Monday, 2021-07-26

archanaservervkmc: hi o/07:24
archanaservervkmc: can i work on different tasks in same branch?07:28
archanaserverlike i have already submitted patch for share group command and it's in review state07:29
archanaserverso i'm starting working on share group snapshot on the same branch(as all osc patches are in the same branch)07:29
archanaservervkmc, my question is how the another task implementation will create diff patch in gerrit when the code will be in the same branch07:32
archanaservervkmc, ah! i forget you are on off this week :/07:42
archanaservergouthamr, hi o/ can you help me with this?07:42
kafilatarchanaserver: o/08:33
kafilatgit checkout -b BRANCHNAME origin/master08:34
archanaserverkafilat: o/ thanks :)08:37
gouthamrarchanaserver: i presume you want on top of your share groups change so you can use the share groups code 16:25
gouthamrgerrit treats each individual commit as a different change - you'll see the git-review tool make up a different change id for each commit16:25
archanaservergouthamr: here -> all the patches are on the same branch and similarly i have created one in my local env and submitted a patch for share group17:23
archanaservernow, i want to start working on another command (ex: share group snapshot) so how we differentiate codes for all the patches?17:23
archanaservergouthamr: i hope i'm asking this in a right way17:24
gouthamrarchanaserver: trying to understand - your branch name locally is bp/openstack-client-support?17:24
archanaservergouthamr: yes17:24
gouthamrarchanaserver: okay, if i can suggest a different approach - local and remote branches don't have to match17:25
gouthamrarchanaserver: for example, whatever the branch is locally, the code gets submitted against a specific branch upstream - master in this case17:25
gouthamrarchanaserver: what you're seeing in the braces there is a branch "topic" - a gerrit concept17:26
gouthamrarchanaserver: you can set the topic via your "git review" command17:26
gouthamrarchanaserver: so, from whatever local branch, you can do "git review -t bp/openstack-client-support"17:26
gouthamrarchanaserver: this will upload your local changes to whatever default branch and set the topic to "bp/openstack-client-support"17:27
gouthamrarchanaserver: if you want to upload code to a particular branch, that branch must exist on gerrit - and we don't have any feature branches; our branches are "master" and "stable/*" branches - named after releases17:27
gouthamrarchanaserver: so for example if you want to submit your code to the stable/ussuri branch - you would do "git review stable/ussuri -t "my-change-or-branch-topic")17:28
archanaservergouthamr: okay, now my confusion is clear17:33
archanaservergouthamr: thanks :)17:34
gouthamryou're welcome archanaserver 17:34
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