Monday, 2024-06-24

opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.utils master: is_valid_ipv4: Enable strict check by default
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: oslo.middleware: DisableIfMissing Healthcheck plugin
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.messaging master: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/castellan master: Replace use of testtools.testcase.TestSkipped
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/tooz master: Replace use of testtools.testcase.TestSkipped
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/futurist master: Replace use of testtools.testcase.TestSkipped
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: Use cotyledon and futurist.
tkajinamstephenfin, I wonder if we should bump min testcase version (to 2.7.2) ?09:56
tkajinamtesttools version, I mean09:56
stephenfintkajinam: Is it any advantage? TestSkipped is still valid but it's just deprecated09:58
tkajinamstephenfin, ah ok. I'm afraid I misunderstood how the deprecated class is handled.09:58
tkajinamit was anyway replaced here then the new code should work with the older version10:00
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2024.1: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
kevkoThank you for merge , I am going to make a backport for other stable releases ... I would like to only ask how can I backport it ... we in kolla we are backporting master -> stable/2024.1  , master -> 2023.2 ...etc .... but I know some projects wanted to backport master -> 2024.1,10:04
kevko2024.1 -> 2023.2 ...etc ... so my question is ... first described option or the second one ? 10:04
tkajinamkevko, I'm not aware of any strict described policy but I prefer the 2nd step-by-step approach10:06
tkajinamto make sure that we do not skip intermediate branches.10:06
kevkotkajinam: ok, do i need to wait for merge 2024.1 and then backport ..or can I just set those backports at once ? 10:07
kevkomaster is now merged ^^ 10:07
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2023.2: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
opendevreviewMichal Arbet proposed openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2023.1: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
tkajinamkevko, either is fine. the change is tiny so proposing backports early may not be such confusing10:15
kevkotkajinam: Thank you 10:23
kevkotkajinam: btw, what is the policy for unmaintained branches (as for example in this case we need it in zed ... ) ? 10:40
kevkoas it is in fact ugly bug 10:40
tkajinamit's up to unmaintained cores10:56
tkajinamafaik no one from oslo belongs to unmaintained cores so I'm not too sure how it may be operated10:56
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: Use cotyledon and futurist.
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: Use cotyledon and futurist.
*** haleyb is now known as haleyb|out13:16
kevkotkajinam: what does it mean "unmaintained cores" ? is there some list ? (i am still learning policies regarding unmaintained branches as it's quite new stuff)13:24
tkajinamkevko, unmaintained branches are maintained by different cores, unless projects opt-in. afaik oslo cores haven't joined the unmaitained cores so all unmaintained branches of oslo repos are maintained by a different team13:33
tkajinamkevko, tbh I don't know much about unmaintained cores. the main policy around unmaintained is that the project cores don't have to (or even shouldn't) care about unmaintained branches by default.13:33
tkajinamthat's what I understood and was told multiple times13:34
kevkotkajinam: okay, now i understand ... 13:34
kevkotkajinam: that's pity i would say 13:34
tkajinamthe main problem behind that transition is that many people insist they need old branches but they don't really help maintaining these13:35
tkajinamyes that's pity but we are still looking for the balance between requirement and available resources13:35
kevkotkajinam: no problem, i can fix our downstream images in my company ... i just always trying to share fixes with whole community ..and I think there is a big group of users who is running older versions as openstack release cycle is quite fast ...13:36
kevkotkajinam: and specifically this patch is quite important ...13:36
kevkotkajinam: another option is to use newer oslo ...but as non-oslo developer i can't say it can always work ... but i am sure that you understand us :) Thank you Takashi 13:38
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2024.1: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2023.2: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2023.1: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue
opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2023.2: Handle NotFound exception when declaring a queue

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