Tuesday, 2021-06-15

archanaserverhi vkmc 10:15
archanaserveri'm getting this error in 21 case http://paste.openstack.org/show/806622/ 10:17
archanaserverafter removing this function def assertDictEqual(self, d1, d2, approx_equal=False, tolerance=0.001):10:17
archanaserveri'm not getting what this error wants to say10:18
vkmcarchanaserver, hi!10:18
vkmconly a test?10:18
vkmcor several tests?10:18
archanaserveryes there are several,  Failed: 2110:20
vkmchmm submit it for review, probably there are tests we need to fix 10:21
archanaserverpreviously I was getting this error 10:30
archanaserver    TypeError: assertDictEqual() got an unexpected keyword argument 'approx_equal'10:30
archanaserverand then10:30
archanaserver    TypeError: assertDictEqual() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tolerance' 10:30
archanaserverso I fixed this from here -> https://github.com/openstack/manila/blob/master/manila/test.py#L326-L32710:30
archanaserverby removing that two params, because it doesn't contain now (after removing the func)10:30
archanaserverthen getting this error which i just showed you -> http://paste.openstack.org/show/806622/10:30
archanaserverwell okay, I'm submitting it for review10:31
vkmcyeah, that way we can compare code :) 10:32
vkmcworst case we can get back to a previous verison10:33
vkmcversion* 10:33
archanaserveroh okay10:33
archanaserverso what now we can start?10:36
archanaserveralso, when we can start working on manila UI?10:36
vkmcof course, you are free to start looking into things 11:06
vkmcbeing proactive on taking tasks, learning things or working on different stuff is always encouraged11:06
archanaserverthat's awesome11:38
archanaserver i'll start with looking into Manila UI and Horizon code 11:38
archanaserverjust to get familiar11:39
archanaserverand then i can start contribute to some small fixes :)11:40
vkmcthat sounds very good 11:41
vkmcin our one on one this week can start looking into the main internship task so you can start focusing in that area11:42
archanaserveryeah sure11:43
vkmckafilat, archanaserver, joining in a bit, running over with a different meeting15:00
archanaserverokie sure15:01
gouthamrarchanaserver, just mentioned this to kafilat 18:43
gouthamri'd like you to watch this presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBcmHMKZG9A18:43
gouthamrand read this to complement that knowledge: https://docs.openstack.org/manila/latest/admin/shared-file-systems-share-types.html 18:43
gouthamrboth of these should give you a fair idea about manila, and "capabilities"-driven provisioning via share types18:44
archanaservergouthamr: sure, thanks!18:48
kafilatThanks, will do!18:49

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