Wednesday, 2024-07-03

opendevreviewliuyulong proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Add RPC incoming and reply log
opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: oslo.middleware: EnableByFiles Healthcheck plugin
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: Use cotyledon and futurist.
fricklerdamani2: tkajinam: there's some oslo projects in when you have a moment09:53
tkajinamfrickler, thanks... I'll take a look tomorrow12:16
tkajinamI wonder if we should remove python 3.8 support in m-2 release or should we do that in m-3 ? I feel like m-3 is too late12:17
fricklertkajinam: if you plan to remove it, doing in m-2 would IMO be better, yes12:25
tkajinamto avoid mess right before rc12:27
tkajinamI'll take care of it tomorrow12:27
tkajinamdamani2, jfyi ^^^12:27
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opendevreviewCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/oslo.middleware master: Add a enabled by files healthcheck plugin
gmanntkajinam: or we can do it in next cycle? just wondering if any project still test py3.8 and they will be broken if oslo project add python_requires = >=3.9 or so19:13
gmannand doing it before m-1 of next cycle so that we have time to know/handle the situation.  I remember how we got into the py3.6 situation when we had to add it back at last moment 19:14
gmannit will be always better for oslo and other common lib to drop support with at least one cycle in buffer so that project drop it completely and then libs19:15
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