Monday, 2024-06-10

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.rootwrap master: Remove unused reno from test requirements
opendevreviewViktor Křivák proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Catch NotFound exception when declere a queue. This exception is thrown when we try to declare queue that already exists and it is non-durable, non-ha is hosted on node which is recently down.
opendevreviewViktor Křivák proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Catch NotFound exception when declere a queue.
opendevreviewViktor Křivák proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Catch NotFound exception when declere a queue.
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: rabbit: Make PreconditionFailed warning log more informative
kevkoHi folks, can we merge our patch for oslo messaging ? It's quite important bug << So we can backport as soon as possible please ? 13:16
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