Friday, 2018-05-18

openstackgerritkarim proposed openstack/nova master: Pushing image traits to ironic node
openstackgerritYikun Jiang (Kero) proposed openstack/nova master: Microversion 2.63 - Use new format policy in server group
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openstackgerritJiaJunsu proposed openstack/nova master: Remove args(os=False) in monkey_patch
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: XenAPI: update the document related to vdi streaming
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openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Remove mox in libvirt/ (2)
openstackgerritVishakha Agarwal proposed openstack/nova master: Re-using the code of os brick cinder
openstackgerritTsuyoshi Nagata proposed openstack/nova master: nova improvement of maximum attach volumes more than 26 vols
openstackgerritVishakha Agarwal proposed openstack/nova master: Re-using the code of os brick cinder
openstackgerritBhagyashri Shewale proposed openstack/nova master: ProviderTree.has_inventory_changed for new fields
openstackgerritBhagyashri Shewale proposed openstack/nova master: Normalize inventory from update_provider_tree
openstackgerritBhagyashri Shewale proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: get_inventory => update_provider_tree
openstackgerritBhagyashri Shewale proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Don't report DISK_GB if sharing
openstackgerritTakashi NATSUME proposed openstack/nova master: Remove mox in libvirt/ (3)
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openstackgerritjichenjc proposed openstack/nova master: z/VM Driver: Initial change set of z/VM driver
openstackgerritjichenjc proposed openstack/nova master: z/VM Driver: Spawn and destroy function of z/VM driver
openstackgerritjichenjc proposed openstack/nova master: z/VM Driver: add snapshot function
openstackgerritjichenjc proposed openstack/nova master: z/VM Driver: add power actions
openstackgerritjichenjc proposed openstack/nova master: z/VM Driver: add get console output
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openstackgerritTsuyoshi Nagata proposed openstack/nova master: nova improvement of maximum attach volumes more than 26 vols
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openstackgerritRobin Naundorf proposed openstack/nova master: Fix inconsistency in docs
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openstackgerritYikun Jiang (Kero) proposed openstack/nova master: Microversion 2.63 - Use new format policy in server group
openstackgerritRobin Naundorf proposed openstack/nova master: Fix inconsistency in docs
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openstackgerritsahid proposed openstack/nova master: pci: don't consider case when match tags specs
openstackgerritsahid proposed openstack/nova master: network: update pci request spec to handle trusted tags
openstackgerritsahid proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: configure trust mode for vfs
openstackgerritsahid proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt:  add vf_trusted field for network metadata
openstackgerritsahid proposed openstack/nova master: metadata: add vf_trusted field to device metadata
openstackgerritsahid proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: place emulator threads on CONF.compute.cpu_shared_set
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: xenapi: drop deprecated vif_driver config option
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: xenapi: drop deprecated vif_driver config option
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: xenapi: drop deprecated vif_driver config option
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: xenapi(N-R-P): Add API to support vgpu resource provider create
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: xenapi(N-R-P):Get vgpu info from `allocations`
openstackgerritNaichuan Sun proposed openstack/nova master: xenapi(N-R-P): support compute node resource provider update
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Configure multiple vGPU types
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: mdevs returning parent and vendor PCI info
openstackgerritSylvain Bauza proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Get inventories per vGPU type
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openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Skip fetching the virtual size of block devices
openstackgerritLee Yarwood proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Skip fetching the virtual size of block devices
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jaypipesefried: you had mentioned something on Wednesday about I was out all day yesterday dealing with some health problems. what was it you were getting at?13:13
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openstackgerritEric Berglund proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: Stringify instance UUID
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jaypipesalex_xu: nice work on Left some suggestions and wording fixes inline.14:27
gibijaypipes: could you look at again?14:31
jaypipesgibi: yessir14:35
gibijaypipes: thank you sir14:35
jaypipesgibi: welcomesir14:36
jaypipesdansmith, mriedem, bauzas: your thoughts requested on please (see release note comment)14:59
jaypipesgibi: I'm essentially +2 on the patch -- the code at least. I'm slightly concerned about the impact on upgrade for operators that modify a flavor and that flavor goes from working properly to resulting in an error about missing group_policy for some amount of time.14:59
bauzasjaypipes: ack, but I'll be on travels, so I'll review it during the summit15:00
jaypipesgibi: wondering if we should indeed have a default group_policy...15:00
jaypipesbauzas: ack, no prob15:00
jaypipesbauzas: safe travels15:00
bauzasjaypipes: by the "group policy", that means the default behaviour when asking for multiple groups ?15:01
gibijaypipes: It will be fun to re-iterate the question of default policy. But better talking about it now than in after the release15:01
gibibauzas: the policy of overlapping RPs for different numbered request groups15:02
bauzasif we need to update flavors, it's a huuuuuge upgrade impact15:03
mriedemjaypipes: replied15:03
jaypipesmriedem: ty matt15:03
gibijaypipes: to have more than one group in the flavor we need the patch we are talking about15:03
bauzasmriedem: your comment works if we explicitely say which default behaviour there is15:04
gibijaypipes: basically whant mriedem said in the review15:04
bauzasmriedem: which is why I think we could default15:04
jaypipesgibi: yes, I completely see that. I'm just concerned about the time period when a deployer edits a flavor to add in the granular stuff, doesn't see the requirement about group_policy extra spec, and there's a time period where all builds of that flavor die :)15:04
bauzaswhat jaypipes said15:05
bauzasit could be errorprone15:05
gibijaypipes: but that can be handled with proper documentation15:05
jaypipesgibi: and yes, I understand it's only a temp situation :)15:05
bauzasif we say 'if you use granular request groups', this is the default behaviour15:05
bauzasthen we don't need to automatically provide that extra spec15:05
jaypipesbauzas: right, but that comes with its own set of bugaboos where the flavor behaviour could temporarily be different from what the admin expected... it's a weird situation alright.15:06
bauzasprobably it's a nit, I dunno15:06
bauzasbut I feel we make it verbose for something not really important15:06
bauzasgroup_policy=none is semantically equal to not providing the extra spec to me15:06
bauzaswhich makes that policy ("none") to be the default15:07
bauzaswe could rathole on that, so I'm not particularly attached to that, I just feel it would help operators15:07
jaypipesbauzas: to be clear, you feel adding a default would help operators, yes?15:08
bauzasjaypipes: repliede15:10
bauzasreplied* even15:10
bauzasbut like I said, I'm not opposed to make the extra spec mandatory, I just feel it's unnecessary from a semantical pov15:10
bauzaseither way, I need to review that change before I can +215:11
bauzasand that's not something I can do soon today15:11
jaypipesbauzas: I see both sides... we're kinda dammed if we do, damned if we don't.15:11
bauzasso, feel free to cut the cord15:11
jaypipesheh, ok :)15:11
bauzascut the rope$15:11
bauzasjaypipes: FWIW, I will hail Placement API in my slides :p15:12
bauzasI even made it a pinned tweet15:13
efriedjaypipes: Turns out we *do* need to normalize inventory.  I put up to fix.15:13
openstackgerritKashyap Chamarthy proposed openstack/nova stable/queens: libvirt: Lift the restriction of choices for `cpu_model_extra_flags`
bauzasefried: seen my comment btw. ?15:13
efriedbauzas: looking at it now, thanks for the review.15:13
bauzasefried: I was about to say we could make the bottom change (as it would help my own series) but if so, we'd regress15:14
bauzasefried: so I'm all up for making those changes to be merged ASAP15:14
efriedThe bottom two changes were made to fix that one.15:14
bauzasI know15:14
efriedcool.  I'll get to work updating the comments ASAP.15:14
bauzashence my "we'd regress"15:14
bauzasefried: understood my opinion on that ?15:15
bauzasefried: it's more an opiniated comment, rather than technical15:15
efriedbauzas: Yeah, totally.  I didn't mean to imply that we would ever pass the compute node to the virt driver.15:15
efriedbut I'll fix it to make that clearer.15:15
bauzasI just feel that we should never pass the ComputeNode object to the virt drivers, or terrible things would happen15:15
jaypipesefried, bauzas: I've +W'd the change15:15
efriedjaypipes: which one?15:16
bauzasjaypipes: the numbered group thing ? cool.15:16
bauzasI'm way behind reviewing, I need to catch up15:16
bauzasI also need to understand the state of art with allocation candidates and nested resource providers15:16
bauzasefried: jaypipes: I saw tetsuro having yet another spec ? that's sad.15:17
efriedbauzas: tetsuro owns the series to make nrp-in-alloc-cands happen.  I haven't seen the new spec yet.15:17
bauzasthat creates more complexity for having nested resource providers be a thing for Rocky15:17
mriedemi haven't been following, i'm in -nova with dansmith15:17
efriedI was at my kid's talent show this morning, looks like I missed a lot.15:17
mriedemthis is simple, if you use granular request groups in your flavor, you MUST specify a policy15:17
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fried_ricethat too15:18
mriedemanyone that f'ed that up and fails didn't read the docs15:18
mriedemwe specifically said in the spec we wouldn't do a default policy because we shouldn't pick,15:18
mriedemwe want the user of the API to be explicit15:18
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bauzasmriedem: either way, the patch is +Wd15:18
bauzaswe said it's a doc problem15:18
fried_riceleakypipes: This one needs your eye, want to make sure you agree:
leakypipesfried_rice: k.15:19
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mriedembauzas: well, we also talked about this a few weeks ago and agreed on the course15:19
fried_riceleakypipes: Let me know if you need the back story, or if it's clear from the context of the series.15:20
leakypipesfried_rice: will do, thx.15:20
bauzasmriedem: in the spec, yeah, I just feel we ratholed on that one15:20
bauzasanyway, it's done15:21
openstackgerritEric Berglund proposed openstack/nova master: PowerVM Driver: Localdisk
fried_ricebauzas: So if I just change to "...the virt driver doesn't (and never will) have access..." will that satisfy?15:21
bauzasthat's all good with me15:21
bauzasfried_rice: one other option could be to not normalize, but rather explicitely ask the virt driver to pass the whole inventory15:21
bauzasfried_rice: but then, update the inventory with the values we get from the compute node15:22
fried_ricebauzas: Which it can, if it wishes.  If those fields are set by the virt driver, they're *not* overridden by the rt.15:22
bauzasfried_rice: I see, so normalization is good15:22
fried_ricebauzas: But if they aren't set by the virt driver, we want to set them based on the vals in the compute node.15:22
bauzasfried_rice: yup, I understood that15:23
bauzasanyway, I need to pack my stuff15:23
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Normalize inventory from update_provider_tree
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: get_inventory => update_provider_tree
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Don't report DISK_GB if sharing
fried_ricebauzas: fixed the comment & commit message ^15:25
bauzaslooking qucikly15:25
fried_ricebauzas: Hopefully making it clear that what I meant was "we need to do this unless some day we stop pushing those values through the compute_node entirely"15:25
bauzasfried_rice: you mean, stopping to lookup the ComputeNode object ? well, maybe.15:26
bauzasit's just an implementation details15:26
bauzasallocation ratios are set per compute, hence defined by the compute service, not the hypervisor15:26
bauzashow those values are passed to the inventory is just an implementation detail to me15:26
bauzasfried_rice: the fact we used the object facade was only for upgrade concerns15:27
bauzasfried_rice: if we keep the things as they are, I think we could just drop that15:27
bauzasand simplify all that crap15:28
fried_ricebauzas: I find it odd that the virt driver is responsible for all the other fields in the inventory, but allocation ratio and reserved amounts can be set outside of that.15:28
fried_riceI'm mollified by the fact that the virt driver still *can* set those values if it wishes.15:29
fried_ricecause we're certainly going to do that in powervm15:29
bauzasfor the reserved bit, yeah15:29
fried_riceallocation ratio too.15:29
fried_ricein power, this isn't an overcommit; it's a real thing, because we have micropartitioning.15:30
bauzasfried_rice: then you would mess up the conf option15:30
fried_ricebauzas: Actually we would use the conf options to decide on the micropartitioning size.15:30
fried_ricebauzas: So technically I suppose it's the same thing.15:31
bauzasfried_rice: but you need to use the object facade to get the right thing15:31
fried_ricebauzas: Point is, we don't intend to let the rt set those values.15:31
bauzasfried_rice: because atm. some ops can have 0.0 in the conf files, and things are fine15:31
fried_ricewhich is how the code is set up anyway - we're not violating any rules.15:31
fried_riceWe can haggle over that when we cut powervm over to using update_provider_tree.  Which we'll do as soon as nrp-in-alloc-cands lands, because we want to make use of trees for devices.15:32
openstackgerritAllen proposed openstack/nova master: Update the deprecate os_region_name option
bauzasfried_rice: one comment on unittest with
fried_ricebauzas: Responded.15:41
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openstackgerritKashyap Chamarthy proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: libvirt: Lift the restriction of choices for `cpu_model_extra_flags`
mriedemleakypipes: not sure if you saw, but there was some review on the consumer generation spec update yesterday - - i was holding off on reviewing the code series until the spec was updated otherwise i'm coming into the code changes kind of blind15:49
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leakypipesmriedem: yes, I planned to get to those shortly.15:49
leakypipesjgwentworth: both quota-related specs reviewed now.15:49
leakypipesjgwentworth: short summary of my opinion: we should move forward on both.15:51
jgwentworthleakypipes: I saw, thanks! I was about to ping you to clarify what I meant when I brought up the "owner" or "type" issue on my spec. I explained it on alex_xu's spec if you could take a look and let me know what you think15:51
leakypipesjgwentworth: yup, I'm on it.15:51
jgwentworththat is, I just now posted some comments on his spec15:51
leakypipes:) yep, I saw em15:51
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Skip ServerShowV254Test.test_rebuild_server in cells v1 job
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Fix interpretation of max_attempts for scheduling alternates
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Send resource allocations in the port binding
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: Testing a thing
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/nova master: Remove the remaining of the removed option
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Update the deprecate os_region_name option
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Fix inconsistency in docs
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openstackgerritEric Berglund proposed openstack/nova master: PowerVM Driver: Localdisk
jgwentworthleakypipes: thanks for your reply, replied again :) trying to explain what I meant there about the potential for ambiguity16:43
jgwentworthI realize the example of VCPU and MEMORY_MB might be silly (can we assume no other service will use those resource classes?)16:44
jgwentworthbut maybe it opens up more in alex_xu's use case where we would add quota for custom resource classes16:45
superdanjgwentworth: leakypipes: I think I've said this before, but two novas using the same placement would both use VCPU, not to mention something else using it to provide compute resources (like magnum)16:47
leakypipessuperdan: ah, yes, that's true indeed.16:48
leakypipesjgwentworth: I see now, yes.16:49
jgwentworthsuperdan: you have and my brain lost the info16:49
* jgwentworth puts information back in brain16:49
* superdan hands jgwentworth some tape16:49
* jgwentworth uses tape to hold information for a time16:49
* leakypipes hands jgwentworth a funnel, which is the correct tool for the job.16:51
superdana funnel for insertion, tape for retention16:51
leakypipesand to gross everyone out... here's actual brain losing info:
jgwentworthdear lord16:52
jgwentworthbut yeah, the two novas use case messes up the namespace idea. and the "type" idea wouldn't work in that case either. which is probably how we got onto discussing how to represent a unique "owner" at dublin17:01
jgwentworthwah wah17:01
leakypipesjgwentworth: added a potential solution for the 2 Novas, 1 Placement situation.17:11
leakypipesjgwentworth: same solution could be used for per-cell quotas.17:12
leakypipesjgwentworth: we can call it Multi-Dimension Mass Allocation. or MDMA.17:14
jgwentworthokay, so thinking of ... how nova aggs get mirrored into placement aggs, what you would do is draw a new aggregate for quotas that covers the entire deployment (if you want quota that spans the entire deployment)17:15
leakypipesjgwentworth: or cell, yeah.17:16
leakypipesjgwentworth: just basically telling placement that X set of providers is related.17:16
jgwentworthneat. yeah, seems like that works. and per cell quota is something I think people would like too17:16
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Make instance.refresh() avoid recursion better
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Make instance able to lazy-load almost everything
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Expose instance_get_all_uuids_by_host() from DB API and use it
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: Fix typo in NUMATopologyFilter docs
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openstackgerritMatthew Edmonds proposed openstack/nova master: Update PowerVM hypervisor docs
openstackgerritArvind Nadendla proposed openstack/nova master: WIP:Handle rebuild of instances with image traits
fried_riceleakypipes: Still around?19:29
fried_riceI haven't gotten through review email for the last couple hours yet, but wanted to clarify that the _normalize patch has nothing to do with the bug that bhagyashris tagged it with.19:29
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Normalize inventory from update_provider_tree
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: get_inventory => update_provider_tree
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Don't report DISK_GB if sharing
fried_riceleakypipes: I removed the bogus Partial-Bug tag from those two patches.19:36
fried_riceleakypipes: And tried to explain in comments. Let me know if you want the unabridged version.19:37
openstackgerritMatthew Edmonds proposed openstack/nova master: Update PowerVM hypervisor docs
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openstackgerritArvind Nadendla proposed openstack/nova master: WIP:Handle rebuild of instances with image traits
fried_riceleakypipes: Are you going to get a chance to take a swing at tetsuro's series today?20:29
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openstackgerritArvind Nadendla proposed openstack/nova master: WIP:Handle rebuild of instances with image traits
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Update PowerVM hypervisor docs
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Make instance.refresh() avoid recursion better
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Make instance able to lazy-load almost everything
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova master: Expose instance_get_all_uuids_by_host() from DB API and use it
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: PowerVM Driver: Localdisk
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: ProviderTree.has_inventory_changed for new fields
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Normalize inventory from update_provider_tree
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: get_inventory => update_provider_tree
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Don't report DISK_GB if sharing
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Granular requests to get_allocation_candidates
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Update nova-status and docs for required placement 1.24
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Enforce placement minimum in nova.cmd.status
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openstackgerritMatthew Edmonds proposed openstack/nova master: Update PowerVM hypervisor docs
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Update PowerVM hypervisor docs
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Placement: allow to set reserved value equal to total for inventory
openstackgerritTsuyoshi Nagata proposed openstack/nova master: nova improvement of maximum attach volumes more than 26 vols
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Avoid unnecessary joins in HostManager._get_instances_by_host
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Update placement upgrade docs for nova-api dependency on placement
openstackgerritkarim proposed openstack/nova master: Pushing image traits to ironic node

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