Monday, 2024-06-17

opendevreviewOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: Imported Translations from Zanata
*** zbitter is now known as zaneb04:26
opendevreviewMauricio Harley proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: Add memcache_expire_time to the configuration
kevkoHi folks, can anyone to move this ? ? 11:11
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
kevkohberaud: Regarding migration to quorum queues ... thanks for reaction ..well I think we found a solution ... semi automatic i will keep in touch .... btw you think you can review this ? ^^ 11:49
hberaudlemme check11:49
hberaudkevko: the patch LGTM, but IMO a release note would be welcome. This release note could be added through a follow up patch. Can you provide one?11:52
kevkohberaud: yes of course12:27
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
kevkohberaud: i've updated this patch and added reno ... so now it is really ready to go ..just wait for zuul ...12:47
kevkohberaud: no problem .. it's kind simple patch ..but very important ..12:47
kevkohberaud: it will be probably good to backport to lower versions ...12:48
hberaudtagged it as backport candidate12:49
kevkohberaud: thanks, did you reset the vote because of reno ? ...check my reply i can finally amend the reno or not ... so i can have +2 from you and wait for Takashi probably as he mentioned before he is ok with patch also 12:58
hberaudkevko: I reset my vote to highlight my latest comment, I think it is important to underline the queue removal13:04
kevkohberaud: okay, let me do it 13:04
kevkohberaud: done 13:07
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
kevkohberaud: cool, thanks 13:08
kevkohberaud: thanks :) 13:15
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.cache master: Redis Sentinel: Use dogpile.cache interface for username
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.cache master: Use f-string when creating config dict
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.cache master: redis: Make database id configurable

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