Thursday, 2021-10-21

mbeashi Maari, hi Victoria!13:45
mbeasI am trying to find a bug to work on13:46
vkmchi mbeas!13:46
vkmcok, let's get that bug for you to fix13:46
mbeasthank you13:46
maaritammmbeas: Hey! 13:52
vkmcmbeas_, ok, we will go through the full process of spotting, reporting and fixing a bug14:03
vkmcmbeas_, the buggy code is here
vkmcmbeas_, precisely, is code that needs some update 14:03
vkmcmbeas_, the issue is the usage of the six library 14:03
vkmcmbeas_, we had that library when we were going from python2 to python314:04
vkmcnowadays we only support python3 14:04
vkmcso it makes sense to remove that 14:04
vkmcmbeas_, you would need to report this as a bug in launchpad14:04
vkmcsubject can be something like "remove six from the utils module" 14:05
vkmcdescription could be something like "checks made with the six library are not longer needed since we are not supporting py2 anymore" 14:06
vkmcand then you can assign to that bug you reported 14:07
vkmcand work on submitting a fix 14:07
vkmcmbeas_, maaritamm, how does that sound? 14:07
mbeasok, so import six (45th line) should be removed?14:07
mbeasfirst i have to report it14:08
mbeasin the link you provided14:08
maaritammvkmc: nice, that's a good bug, thanks!14:12
vkmcmbeas, yeah, exactly14:12
maaritammmbeas: yes, first report it, then assign yourself to it14:12
maaritammmbeas: yeah, you need to remove the import but also the usage of it14:14
mbeasI am now trying to figure out how to report the bug14:14
mbeasi am going to select Report a bug14:14
mbeasand try to find a good description first14:15
mbeasi reported the bug under title Remove six library import and usage from manila/utils.py14:35
vkmccan you share the link of the reported bug?14:38
maaritammhere it is, nice!14:42
gouthamri <3 that you are picking this bug as a good first issue 14:48
gouthamrsix has band-aided us far longer than we needed it14:49
francieGood afternoon all14:49
vkmcfrancie, o/ 14:49
francieMy name is Franca, I am an Outreachy applicant for this cohort14:50
vkmcfrancie, maaritamm and gouthamr are also manila mentors 14:50
francieThanks vkmc14:50
vkmcand we are missing ashley who might join in a bit 14:50
vkmcso this is a good place to make questions as needed14:50
francieWow! Thank you very much!14:50
francieI feel welcomed already :)14:50
maaritammfrancie: hi! :)14:51
vkmcmbeas, what is your name and where are you based? 14:52
mbeas_I am having trouble with the internet connection15:04
mbeas_in order to work on the bug I have to open the file in an ide in my local environment? 15:07
vkmcmbeas_, that's correct15:10
vkmcmbeas_, have you set up a development environment?15:10
vkmcmaybe using devstack or cloning the repo you want to contribute ot15:10
vkmcto* 15:10
mbeas_yes i have set it up15:10
mbeas_i have set up a dedicated virtual machine for the environment15:11
vkmcperfect! 15:12
vkmckafilat, o/ around? 15:19
kafilatvkmc o/15:20
kafilathi 15:20
vkmckafilat, are you working on
vkmcnot sure if that is fixed or if you are workng on it :) 15:21
kafilatNot any more15:21
vkmckafilat, is it ok if francie takes it as her first contribution? 15:21
vkmccool! 15:22
vkmcfrancie, you can take
vkmcthat's a nice bug in the client 15:22
maaritammmbeas_: do you need any more help to get started? Did you find the file in your environment?15:49
maaritammif you want to connect you IDE to your VM, you'll need something that supports remote connections, I like VSCode and once upon a time I wrote down how I connect to my VM: 15:58

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