Monday, 2025-01-06

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:33
*** elodilles_pto is now known as elodilles08:34
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Fix integration testing of current change
*** sfinucan is now known as stephenfin14:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Remove the use of six from PBR
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Test pip and install behavior in PBR testing
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Use pyproject.toml
clarkbthinking about ^ I wonder if there is a good way to do a beta release and have people check it work in their environments. We're already trying to approximate that in testing though so it may not be necesasry15:58
clarkbfungi: ^ you may have additional thoughts on that15:58
opendevreviewMerged openstack/pbr master: Set up PBR with setuptools as a dependency
fungii don't know of an easy way except maybe with a beta version spec in pyproject.toml for projects using one16:00
fungiswitching a project to pyproject.toml based builds would also potentially introduce separate issues which would need untangling16:01
clarkbfungi: you do have projects using pyproject.toml and pbr already though right? Maybe it is worth a beta release and you could check things in those projects?16:04
fungiwe could switch something like bindep over to using pyproject.toml first (you have a start in ), then tag a pbr and in build-system.requires specify pbr>=
fungiactually, if my recheck on that comes back green, we can stack a wip change on it to require the beta i guess?16:07
clarkbfungi: I like that idea. Did you want to push up the wip stack? I guess we also need someone to request a release of pbr?16:16
fungii can push up the pbr release request, yep16:16
fungidid we want to include any release notes in pbr first?16:17
fungigeussing not since we don't expect these recent changes to be user-facing differences16:17
fungi is the 6 changes to merge since 6.1.016:18
clarkbthe vast majority are testing only updates. The main thing would be the addition of pyproject.toml use by pbr itself16:19
clarkbI could go either way. We could note it just so that if there are unexpected problems people have a hint at where to start looking?16:19
fungiwhich, again, shouldn't be user-facing since it's only a build-time behavior change for pbr itself16:19
fungiusers don't interact with pbr's own pyproject.toml, they get a prebuilt wheel16:19
clarkbI think we would only do it to leave a breadcrumb for unexpected debug needs16:19
clarkboh thats a good point16:19
clarkbyou only deal with the pyproject.toml when making an sdist or wheel right?16:20
fungiyes, really only when making an sdist16:20
clarkbin the case of installing via sdist you would then use it to make a wheel locally potentioally but the vast majority of users are likely to fetch the wheel directly16:20
clarkbthen ya this seems less important16:20
fungior when "installing" from a source tree/git checkout of pbr16:21
fungipretty sure the wheel/build tools use the sdist metadata when creating a wheel, so pyproject.toml doesn't come into play16:21
clarkbya I would guess that 99% of installs happen via pypi and fetch the wheel16:22
fungisince pbr's wheels are universal pure python, there is basically never a reason not to use the wheel except if you're testing building pbr16:23
fungior packaging it for distros16:23
fungiby that logic, might be more appropriate even16:24
fungithe last change adding setuptools as an explicit dep is the only one that really straddles the line between patch and minor (because it was implicitly a dep anyway before that)16:25
fungi Release PBR
fungiERROR: could not validate version '': Version looks like a pre-release and the release model does not allow for it17:26
clarkbthat seems like an overzealous check from the release team?17:26
clarkbseems weird to sya youcan never make a beta release17:27
fungiyes, i wonder what the reason is, since it's in the independent list17:27

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