oslo.metrics13:58
iurygregoryparasitid, from what i remember when I created the driver for the ironic-prometheus-exporter we don't really care about the transport_url, but I never tested with a value that is used by another driver14:01
iurygregoryif the ipe driver is enable in the ironic.conf + the location config I think it would work...14:02
parasitidhberaud: oh i didn't know this one :)14:02
parasitidiurygregory: ok, so there's a chance that i could mix up both transport_url=kafka:// and location=/prom and that would work ?14:03
iurygregoryparasitid, I think so14:06
iurygregorythe location config is only used by the ipe14:06
iurygregoryand from what i remember we don't really care about the transport_url14:07
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.utils stable/ussuri: Dropping lower constraints testing  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.utils/+/82607714:22
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/taskflow master: WIP Fixing unit tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/taskflow/+/82553915:13
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/taskflow master: WIP Fixing unit tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/taskflow/+/82553916:19
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/taskflow master: WIP Fixing unit tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/taskflow/+/82553916:55
opendevreviewGregory Thiemonge proposed openstack/taskflow master: Fix unit tests  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/taskflow/+/82553917:56

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