Wednesday, 2016-06-08

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openstackgerritAlexandr Nevenchannyy proposed openstack/performance-docs: [WIP] OpenStack reliability test plan
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openstackgerritAlexandr Nevenchannyy proposed openstack/performance-docs: [WIP] OpenStack reliability test plan
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SpamapSklindgren: Hi! I have a question about glance. If you don't mind me asking, how do you handle user image uploads?17:36
SpamapSharlowja: ^ any thoughts?17:36
harlowjawho huh17:36
harlowjawill look over17:37
klindgrenSpamapS, we don't17:37
harlowjagotta get these oslo releases out17:37
klindgrenOur internal cloud everything is based upon images that we provide17:37
klindgrenso we have a image provisioning process that kicks a new image out every month with the latest patches/local fixes17:38
klindgrenthe public cloud team does something similar17:38
SpamapSklindgren: so no custom user images of any kind?17:38
SpamapSwe're trying to figure out if anybody other tha RAX is running glance uploads at scale.17:38
klindgrenopn the public cloud side people can take that image - customize it, snapshot it and use that to boot vm's off of17:38
SpamapSyeah, snapshotting a running box isn't image uploads though ;)17:39
klindgrenyea it is17:39
SpamapSIt's fraught with problems.17:39
SpamapSLike how to move that to another cloud.17:39
klindgrenwe have a bash script to stream images from one glance server to another17:39
SpamapSAnd to other tenants17:39
klindgrenin our public cloud17:39
SpamapSyes, but how do I build an image on your cloud, and run it on my private cloud?17:40
klindgrenfor us - you dont17:41
klindgrenatleast I am not aware of our public team providing that functionality to end users17:42
SpamapSklindgren: do you guys provide access to the OpenStack API's at all, or just the godaddy ones?17:42
klindgrenbut we do have multiple regions, they do have a thing to allow you to move images/snapshots between regions17:42
klindgrenpublic cloud - is just godaddy api/ui17:42
klindgrenwhich they bascially proxy back to the underling openstack api's to do the real work17:43
SpamapSYeah, so that explains it. Not really interested in enabling people to use things on their own clouds. :)17:43
klindgrenI wouldn't say that - so much as our customers haven't actually asked for it?17:44
SpamapSklindgren: It's a chicken and egg problem. If you don't have OpenStack API's, you don't have customers that use them. :)17:46
SpamapSand your customers aren't going to buy a private cloud that uses them.. because they only have godaddy API's17:47
* klindgren *shrugs*17:48
klindgrenThe decisions on what apis and what features get exposed to customers is above my pay grade17:48
klindgrenbut to answer your question re: glance we still have lots of problems with glance.17:49
klindgrenlack of quotas, sharing images between projects is highly painful17:49
SpamapSYeah, I don't mean to call into question Godaddy's business practices here. We are building an OpenStack API based public cloud, and thus, are interested in how people scale glance's API.17:50
klindgrensnapshots stream through the glance-api servers so I have to scale those rightly with my object storage servers that store the actual data17:50
SpamapSklindgren: yeah it's weird, I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that nobody is actually contributing to glance.. everybody is just working around it.17:50
klindgrenunless I run a glance-api server per HV17:50
klindgrenso their is this:17:51
klindgrenwe also have the problem of how to get images from one openstack region to another17:51
klindgrensince our openstack installs are shared nothing17:51
klindgrenwe also have an issue of how can you mark images as being from a trusted source17:52
klindgrenlike "this image comes directly from your hosting provider"17:52
klindgrenalso image lifecycle support on how can remove old images from glance without breaking functionality in nova17:53
SpamapSSyncing between regions isn't a problem if you allow uploads, because users just build and upload their image where they need it.17:54
SpamapS(Even if their build is to snapshot, and download)17:54
klindgrenwell we upload images for our company17:54
klindgrenso its a problem for us :-)17:54
SpamapSTrusted image sources seems like a feature that should just be baked into glance. Like you should just be able to mark a tenant as "trusted" and everybody gets their images.17:54
klindgrenalso public cloud they have a bash script that streams a glance download | galnce upload17:55
klindgrenbetween the two openstack installs to move images at customer requests17:55
klindgrenAlso quota17:55
SpamapSYeah, quotas is punted to backends, which seems wrong.17:55
SpamapSklindgren: you use the swift backend?17:56
klindgrenlike if you enable quota that impacts the admin user as well as end users17:56
klindgrenwe use ceph (radosgw)17:56
SpamapS++ :)17:56
klindgrenwe are actually using the S3 backend due to some hilarity in the way glance + swift on ceph works17:56
klindgrenwhere we get timeouts trying to delete images17:56
SpamapSso radosgw doens't have quotas does it?17:56
klindgrenit does but the error is not friendly17:57
SpamapSah if it's S3, then you have all the images in one tenant right?17:57
klindgrenits jsut like -welp your upload failed17:57
klindgrenthat sucks17:57
harlowjaya, don't get me started on the 'godaddy public cloud having its own API' SpamapS :-P17:57
harlowjai'm in the bucket of people that u are in, as afaik is klindgren , lol17:57
SpamapSharlowja: I don't judge. :)17:57
SpamapSIt's just a choice.17:57
harlowjaya ya17:58
klindgrenI am jsut happy I dont have to get openstack to work with all of Godaddys billing and single sign on stuff17:58
klindgrenso in ceph I am pretty sure we jsut have a single "bucket" for all of glance to upload to17:59
klindgrenand with radosgw you can have both S3 and swift see the same files17:59
klindgrensince its jsut api abstractions17:59
klindgrenSO our public cloud team decided to productize snapshots as "backups"18:00
klindgrenso we have tons of snapshots happening all the time in our public cloud18:00
klindgrenso glance is always seeing image uploads18:01
SpamapSklindgren: right, but they're from local sources that you control, so the scaling while not cheap, is straight forward.18:02
klindgrenSpamapS, what is concerning you about external uploads to your glance infra?  Seems to me any cloud of sufficent size the internal snapshot traffic would be significantly higher than the external upload traffic?18:09
SpamapSklindgren: It's the old 56k modem problem.18:13
SpamapSklindgren: sometimes slow connections are harder to handle than fast ones.18:13
SpamapSAnd users make horrible HTTP libraries.18:14
SpamapSSwift has had time to mature to accept that all and protect itself from resource starvation by the morons and bad guys.18:14
klindgrenso your more concerned about the fact that people can hithte publicly exposed glance servers and starve them out via slow connections18:18
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SpamapSklindgren: I do kind of wonder if a decent WAF would mitigate most of it.18:18
klindgrenor drive up resource consumption on glance18:19
klindgrensince its a glance thread that need to handle this18:19
SpamapSklindgren: right, what I can see is one user with a poorly made upload script and a crappy connection using up all the glance processes/threads.18:19
klindgreniirc rax does this by having a set of servers specifically for user facing API's then anotehr set of infra for the other items like internal cloud kicked of snapshots and the like18:19
SpamapSWhich is definitely something a WAF mitigates.18:19
SpamapSklindgren: RAX doesn't allow uploads on glance.18:20
SpamapSYou upload to swift.18:20
klindgrenso you upload to swift then tell glance where your image is18:20
SpamapSThen tell glance where to import the image.18:20
SpamapSAnd that code is not available in OpenStack.18:20
SpamapSbecause it's based on celery and "politics"18:20
klindgreneh I thought the tell glance where the iamge piece was in there.18:20
SpamapSklindgren: sorry, that sentence didn't parse.18:22
klindgrenso you can do a glance image-create image name18:22
klindgrenthen a glance image-update and do --location to tell it where the image is stored in swift18:22
klindgren--location IMAGE_URL18:23
klindgrenThe URL where the data for this image resides. For example, if the image data is stored in swift, you could specify swift://
SpamapSklindgren: no that is glance v118:23
SpamapSwhich is deprecated18:23
SpamapSand wasn't intended as a user facing API18:23
SpamapSklindgren: I don't believe RAX allows that for users18:24
SpamapSklindgren: what you do in RAX is use glance v2 API and create an import task18:24
klindgrenso update still has: urlplainxsd:string18:24
klindgrenThe URL to access the image file kept in external store.18:24
klindgrenin the v2 api18:25
SpamapSthat's the shade code that does the uploads for clouds .. either with PUT through glance, or task through swift18:25
SpamapSklindgren: I know that API is still there, but dig through openstack-dev, you'll find some rage out there about the fact that it is basically ignored and doesn't work.18:26
SpamapSpublic clouds can't really do it that way18:26
klindgrenkk - I haven't looked at it much - as it hasn't been an issue or requested feature for us18:27
SpamapSYeah, it's unfortunately, a mess, and just further evidence that for whatever reason, glance and image upload isn't getting the attention it needs.18:28
SpamapSI'm just convinced that nobody is really running a public image upload service of sufficient size to care, except RAX, who has a custom solution.18:28
SpamapSBut I'll reach out to vexx and ovh .. they're not THAT small18:29
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