Tuesday, 2024-07-09

opendevreviewMerged openstack/oslo.middleware master: Make ConfigInvalid generic  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.middleware/+/92345805:22
opendevreviewliuyulong proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Add RPC incoming and reply log  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.messaging/+/92333706:57
fricklerthis looks to me like there might be an issue with the recent oslo.log release https://storage.gra.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_732/923578/3/check/neutron-tempest-plugin-designate-scenario/7321903/controller/logs/screen-designate-producer.txt08:05
fricklerralonsoh found https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.log/+/918426 as possible trigger08:05
fricklerdamani2: sean-k-mooney: hberaud: tkajinam: ^^08:06
fricklercc JayF because it seems eventlet is involved08:06
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: in what way. if neutron was impacted by not setting the debug feature then nueton was already broken as the debug feature was enebaling unsafe file descriptor aceess08:07
sean-k-mooney ah this is designate not neutron08:08
sean-k-mooneyi see so that means that designate has a latent bug08:09
sean-k-mooneyi would suggest that the correct way to fix that in the short term is for designate alone to enable the non production debug feature in there own code when monky patching until they can remove the dependcy08:09
sean-k-mooneyfrickler: note that the debug feature is not supproted in teh aio_hub so designate wont be able to use that to transtion off eventlet until they stop using it.08:15
fricklerhmm, ok, I'll take this to the designate team, then, wasn't clear to me whether the change would affect other projects, too08:18
sean-k-mooneyit may but its a bug in any that are affected. the enablment of the debug flag was done unintentionally when the code was ported form swift to oslo 12-18 months ago08:19
sean-k-mooneyand projects were not aware of it08:19
sean-k-mooneyso they may have acidentlly merged code that used it without knowing08:19
sean-k-mooneythis is unlikely but may happen if they are spawning threads directly adn tring to log form those threads08:20
sean-k-mooneylooking at the backtrace there was one call to logging via a task module an 2  form perodic tasks vai looping call08:21
sean-k-mooneyhaleyb: by the way with the current direction we are heading in we should be able to supprot the asycio NATS driver and with awaitlet that could be used by non asyncio code too09:20
sean-k-mooneyim not sure that nova will adopt asyncio in the next 1-2 years although i hope we remove eventlet usage in that time but i would like to at least have the option to use the NATS driver if it progresses so that could be an interesting test case for awaitlet09:22
sean-k-mooneyzzzeek: haleyb: by the way just listenign to the tc call i dont think 4-5 years for the eventlet transtion is fiesible. i think if its not done in 1-2 we are screwed.09:27
sean-k-mooneywe ideally need to be able to run without eventlet to soem degree in 2025.1 and need to be able to default to not using eventlet by 2026.1 and perhaps even start droping support for eventlet in that time frame09:28
sean-k-mooneywe effecctly have a hard deadline of completeding this work before python 3.12 goes end of life given we dont expect eventlet to support 3.13+09:29
sean-k-mooneygranted 3.12 EOL is 2028-1009:30
sean-k-mooneyso technially  yes we have 4 years but practially we cant expect distro like debian or ubunut to continue to package openstack if its stuck in 3.12 for that long09:31
hberaudfrickler: I agree with sean-k-mooney, fixes can be done directly on the impacted deliverables, leaving oslo.log free from this multiple reader non sense, and thus, limiting side effects into other deliverables11:42
hberaudsean-k-mooney: as far as possible, I'd love to see the discontinuation of the support of new cpython versions, but I still prefer to offer a minimal window for Py3.13 (see https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/pull/966 and https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/pull/965)11:47
sean-k-mooneyhberaud: if it works and can be supproted with minimal addtional work the cool11:48
hberaudour problem now is more that greenlet is stuck... https://github.com/python-greenlet/greenlet/pull/410 same scenario repeat again...11:48
sean-k-mooneywhen you say greenlet is stuch you mean there ci is broken or the grenlet lib has no maintianer or the greenlet lib is broken?11:49
sean-k-mooneyhopefully not all 311:49
hberaudvictor submitted patches to greenlet to fix the compat, but nobody review them since months11:49
hberaudthe ci could be fixed by victor's patches11:49
hberaudthe py313 support too11:50
hberaudnow we need reviews11:50
hberaudand if greenlet do not support py313, eventlet will be impacted too11:51
sean-k-mooneygreenlet last had a release Dec 21, 2023 which isnt terribel since i belvie the api they have is resonable stale at this point11:51
hberaudeven if "technically" eventlet is ok with py31311:51
sean-k-mooneyya no commits for 7 months is kind of worrying however11:52
hberaudlet observe that a couple of additional weeks11:52
hberaudpy313 is still "far"11:53
hberaudand we are now in the summer period11:54
hberaudif these patches are still opened by the beginning of september I think we can really start to worry about11:54
opendevreviewDaniel Bengtsson proposed openstack/oslo-specs master: Use cotyledon and futurist.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo-specs/+/92259714:31

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