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openstackgerrit | Sergey Galkin proposed openstack/performance-docs master: Add shaker tesst results for cluster in upgrade https://review.openstack.org/457274 | 11:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Sergey Galkin proposed openstack/performance-docs master: Add shaker tesst results for cluster in upgrade https://review.openstack.org/457274 | 13:11 |
openstackgerrit | Sergey Galkin proposed openstack/performance-docs master: Add shaker test for cluster in upgrade https://review.openstack.org/457274 | 13:16 |
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DinaBelova | #startmeeting Performance Team | 15:30 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Apr 18 15:30:00 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is DinaBelova. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 15:30 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:30 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'performance_team' | 15:30 |
rcherrueau | o/ | 15:30 |
DinaBelova | rcherrueau good evening sir :) | 15:30 |
DinaBelova | tovin07 akrzos o/ | 15:30 |
tovin07 | hello o/ | 15:30 |
akrzos | DinaBelova: o/ | 15:30 |
DinaBelova | let's get started I guess :) | 15:31 |
DinaBelova | #topic Action Items | 15:31 |
DinaBelova | last time we had only one action item on rcherrueau | 15:31 |
rcherrueau | hum ... | 15:31 |
DinaBelova | regarding adding new testing methodology to the perf docs | 15:31 |
rcherrueau | ongoing :) | 15:31 |
DinaBelova | yeah, I though so as well :) | 15:31 |
DinaBelova | so let's keep it :) | 15:31 |
DinaBelova | #action rcherrueau add OpenStack testing under networking delays (e.g. multisite deployment) methodology to performance docs (openstack under WAN) | 15:32 |
DinaBelova | #topic Current progress on the planned tests | 15:32 |
DinaBelova | in the meanwhile rcherrueau please share your current progress :) | 15:32 |
rcherrueau | We have our first results :) | 15:32 |
DinaBelova | yay :) | 15:32 |
rcherrueau | The deployment model we use is always the same: control, network and volume services are on the same nodes. computes are on dedicated nodes. | 15:32 |
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rcherrueau | Then, we add latency between computes and the control node, and run Rally scenarios. | 15:32 |
rcherrueau | The latency variations are: 10, 25, 50, 100 and 150ms. | 15:33 |
rcherrueau | First experiments show that a bigger latency implies a longer VM boot time and delete time. | 15:33 |
rcherrueau | This was expected. Here are some results: At 10, the average boot time is 22 sec, whereas at 150 it is 30 sec. | 15:33 |
rcherrueau | Respectively 5 sec and 8 sec for delete time. | 15:33 |
DinaBelova | yeah, this looks expected | 15:33 |
rcherrueau | I expect the time difference during boot comes from Glance. No idea for the delete time. | 15:33 |
rcherrueau | except oslo_messaging communications | 15:34 |
rcherrueau | I can say more soon, because I used OSProfiler at the same time to produce traces. | 15:34 |
rcherrueau | I have to dig into that and make a diff between two OSProfiler traces to see which functions are responsible for this difference. | 15:34 |
DinaBelova | cool, this should give us specific place | 15:34 |
rcherrueau | yep | 15:34 |
rcherrueau | For next week I plan to test neutron and I also wanna see how latency affects OpenStack when you have many clients and thus many messages in the bus (by varying concurrency in Rally). | 15:34 |
rcherrueau | If I have the time, I also wanna run Shaker. | 15:35 |
rcherrueau | That's all for Inria | 15:35 |
DinaBelova | ack, thank you sir | 15:35 |
DinaBelova | thanks again | 15:35 |
DinaBelova | akrzos, sir, do you have any news regarding the gnocchi testing? | 15:35 |
akrzos | Yeah continuing to try and scale up | 15:36 |
akrzos | Hit an issue where gnocchi lost coordinator on one controller | 15:36 |
akrzos | thus if thats 3 controllers | 15:36 |
akrzos | you loss 1/3 of your capacity | 15:36 |
akrzos | not sure why that occured yet | 15:37 |
akrzos | been able to get ~5k instances | 15:37 |
akrzos | still trying to get to 10k | 15:37 |
DinaBelova | do data from the monitoring? can't it be some overload somewhere? | 15:37 |
akrzos | also remvoed the collector | 15:37 |
akrzos | but now looks like rpc settings not necessarily optimal for agent-notification | 15:37 |
akrzos | and the gnocchi api to receive so many requests | 15:37 |
akrzos | not really sure from the monitoring other than it's easily fixable with restarting the metricd processes | 15:38 |
akrzos | but you have to catch it | 15:38 |
DinaBelova | okay, what's your current feeling? Do you think it's still possible to reach 10k? | 15:39 |
akrzos | there is plenty of resources still on this setup its getting the services to use it | 15:39 |
akrzos | i have like 4 days now to figure it out | 15:39 |
akrzos | so probably not likely | 15:40 |
akrzos | unfortunately | 15:40 |
DinaBelova | :( | 15:40 |
DinaBelova | that's sad, but let's hope you'll overcome this issue | 15:40 |
* akrzos fingers crossed | 15:40 | |
DinaBelova | true | 15:40 |
DinaBelova | ok, so from mirantis side I was able to confirm that we're switching to Mirantis Cloud Platform (MCP) usage in our scale and performance tests | 15:41 |
DinaBelova | this is new experience for us, so we need to learn all tips and tricks first :) | 15:41 |
DinaBelova | before going to the tests themselves | 15:41 |
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DinaBelova | so I suspect in nearest future we'll be trying to deploy it against various scale and create automatizations around this process with usual set of baseline tests run against it | 15:42 |
DinaBelova | so I suspect my updates won't be really interesting in next month or so :D | 15:43 |
DinaBelova | I think that's all from my side | 15:43 |
DinaBelova | #topic Open Discussion | 15:43 |
DinaBelova | tovin07 anything to talk about? | 15:44 |
tovin07 | yes | 15:44 |
* tovin07 getting link | 15:44 | |
tovin07 | #link Raaly + OSprofiler https://review.openstack.org/#/c/456278/ | 15:45 |
* DinaBelova adds this change to the review list | 15:45 | |
tovin07 | Last week, Rally PTL create a spec for this feature | 15:45 |
tovin07 | rcherrueau had some comment in this patch already | 15:45 |
rcherrueau | I wrote a small comment on this one on the form. But, on the basis this is really good. | 15:46 |
DinaBelova | sadly I did not take a look on it so far | 15:46 |
DinaBelova | but will do | 15:46 |
tovin07 | besides, I tried some test with rally (with OSprofiler enabled) to measure overhead of OSprofiler in devstack environment | 15:47 |
tovin07 | *tests | 15:47 |
DinaBelova | tovin07 oh, interesting | 15:47 |
DinaBelova | I suspect the influenct depends much on the chosen storage background | 15:47 |
DinaBelova | tovin07 what is your current feeling on this? | 15:48 |
tovin07 | currently, I try with redis | 15:48 |
tovin07 | with some small tests, I saw that it take about 0 -> 7% overhead in testing time | 15:49 |
tovin07 | with zero-optimization, I think it’s a good result :D | 15:49 |
DinaBelova | how does it depend on the trace points number? | 15:50 |
DinaBelova | is the dependency linear? | 15:50 |
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tovin07 | I did not have the detail answer for this :/ | 15:51 |
DinaBelova | ok, please keep us updated :) | 15:51 |
tovin07 | yup | 15:51 |
tovin07 | that’s all from me this week | 15:52 |
DinaBelova | tovin07 thank you | 15:52 |
tovin07 | How your Easter? | 15:52 |
DinaBelova | ok, anything else to cover? rcherrueau akrzos? | 15:52 |
DinaBelova | tovin07 fine, thanks :) | 15:52 |
rcherrueau | nop | 15:52 |
DinaBelova | ok, so thanks everyone for joining today, let's have a good week :) | 15:52 |
DinaBelova | bye! | 15:52 |
tovin07 | thanks | 15:52 |
tovin07 | :D | 15:52 |
DinaBelova | #endmeeting | 15:52 |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Apr 18 15:52:56 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 15:52 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2017/performance_team.2017-04-18-15.30.html | 15:53 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2017/performance_team.2017-04-18-15.30.txt | 15:53 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/performance_team/2017/performance_team.2017-04-18-15.30.log.html | 15:53 |
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