Wednesday, 2025-02-12

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:50
cardoeAnyway to figure out how to troubleshoot what's loading or not with ?03:47
cardoeUsing OpenStack Helm and they hard code starting things with --config-file paths and I'm looking to inject some snippets in. Specifically with neutron-server which isn't running with uWSGI03:48
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: WIP: Add valkey support
cardoeThus far I've tried /etc/neutron/neutron-server.conf.d/snippet.ini and /etc/neutron.conf.d/snippet.ini /etc/neutron-server.conf.d/snippet.ini03:48
cardoeIt's a section that's defined in another file but its options that aren't defined by any file03:49
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: WIP: Add valkey support
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: WIP: Add valkey support
damani[m]#startmeeting oslo13:02
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Feb 12 13:02:17 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is damani[m]. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.13:02
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'oslo'13:02
damani[m]hberaud, tkajinam, JayF, meeting oslo 13:03
damani[m]#topic following up on openstackdocstheme discussion13:03
damani[m]the project config change is merged now, oslo-core is added as initial core member
damani[m]so we agree to add gtema in the core list for,members13:06
damani[m]i will add him now, that works for everyone?13:06
gtemaand if you do not mind pls also have a look at the bootstrap5 change laying around13:07
gtemait need to land together with the related os-api-ref change so that I can proceed with rendering openapis for openstack services13:07
damani[m]ok nobody else is here i think but yes13:09
damani[m]so os-api-ref is in same situation, no active core and gtema is volunteer to maintain this repo too13:10
hberaud[m]gtema: you speak about this patch?
gtemafyi: I have practical experience with those both since I was maintaining their downstream versions13:11
damani[m]if olso team agree then we can add gtema  in this repo core list also13:11
gtemayes hberaud13:11
tkajinamsorry I didn't notice the meeting time.13:13
damani[m]ok i have took a look about the bootstrap5 looks good to merge for me 13:13
damani[m]tkajinam, no worries 13:14
hberaud[m]gtema: ack, will check13:14
damani[m]tkajinam, no objection to add gtema as core,members13:14
gtemaperfect, thks. both changes (in theme and os-api-ref) need to merge at once since otherwise you get the stuff broken13:14
damani[m]and here,members13:14
tkajinamdamani[m], no13:14
damani[m]ok i do it now 13:15
tkajinamI mean I have nooo objection13:15
damani[m]i understood :)13:15
damani[m]hberaud, same for you?13:15
hberaud[m]no objection13:16
damani[m]#topic feature freeze 13:17
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: WIP: Add valkey support
damani[m]so we are in the feature freeze, no merge 13:17
damani[m]i have also check
hberaud[m]no feature merge13:17
hberaud[m]fixes are allowed13:17
tkajinamI wonder what the current status/plan about new oslo.service backend is13:18
damani[m]yes 13:18
damani[m]i mean no more feature merge 13:18
tkajinammy main concern is that we have added tons of deprecation warnings but no alternative to get rid of these warnings13:18
damani[m]#topic backend status oslo.service 13:19
damani[m]about the backend, so we have merge the backend system and the eventlet implementation 13:19
damani[m]i have start to work on the threading implementation but nothing push yet, i will push soon a wip 13:21
damani[m]then i will like one week off and then i will start to work again on it 13:21
damani[m]i will also fix the documentation, i have a patch here
tkajinamdo you want to propose FFE for it or do you plan to merge it in 2025.2 ?13:22
tkajinamif we merge it in 2025.2 then we can probably can't remove eventlet till 2027.113:23
tkajinambecause 2026.1 may be the first release with alternative to eventlet backend13:23
damani[m]it's the idea yes 13:23
tkajinamsorry which one "it" is. 2025.1 with FFE or 2025.2 ?13:24
damani[m]to propose a FFE to have the merge in 2025.1 13:24
damani[m]i mean i think it's the best 13:24
damani[m]because as you said if we wait 2025.2 we can't remove eventlet till 2027.113:25
tkajinamweek of feb 17 is the week for final release for non-client libraries13:25
damani[m]so the FFE seems necessary 13:26
tkajinamyou can extend the deadline by FFE but only for one week13:26
damani[m]yes 13:26
damani[m]i hope i can finish soon the implementation 13:26
damani[m]and i hope the code will be fine not too much back and forth 13:27
tkajinamok though honestly I'm not too sure if that's feasible13:27
damani[m]i will ping you soon about it 13:27
damani[m]and we can talk again about it next week, i mean see if it's seems possible or if we wait 2025.2 13:27
damani[m]what do you think about that?13:28
tkajinamlet's see how it goes but note that I may not join the next meeting because of its late slot13:28
damani[m]ok 13:28
damani[m]next week we can maybe do two meetings 13:29
damani[m]or i can ping a bit earliar to give a status 13:29
tkajinamor we can discuss in here outside of the meeting13:29
damani[m]that works for you?13:29
damani[m]yes 13:29
damani[m]do you any other question about the backend?13:30
damani[m]#topic open discussion13:31
damani[m] something else you would like to talk 13:31
damani[m]tkajinam, hberaud, do you have something you would like to talk 13:31
damani[m]gtema, do you want i add you to the ping list 13:32
gtemayupp, can be done13:32
hberaud[m]FYI I'm on PTO next week, so I'll fully AFK13:33
tkajinamhberaud[m], have a good break :-)13:33
hberaud[m]thanks :)13:33
tkajinam(though that means we may have less review bw13:33
damani[m]gtema, you are now core on openstackdocstheme-core13:34
damani[m]and os-api-ref13:34
gtemathanks a lot13:34
damani[m]welcome 13:34
tkajinamonce we pass feature freeze we can probably discuss inviting a few more people to cores or project specific cores13:34
hberaud[m]yeah, I tried to do many reviews this week, so if you have ones that you want to prioritize, then, please let me know13:34
hberaud[m]good idea13:34
damani[m]tkajinam, yes seems a very good idea 13:35
damani[m]i agree with that 13:35
damani[m]hberaud, enjoy your holidays 13:36
hberaud[m]thanks :)13:36
damani[m]i hope i will take mine soon too :)13:36
damani[m]by the way something else we want to talk?13:37
damani[m]so we are done 13:38
damani[m]gtema, hberaud, tkajinam, thanks a lot for your participation 13:39
damani[m]#endmeeting 13:39
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Feb 12 13:39:30 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:39
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
hberaud[m]thanks damani 13:39
gtemathks, cy13:39
cardoeSo follow on to my questions about Oslo.config. The automatic directory loading isn’t really documented outside of a release note. But I found that easier than env vars. I’m trying to figure out how things load. We have neutron-server which is starting from the binary. But then also have one using uWSGI. The /etc/neutron/neutron-server.conf.d path didn’t work for the later. Nor did using neutron-api. How can I see what 21:19
cardoe$prog is set to?21:19
cardoeSo to provide some more details...

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