Monday, 2025-02-17

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen02:43
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/oslo.cache master: WIP: Add valkey support
opendevreviewArnaud Morin proposed openstack/oslo.messaging stable/2024.1: Fixed: use self.start_time in QManager shm
opendevreviewArtem Vasilyev proposed openstack/oslo.messaging master: Use stdlib Queue with native thread in metrics
opendevreviewArtom Lifshitz proposed openstack/castellan master: WIP: Make sending service token a runtime decision
sean-k-mooneyhberaud[m]: looking at the event let deperecation warning the release are wrong. nova wont have deprecated use fo evently in 2025.1 the first release weher we will deprecate that is 2025.2 or 2026.1 so we wont be able to remove eventlet support until 2027.123:50
sean-k-mooneywe shoudl proably fix that before the non clint lib freeze23:51
clarkbwhy would you need to wait that long? If nova works without eventletn in release N+1 then isn't it sufficient to deprecate it in N and then switch to no eventlet in N+1 23:55
clarkbyou don't necessarily need a functional alternative when you deprecate you're just emitting a signal that says this will go away at that point23:56
clarkbthen for SLURP all you care about is being able to upgrade from say 2025.1 to 2026.1. And you could go from eventlet to no eventlet in that upgrade process23:56

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