Thursday, 2018-03-15

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diablo_rojovkmc, around?01:28
vkmcdiablo_rojo, here :)01:28
vkmcjust approved the internship project01:28
diablo_rojoHow do I add co mentors?01:29
diablo_rojoIs that after I click submit?01:30
diablo_rojoI am just going to submit what we have cause I can't spend much more time on this today- this application really needs to be shorter :)01:30
vkmcI think they need to register01:30
vkmcand they have to click on "mentor this project"01:30
diablo_rojoDoes that all have to be settled today?01:30
vkmcnot really... we can figure it out during the internship01:31
diablo_rojoCause I think SotK is done for the day (being that he is in Manchester)01:31
diablo_rojoOh good.01:31
vkmcwith regards organization within OpenStack, we can see what works best for us... I think...01:31
vkmcthe important thing is that the internship idea is published and people can start looking into it01:31
vkmcthanks for working on it :)01:31
diablo_rojoWhen does this end?01:32
diablo_rojoAdd project skills now01:32
vkmcI'm so sorry01:32
diablo_rojoHa ha its fine. Its just been a long day lol.01:33
vkmchaha yeah... for me too01:33
vkmcand this frustrates me01:33
vkmcbecause we were doing just fine01:33
vkmcwith our not-so-fancy wiki pages01:33
diablo_rojoSo for the skills just say like python? etc?01:33
diablo_rojoMore feedback, there should be a progress bar on this application or a percentage that goes up or something.01:36
vkmcfor storyboard maybe is something like... python, bash, docs01:37
diablo_rojoYeah I said Python, Linux, Gitreview /gerrit01:38
diablo_rojoUgh and now communication channels, all of this is in the contributor guide that I linked to on the first page01:38
diablo_rojoSuper weird format for asking for the irc url. Keeps telling me its wrong.,01:47
diablo_rojoFinally I think its done01:52
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celebdorvkmc: is the meeting here?15:57
vkmccelebdor, yes15:58
vkmcwe will start in two minutes15:58
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vkmc#startmeeting openstack outreachy may-aug 2018: end of internship16:01
openstackMeeting started Thu Mar 15 16:01:47 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is vkmc. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.16:01
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openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_outreachy_may_aug_2018__end_of_internship'16:01
vkmc#topic rollcall16:02
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vkmcwho is here for the end of internship meeting?16:02
vkmcwe are missing phionah, but let's get started16:04
vkmcthe agenda can be accessed on that etherpad16:04
maysamacedosI will start then :)16:04
maysamacedosHi everyone16:04
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maysamacedosMy internship was filled with novelty and learning16:05
vkmcwait, the agenda is outdated16:05
Suramyahello :)16:05
phionahhello :)16:05
maysamacedosmay I continue vkmc?16:05
vkmcmaysamacedos, please do16:06
maysamacedosok :)16:06
vkmc#topic outreachy take-aways from interns16:06
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maysamacedosI have been able to dive into more details about k8s and Networking,16:06
maysamacedoswhile adding health verifications that assures the good state of Kuryr components16:06
maysamacedosand enabled them to be probed by the deployer or the orchestration layer.16:07
maysamacedosI am currently working on an additional task, that aims to extend a Kubectl plugin.16:07
maysamacedosIt has been an adventure to work with k8s/neutron and to manage some deployment difficulties.16:07
maysamacedosLastly, It has been really amazing to work with such collaborative people as the Kuryr community16:07
maysamacedosall of them and specially my mentor, celebdor, were pivotal to the fulfillment of the project.16:08
vkmcthat's so awesome16:09
phionahThat is great work maysamacedos16:09
vkmck8s is a really hot topic nowadays16:09
vkmcI'm happy to hear you worked on interesting stuff and that you felt good with the community :)16:09
vkmcthanks maysamacedos and celebdor for your hard work!16:09
celebdorReally, really good work and maysamacedos investigated all the components and developed really good solutions :-)16:10
celebdorvkmc: thank you for the chance to mentor16:10
celebdorit's been great!16:10
vkmcthat's really awesome16:10
vkmccelebdor, hope you had a great time too... mentoring is unlike any other experience you could have working on open source16:10
maysamacedosI feel really happy by knowing I've developed good solutions16:11
maysamacedosthanks celebdor and vkmc for the feedback16:11
celebdorit was great! I couldn't ask for more16:11
vkmcso... next in the agenda16:12
celebdorwell, more time would be good :P16:12
phionahWell I think I can also give an update.. sorry I joined late16:12
vkmcoikiki, floor is yours!16:12
vkmccelebdor, I'll add that request on Outreachy planning :D16:12
oikikiI worked on Magnum with my mentor strigazi16:12
vkmcphionah, we are following this agenda :)16:12
phionahohh noted thanks16:13
oikikii added a security feature that allowed requests to go over ssl, and 2 features that improved performance when magnum has a lot of clusters16:13
oikikiim currently working on/finishing integrating a prometheus/grafana monitoring stack into docker swarm-mode clusters16:14
oikiki(it's not finished but i dont rest until it is!)16:14
vkmcimpressive :o16:14
oikikii learned a LOT and learned how to be independent16:14
vkmcanother one container-related, I love it16:15
oikikiand how to try my very best to figure things out16:15
maysamacedosThat's nice oikiki16:15
oikikiand maybe 90% of the time i could!16:15
oikikii feel a lot more comfortable going through a huge complicated codebase as well16:15
oikikiim really lucky with the tasks strigazi came up with16:15
oikikibc they pushed me a lot16:15
vkmcnice, that's really good... independence and proactivity is key on software development, it's a great skill to gain16:15
oikikiand bc of him i learned a ton16:15
oikikiyes i was so happy strigazi gave me real tasks to work on16:16
oikikiit felt great!16:16
strigaziThanks oikiki for all the hard work! Magnum is not very complicated if you habve a cloud to play with16:16
strigaziwhat you did on your own is no trivial16:16
strigazifixing bugs for large deployments16:16
strigaziWith little help oikiki found her way with gerrit, pushing to stable etc16:17
strigazithanks oikiki!16:17
oikikithanks strigazi!16:18
vkmcstrigazi, you were mentoring for the first time as well, right?16:18
vkmcthat's very good, hope you enjoyed it as well16:18
strigaziI mean officialy for such a program16:18
vkmcthat's great :)16:19
strigaziI did, outreachy is great for both sides :)16:19
vkmc:D :D16:19
vkmcvery well, so... next is Suramya16:19
vkmcSuramya, we hear ya!16:19
SuramyaSure :)16:19
SuramyaSo my task was to go through the project's entire API reference and apply conventions and consistency. It first started with the reorganization of the entire api-ref of Keystone docs and once that was over I moved into consolidating the guides.16:20
SuramyaIt was all possible with my mentor lbragstad who taught me about various topics and one more thing I learned was blogging :D16:20
Suramyanow I plan to blog once a week :)16:21
vkmcthat's very cool16:21
vkmcit's very useful for people16:21
vkmcfor realz16:21
SuramyaThe programme also taught me the other sides of software development besides code i.e docs are actually helpful too :)16:22
celebdorreally important16:22
vkmcoh yes16:22
vkmctruly important16:22
vkmcmore in this kind of projects... that change so fast16:22
celebdorthe only bad thing is when projects start dropping the ball on documentation, people start to check it less and less...16:23
celebdorand it ends up that you sometimes end up going to check the code straight to find out things because you don't trust the docs anymore16:23
celebdorit is sad16:23
vkmcyeah, it's the first thing we drop when we don't have enough hands16:23
celebdorbut it does happen in OpenStack sometimes16:23
Suramyayeah that :)16:23
vkmcand it's a real problem... because code ends up being unusable16:23
celebdorI wouldn't go as far, I'd just say that it makes the project barrier of entry to "I really need to use this" levels16:24
* mahatic_ waves16:24
SuramyaI really liked the pike theme then so that all project developers could mantain their own docs.16:24
vkmcvery well, great work Suramya16:24
vkmcmahatic_, \o16:24
mahatic_vkmc: o/16:25
SuramyaThanks vkmc :)16:25
vkmcand thanks a lot to lbragstad as well16:25
vkmcI think he was mentor for the first time as well16:25
vkmcthis round was all about new experiences16:26
vkmcall right... last but not least, phionah \o/16:26
Suramyayes lbragstad: was the first time mentor but he never made me feel so :)16:26
phionahsure thanks:)16:26
phionahWell for my nternship I have been working on the openstack in kubernetes16:27
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phionahThe major milestone being16:27
phionah1. Implementing E2E tests for openstack in k8s16:27
celebdorThe cloud provider, right?16:28
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phionahand 2. Providing for dynamically loading credentials when accessing openstack resources in kubernetes where we are trying to optionally use secrets in addition to using credentials in a config file.16:29
phionahThis makes the process more flexible..16:29
phionahAm still finishing some work on this dynamic loading of credentials until mergeable.16:29
vkmcthat's very sensible work16:30
vkmcvery good16:30
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vkmcand truly useful16:30
phionahI have also worked on some tests on the external openstack kubernetes controller on authorization and authentication and some other tests in kubernetes16:30
cmurphySuramya_: o/16:30
phionahOfcourse dims has been the person of this season for me..16:31
phionahanswering every question good and dumb and I can not take that for granted16:31
vkmcyaaay dims16:31
vkmche has been our mentor for like... always16:32
phionahThe experience has given confidence as an engineer to the point that now am confortable dicussing and sharing knowledge on technical topics16:32
SuramyaSorry for the interruption meet cmurphy: she was co-mentoring me along with lbragstad: :)16:32
vkmccmurphy, \o16:32
vkmccmurphy, thanks for co-mentor Suramya!16:33
vkmcthat's so awesome16:33
maysamacedoshi cmurphy o/16:33
phionahBut Ihave also learned how to collaborate on a project with others, communication, I feel like a proffessional now and ready to take on software developer roles confidently16:33
Suramyavkmc: yes actually she was there whenever lbragstad: coudn't be :)16:33
vkmcphionah, that's really good to hear... apart from the technical knowledge, being able to speak up and be confident on your work is mandatory16:34
phionahSo thanks coordinators and mentors .. and like I said I will always cherish the opportunity I had with openstack during outreachy16:34
mahatic_phionah: that's great to know16:34
Suramyathats so great phionah:16:34
maysamacedosNice phionah, I feel the same way :D16:34
vkmcphionah, it's so good to hear, hopefully, if you are interested, you can get a full time position working on openstack16:34
oikikio/ me too please16:35
phionahYes I will be happy to :)16:35
vkmcSuramya, cmurphy, that's so good... we actually expect that to happen during this internship... mentees getting to know the community, not only their mentors... I'm glad to hear this happened for you!16:35
vkmcthanks all for your updates16:36
vkmcyou all have worked in really exciting stuff16:36
mahatic_oikiki: we are hoping for all the interns whoever is interested :) so of course good luck!16:36
mahatic_yeah, great work everyone!16:37
vkmcand I'm happy to hear you had a good time and that you feel more confident professionally-wise16:37
vkmcgreat job!16:37
vkmcso we have 25 mins more or less16:37
mahatic_it's very nice to hear the progress you all made and the things you've learned16:37
vkmclet's go over blockers quickly16:38
vkmc#topic blockers for interns16:38
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vkmcwhat were the most hard things for you? is there a way we could make it easier in the future?16:38
vkmclet's start with maysamacedos16:38
maysamacedoswell, I only had one blocker regarding env setup that I needed more memory16:40
maysamacedosIn order to work16:40
maysamacedosBut I manage it later16:40
vkmcyup, this is something we have been struggling since always16:40
vkmcwe will continue brainstorming on this16:41
maysamacedosgood :)16:41
vkmcmaybe we could get help from sponsors and get some instances in some cloud16:41
maysamacedosooh, this would be great16:42
vkmcoikiki, what about you, what was the biggest blocker for you?16:42
oikikilooking back i think the timing (like the release coming) make things hard bc things slow down and people get busy. so i kind of wish the program was longer :)16:42
celebdormaysamacedos: you don't want instances in rdocloud xD16:42
oikikion a smaller team something like that can slow you down bc there aren't that many people there in the first place16:42
celebdorthen you trust them, then they break without you touching them xD16:42
vkmccelebdor, lol16:42
vkmcoikiki, it's a good point16:43
oikikii also had the memory issue as maysamacedos16:43
maysamacedoscelebdor oh god16:43
vkmcthe release cycle has always been opposite to outreachy internships16:43
vkmcand that's is quite hard for everybody16:43
oikikibut i figured out how to run on a digital ocean droplet16:43
oikikifor pretty cheap!16:43
vkmcwe could take a look into that next time16:44
vkmcas a workaround16:44
oikikii wrote a blog on how i set it up16:44
celebdorI'm not in the ad business, but I tend to use scaleway since I'm a cheapskates16:44
vkmccelebdor, good suggestion16:44
vkmcoikiki, nice!16:44
mahatic_oikiki: I was just about to suggest for a blogpost :) that's great! good job!16:45
celebdoroikiki: could you link to it?16:45
vkmcI'll look for it and add it in the etherpad... for future reference16:45
vkmcoh yes16:45
vkmcSuramya, want to go next, on the mean time?16:45
maysamacedosnice celebdor, I will take a look16:45
oikikiits here:
oikikiill link in the etherpad16:46
vkmcoikiki, awesome, thanks!16:46
SuramyaWell no such blocker during the internship but while in  the application process. It would be great to have more mentors in outreachy and projects as it is sometimes difficult for the beginners to see where to get started.16:46
vkmcSuramya, that's a good point16:46
vkmcit's really important to have proper guidance at the beginning16:47
vkmcmake things easier for both mentors and mentees16:47
vkmcphionah, what are your thoughts on this?16:47
vkmcwhat kind of blockers did you find?16:47
phionahyes sure16:47
phionahSo my biggest blocker has been the openstack has been giving me hickups with errors that are still open issues in the buglist so I decided to resetup as I look for plan bs to get through what am doing16:49
phionahIf you are familiar with an error such as : Exception raised: When using gi.repository you must not import static modules like "gobject".16:49
phionahWe can discuss this after...16:49
vkmcthat was devstack?16:50
vkmcor some other tool you are using for k8s development?16:50
celebdorneed to drop16:50
celebdorthank you for the session16:50
vkmccelebdor, thanks for joining!16:50
Suramyathanks celebdor:16:50
phionahOther than this: like suramya said..during the application process I think some inprovements need to made either by adding more mentors so that response time is faster for new people.16:51
maysamacedosthanks celebdor!16:51
oikikibye celebdor!16:51
oikikii agree phionah: setup issues are really hard but i learned so much troubleshooting myself and i feel so much more confident when things break in my setup16:51
vkmcvery well16:51
phionahYes devstack16:51
phionahyeah sure oikiki16:52
vkmcphionah, devstack has been always painful for all newcomers... there has been some enhancements made, but still is quite hard16:52
vkmcwe should give it some love16:53
vkmcand see how can we it make it better16:53
vkmcok so... last topic, really quickly16:53
maysamacedosyes vkmc16:53
vkmcbecause I want to cover this16:53
vkmc#topic contributing to open source: next steps16:53
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vkmcsuuuuper important16:53
vkmcyou know that the openstack summit is coming on may16:54
vkmcit's going to be in Vancouver, May 21 to 2416:54
vkmcthree days of all openstack16:54
vkmcdevelopers, operators, users16:54
vkmcand we want *you* to attend16:54
vkmcso please, if you haven't already and you want to attend, apply for the travel support program16:55
mahatic_yup, here's a very useful link that will help you attend -
vkmcdeadline is March 22nd16:55
vkmcthat is, next thursday16:55
phionahThanks for sharing16:55
maysamacedosoh, I do want to attend16:55
oikikime too!16:55
vkmcif you cannot make it this time because you have stuff going on your life, there will be more events coming in the future16:55
vkmcincluding next openstack project team gathering (which is more focused for devs) and the spring openstack summit in Berlin16:56
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vkmcbut we want you to attend at least to one of those events16:56
vkmcso you get to know the community and you get the real vibe of how we actually work :)16:56
Suramyayes, me too! thanks vkmc: mahatic_ for sharing16:56
vkmcplease let us know if you need help on the application16:56
vkmcsomeone asked me... if they could apply16:56
vkmcyes, you can16:56
vkmcand we expect you too16:57
mahatic_very true and it's a good place to help find job opportunities16:57
oikikican i ask is the grant a reimbursement?16:57
oikikilike we would book ourselves?16:57
oikikiand submit receipts?16:57
vkmcoikiki, no, the openstack foundation will take care of everything for you16:57
oikikior ..?16:57
oikikiahhhh nice!16:57
vkmcthey will book your flights and your hotel16:57
maysamacedosgreat! :)16:57
openstackoikiki: Error: "!!!" is not a valid command.16:57
vkmcmahatic_, I want to highlight that... it's a very good place to find job opportunities16:57
Suramyamahatic: ckmc i just had doubt with  visa16:57
vkmcso get ready to impress (not that you need to... you are impressive as is)16:58
vkmcSuramya, shoot16:58
oikikiif we go, before the summit could we have a prep session? bc i want an openstack job! :D16:58
Suramya*vkmc ..Should I apply for visa later after filling the TSP form as it asks for who will be sponsoring you kinds of questions?16:59
mahatic_prep session for?16:59
oikikilike what to expect, etc...16:59
oikikihow to make the most of the summit16:59
oikikinothing huge16:59
mahatic_great, there's usually a session dedicated just for that17:00
oikikiah ok!17:00
mahatic_"summit 101". vkmc do you know if that's still happening this time around?17:00
vkmcmahatic_, AFAIK yes17:00
vkmcthe schedule is up17:00
phionahvkmc, when is the openstack summit in Berlin? because I think I cant make it for the Vancouver one, I planned to attend kubecon Europe17:00
oikikioh wow phionah kubecon in copenhagen?17:01
vkmcphionah, check out
vkmcwrong link17:02
vkmcthere :)17:02
vkmcand yes, you can apply to that summit instead17:02
vkmcremember you also have USD500 budget from Outreachy to attend to any other relevant conference17:03
mahatic_yeah, good reminder17:03
vkmcapart from the summit17:04
vkmcwe want to keep involved with the community17:04
vkmcif you need help for that, let your mentors and us know17:04
vkmcand we will try to help you17:05
phionahYes I think I would love to keep involved17:05
oikikime too!17:05
SuramyaYes right!17:05
maysamacedosGreat, I also plan to keep involved17:05
oikikithis internship even inspired me to start contributing the k8s as well17:05
vkmcthere are lots of job opportunities in openstack, and if you want to continue your career in openstack, we can help you positionate yourself17:05
maysamacedosgreat oikiki17:05
vkmcthat's very awesome... all of you :)17:06
vkmcah well, I think that's all I wanted to cover17:06
mahatic_I think if you're interested in an OpenStack related job, it will really help if you hang around and keep continuing your contributions in whichever way possible and keeping in touch with the community17:06
vkmcwe are over time, but I want to give some time to open discussion17:06
vkmc#topic open discussion17:06
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vkmcmahatic_, +117:06
phionahvkmc, how can I help others who dint go through outreachy to get involved? are mentors open to helping other people we may introduce to them?17:07
vkmcphionah, you can always introduce them to the community17:07
oikikii plan to keep working on openstack for sure. and im definitely finishing my WIP.17:07
vkmcwith your knowledge, you can help people to start taking tasks and talking with other members in the community17:07
vkmcif you have people that you want to refer to Outreachy/GSoC, do it as well17:08
oikikioh and i meant to add: i went to a linux conference this weekend and it was really cool to be working on openstack17:08
oikikibc they had a cloud and container track17:08
vkmcoikiki, oh yes, probably they had ton of questions for you17:08
mahatic_phionah: generally speaking yes, but I believe the 1:1 attention an intern gets won't be there. So the person needs to push themselves a little more and start to contributing17:08
oikikiand i understood so much!17:08
vkmcoikiki, which conference did you attend?17:08
vkmcoikiki, nice!17:08
vkmcmahatic_, +117:08
mahatic_referring to Outreachy is also a good option like what vkmc said17:09
oikikivkmc: it was so great bc i felt like i was a part of the community :)17:09
phionahokay, I think that is great..17:10
oikikiand when i joined the k8s slack i saw dims and Suramya17:10
oikikiand felt welcomed :)17:10
phionahoikiki we can talk some sig-openstack tasks if you are interested.17:11
Suramya:) yeah I tried there too will get back there again :)17:11
phionahin k8s that is17:11
oikikiah thanks phionah - i will send you a message17:11
phionahthere is much we can add to what is there and it is interesting17:11
oikikiit's a lot less intimidating jumping into things since i had to do that with openstack17:11
vkmcoikiki, +200017:12
Suramyaphionah: add me too :P17:12
vkmcall right, any other topic you want to bring up?17:12
phionahsure..I think we shall talk there I guess:)17:12
vkmcthanks everybody for attending with such short notice17:13
oikiki:D :D17:13
vkmcagain, let us know if you need anything17:13
vkmcwe are here for you17:13
*** openstack changes topic to "POST_FAILURE results on Tempest-based jobs since the most recent Zuul security fixes are being investigated; rechecking those won't help for now but we'll keep you posted once a solution is identified"17:14
openstackMeeting ended Thu Mar 15 17:14:01 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)17:14
openstackMinutes (text):
maysamacedosThank you all! =)17:14
Suramyano thanks vkmc: and mahatic_ for being there and helping us whenevr we needed!17:14
vkmclol that topic17:14
oikikithank you vkmc, mahatic_ ,strigazi, and everyone!17:14
oikikiit was so great meeting you all17:14
mahatic_thank you all! keep up the great work!17:14
phionahthanks all and the amazing vkmc for coordinating us..we cant take that for granted17:15
Suramyayes all of you \o/17:15
vkmc:D :D17:15
vkmchope to meet you all in Vancouver17:15
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Suramya:) goodbye everyone! hope to meet soon..17:17
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The regression stemming from one of yesterday's Zuul security fixes has been rectified, and Devstack/Tempest jobs which encountered POST_FAILURE results over the past 24 hours can safely be rechecked now19:25
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