Thursday, 2021-08-05

archanaserverhi vkmc, morning o/04:34
archanaservervkmc, can we push our today's 1:1 for tomorrow? (today is my sister's birthday so i'm planning some surprise stuff for her)04:36
archanaserverif it's possible for you, otherwise we can go for today :)05:04
vkmchi archanaserver!07:42
vkmcso... I cannot make it tomorrow07:42
vkmcbut you should be there for your sis birthday07:42
vkmcif you want, either we choose another slot today, or we cancel for this week07:43
vkmcwe can talk again next tuesday07:43
vkmclet me know :)07:43
archanaserverokay, thank you! 07:46
archanaserverso can we choose any other slot for today07:46
archanaserverthen in 15 min/30 min, whichever slot is open in your calender ?07:48
vkmcare you free in 10?07:52
vkmccool, I'll update the calendar07:52
archanaserverokie, thanks :)07:53
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is going down for a quick restart to adjust its database connection configuration, and should return to service momentarily20:03

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