Tuesday, 2018-08-14

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openstackgerritZhenyu Zheng proposed openstack/nova master: Fix service list for disabled compute using MC driver  https://review.openstack.org/58393602:09
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: Delete instance_id_mappings record in instance_destroy  https://review.openstack.org/59155805:45
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openstackgerritZhenyu Zheng proposed openstack/nova master: Fix service list for disabled compute using MC driver  https://review.openstack.org/58393606:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova master: placement: ignore policy scope check failures if not enforcing scope  https://review.openstack.org/59044509:19
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: Add placement perf info gathering to end of nova-next  https://review.openstack.org/59136709:20
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: [placement] Retry allocation writes server side  https://review.openstack.org/59074509:28
cdentefried, jaypipes : I was able to get aggregate concurrency issues to happen in mysql too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/178670309:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1786703 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Placement duplicate aggregate uuid handling during concurrent aggregate create insufficiently robust" [Medium,New]09:35
cdentthat was while doing placeload in the nova-next job09:35
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Consumer gen support for delete instance allocations  https://review.openstack.org/59159709:35
jaypipescdent: mornin.09:36
jaypipescdent: different problem I believe. see note on bug report.09:41
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jaypipescdent: I can push up a patch for you to apply and see if it makes any different.09:42
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: Force refresh instance info_cache during heal  https://review.openstack.org/59160710:02
openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/nova master: placement: order multi-row INSERT by PK  https://review.openstack.org/59160910:05
openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/nova master: placement: order multi-row INSERT by PK  https://review.openstack.org/59160910:15
cdentjaypipes: yah, wasn't trying to suggest it was exactly the same, just that slamming aggregates can results of 500s and thus there's stuff to do10:24
jaypipescdent: can you apply the above patch and check to see if that addresses the issue? if not, I'll try the single-INSERT statement thing.10:26
jaypipescdent: how repeatable is this, BTW?10:27
jaypipesevery run?10:27
cdentjaypipes: I don't know. That report was the first time I've seen, but that is also the first time I've run placeload against mysql10:27
cdentI saw it in the results of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591367/ after (finally) getting that to actually do a run10:28
cdentso testing your patch will require some adjustments to my test setup10:28
jaypipesk, no worries. thx for looking into this.10:28
cdenthowever in the placeload run it happend many times10:28
cdentin the run currently running it should provide a bit tidier output10:30
cdentjaypipes, efried, edleafe: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591367/ is basically working now save the issues from bug 1786703 but it likely needs some tidying up, so please provide your suggestions10:58
openstackbug 1786703 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Placement duplicate aggregate uuid handling during concurrent aggregate create insufficiently robust" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786703 - Assigned to Jay Pipes (jaypipes)10:58
openstackgerritChen proposed openstack/nova master: Typo fixes on notifications doc  https://review.openstack.org/59162110:58
cdentI reckon things like this happening without us (or at least me) knowing is good: https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/global-search?t=placement11:12
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openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Consumer gen support for put allocations  https://review.openstack.org/59164712:33
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Consumer gen support for put allocations  https://review.openstack.org/59164712:35
cdentgibi: can you have a quick look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591367/ and say whether you think it is a good first stab that we can cleanup later, or should be cleaned up now? I need to take the DNM off at some point but have left it there because I assume we don't want to merge it too quickly without some non-placement people looking12:42
gibicdent: looking12:42
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Return a minimal construct for nova list when a cell is down  https://review.openstack.org/56778513:00
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Return a minimal construct for nova service-list when a cell is down  https://review.openstack.org/58482913:00
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Add get_by_cell_and_project() method to InstanceMappingList  https://review.openstack.org/59165613:00
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: API microversion bump for handling-down-cell  https://review.openstack.org/59165713:00
openstackgerritSurya Seetharaman proposed openstack/nova master: Return a minimal construct for nova show when a cell is down  https://review.openstack.org/59165813:00
gibicdent: left couple of notes inline. I think we can easily merge this patch13:02
cdentgibi: thanks for that excellent feedback, responded with some questions13:15
gibicdent: looking13:15
cdentefried, thanks, question in my response to you14:10
cdentefried: also if you have any thoughts on the microversion discussion going on between gibi and I on that review14:14
efriedcdent: I looked at that discussion, and I don't care.14:14
efriedDoes the microversion in that output actually correspond to the microversion you're using to do the query?14:14
cdentefried isa nihilist14:14
cdentwhich "microversion in that output"?14:15
efriedin the placement-perf.txt.gz14:15
cdentwhere is says 1.29 in http://logs.openstack.org/67/591367/5/check/nova-next/96e7d94/logs/placement-perf.txt.gz is the max versiono of the service14:15
cdentwhere it says "placement 1.28" that is the actual header of the request(s)14:15
efried+ /opt/stack/new/nova/gate/post_test_perf_check.sh:check_placement:39 :   curl -s -H 'x-auth-token: admin' -H 'openstack-api-version: placement 1.28' '
cdentthat's the actual command14:16
efriedI assume that's actually the version you're passing in to the command.14:16
efriedSo as long as that's true, I don't really care which microversion you use for the command.14:16
efriedIs the contention about "Placement is 1.29" at the top?14:16
cdentI'm not certain, but I think gibi was confused about why 1.28 was being used14:16
efriedI have zero problem with that. It would be better, I suppose, if it could say "Placement max is 1.29".14:17
efriedYeah, and I agree that 1.28 isn't a match for anything where specific GET /a_c function was added - but I really don't care.14:17
efried^ this is the part I really don't care about.14:17
cdentI was trying (perhaps lamely) to indicate that the 1.29 is what placement's version is, but that's perhaps not a convention we really have. Changing that would require changing placeload, which we can worry about some other time if we want. I'll update the hook script to use 1.21, update the commit message and ...14:18
cdentefried: where/how did you want the error message?14:19
efriedI'm composing that response inline.14:19
efriedbut in two other meetings at the same time :)14:19
efriedcdent: Done14:20
efriedcdent: TL;DR: echo14:20
cdentyou poor thing14:20
efriedcdent: btw, it wouldn't be wildly out of the question for setup failure to fail the whole CI job.14:20
cdentI think that would be overstepping for this kind of thing. I do think that having a smash placement to see if it breaks CI job would be a good thing. But this is not that. Combining the two would be confusing and messy14:22
gibisorry, I was pulled to local brainstorming14:23
gibicdent: I14:24
gibicdent: I replied14:24
cdentyeah, reading, thank you!14:25
efriedcdent: I'm not saying we should have a perf threshold and fail the job for that. Just so we're clear.14:25
cdentefried: yeah, I get ya14:25
cdentbut since I can fail the setup right now, every single time (that's what A500 means), I don't want to build that in here14:26
efriedcdent: But yes, I agree long-term it would be nice to have a separate CI job that just does placement load.14:26
cdentbecause of https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/178670314:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1786703 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Placement duplicate aggregate uuid handling during concurrent aggregate create insufficiently robust" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Jay Pipes (jaypipes)14:26
cdent(i broke in on mysql too, not just postgresql)14:27
jaypipescdent: able to reproduce that mysql one?14:27
cdentjaypipes: haven't had a chance to try your patch, been fixing other things. but if fails consistently on master14:29
jaypipescdent: no pressure. was just curious :)14:32
cdentif/when we merge this change to nova-next we'll see how it goes on your change. Unless I get to it before then14:33
efriedjaypipes: where's your patch?14:34
efriedhttps://review.openstack.org/591609 ?14:34
efriedcdent: Can't we just rebase ^ onto yours?14:34
cdentyeah sure, but I tend to avoid it because I get mentally trained by too many stacks. I guess these are sufficiently related though.14:35
cdentit's a bad day for typing14:36
efriedI figured it out, but it took me a sec.14:36
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/nova master: Add placement perf info gathering hook to end of nova-next  https://review.openstack.org/59136714:43
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/nova master: placement: order multi-row INSERT by PK  https://review.openstack.org/59160914:46
efriedcdent: +214:46
openstackgerritMatthew Booth proposed openstack/nova master: Add regression test for bug 1550919  https://review.openstack.org/59173315:10
openstackbug 1550919 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "[Libvirt]Evacuate fail may cause disk image be deleted" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1550919 - Assigned to Matthew Booth (mbooth-9)15:10
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova stable/queens: WIP: Wait for network-vif-plugged before starting live migration  https://review.openstack.org/59173515:17
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openstackgerritMatthew Booth proposed openstack/nova master: Move static _get_power_off_values to compute_utils  https://review.openstack.org/57882215:21
openstackgerritMatthew Booth proposed openstack/nova master: Don't delete disks on shared storage during evacuate  https://review.openstack.org/57884615:21
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova stable/queens: Revert "libvirt: slow live-migration to ensure network is ready"  https://review.openstack.org/59176115:30
jaypipesefried: I like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/591510. If you want to squash it into mine, that's cool with me.15:30
efriedjaypipes: Cool, will do.15:31
efriedjaypipes: I do want to get a look from the folks on that ML thread.15:31
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova stable/pike: Revert "libvirt: slow live-migration to ensure network is ready"  https://review.openstack.org/59176215:32
efriedBut I suppose we can merge this and improve on it later.15:32
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: [placement] split gigantor SQL query, add logging  https://review.openstack.org/59151015:35
efriedjaypipes, cdent, gibi: ^15:35
efriedahdang, I used the wrong change-id, wound up squashing backwards.15:36
efriedProbably doesn't matter, but I guess I would rather have the history/discussion from the original... will fix.15:37
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: [placement] split gigantor SQL query, add logging  https://review.openstack.org/59004115:37
efriedjaypipes, cdent, gibi: This is the right one ^ The other is now abandoned.15:39
openstackgerritxhzhf proposed openstack/nova master: [vmware] add missing os types in vSphere sdk 6.5  https://review.openstack.org/59177115:51
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cdenti'll be back later15:58
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova stable/queens: DNM: Debug patch to test live migration waiting  https://review.openstack.org/59177516:19
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Remove blacklisted py3 xen tests  https://review.openstack.org/59141916:34
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Consumer gen: remove_provider_from_instance_allocation  https://review.openstack.org/59178416:57
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: Remove obsolete func test_ironic_ocata_to_pike  https://review.openstack.org/59178517:05
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/nova master: Ironic: report 0 for vcpus/memory_mb/disk_gb resources  https://review.openstack.org/56584117:47
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack/nova stable/queens: DNM: Debug patch to test live migration waiting  https://review.openstack.org/59177517:48
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Consumer gen support for put allocations  https://review.openstack.org/59164718:15
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: Consumer gen: remove_provider_from_instance_allocation  https://review.openstack.org/59178418:16
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: consumer gen: support claim_resources  https://review.openstack.org/58366718:16
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: consumer gen: move_allocations  https://review.openstack.org/59181018:16
openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack/nova master: consumer gen: more tests for delete allocation cases  https://review.openstack.org/59181118:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova stable/rocky: Revert "libvirt: slow live-migration to ensure network is ready"  https://review.openstack.org/59127518:19
openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/nova master: Ironic: report 0 for vcpus/memory_mb/disk_gb resources  https://review.openstack.org/56584118:44
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cdentjaypipes: doesn't look like your ordering thing helped: http://logs.openstack.org/09/591609/3/check/nova-next/7bdd800/logs/screen-placement-api.txt.gz#_Aug_14_16_34_29_06003919:54
jaypipescdent: well, poop. at least it was worth a shot.19:55
jaypipescdent: I'll push a patch that changes that to single-shot INSERTs then and see if that works.19:55
cdentis that the same error? I didn't look closely, just saw that it A50019:55
jaypipesyep, same error.19:55
efriedcdent: Okay, I'm mystified now. I just checked the results and they looked okay to me.20:01
efriedcdent: I thought http://logs.openstack.org/09/591609/3/check/nova-next/7bdd800/logs/placement-perf.txt.gz would show no timing results if we got that failure.20:02
cdentnot _that_ failure20:02
cdentefried: all rp_count is counting is resource providers20:03
efriedRight, but I thought we would bail out of creating resource providers if we got that error.20:03
cdentall the errors were A500 meaning aggregate failures, not R500 meaing rp failures20:03
cdentso 1001 rp's exist20:03
cdentbut some of them don't have aggregates20:03
cdentwhich is why the pirate talks in the log20:04
cdentso you can know that things went wrong20:04
efriedthe A500 doesn't cause the whole thing to bail?20:04
cdentunder "normal" circumstances there will never be R, I, A, only r, i, a20:04
cdentAs I said: placeload is a tool being used to create stuff, it is _not_ the thing doing the testing20:04
efriedI was considering saying this before. May still get shot down, but I'll say it:20:05
cdentas far as placeload is concerned it creates resource providers, inventory, and aggregates in an async fashion20:05
cdentthe reason it is async is so it is fast, but it also has the nice side effect of finding now 3 different bugs under load20:05
cdentthat's why it was created. that it is useful for the perf test is happenstance20:05
efriedWhat about echo "How to read this log file ...<words here about what crack pirate means etc.>..." >> $LOG20:05
cdentif you like, now that it is ready to merge we (perhaps you) can do it as a followup20:07
cdentit's easy to change, now that it exist20:07
efriedor at least "To understand this output, see <link to docstring in placeload>"20:07
cdentthat would require placeload (which was created in the space a very small number of hours) to have such info it20:08
cdentyou wanted a rush job, I did a rush job20:08
cdentbut now it exists, we can make it pretty20:08
efriedJust trying to lower the barriers to other people wanting to use this.20:09
cdentefried: I get that, and I'm saying: please feel free to do so. As I said when I was volunteered to do this work I didn't really think it was particularly useful but I was willing to put in the work to get _something_ in place.20:14
cdentNow that we have something concrete to compare against, and an understanding of how it can be horked in, it can be improved.20:14
openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: test possible deadlock cause  https://review.openstack.org/59184520:42
jaypipescdent: total shot in the dark ^20:42
jaypipescdent: I'll still do the single-shot INSERT patch. just curious if the above makes a diff.20:43
cdentyou'll wanna base that on the nova-next change won't you? or did that merge?20:44
jaypipescdent: ah, yeah...20:44
cdentefried: I'll go ahead and add a crack pirate decoder ring patch, unless you're already doing something20:49
efriedcdent: I'm not. I really needed to get some IBMish work done today, so trying to ignore other distractions for a bit.20:49
cdentgood and just20:49
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/nova master: Add explanatory prefix to post_test_perf output  https://review.openstack.org/59185021:15
openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack/nova master: DNM: test possible deadlock cause  https://review.openstack.org/59184521:19
openstackgerritDmitry Sutyagin proposed openstack/nova master: Implement disabling KSM via flavor's extra specs  https://review.openstack.org/59185421:27
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: PowerVM: update_provider_tree() (compatible)  https://review.openstack.org/46856021:30
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack/nova master: Ironic: report 0 for vcpus/memory_mb/disk_gb resources  https://review.openstack.org/56584121:32
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openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova master: [placement] Regex consts for placement schema  https://review.openstack.org/59186322:40

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