Tuesday, 2018-10-16

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openstackgerritAdam Spiers proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Add spec for libvirt driver launching AMD SEV-encrypted instances  https://review.openstack.org/60977913:22
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efriedbauzas: Is this http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2018-October/016013.html related to what you were seeing the other day?13:59
bauzasefried: yup13:59
bauzasit was for an upgrade13:59
bauzasefried: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=163646314:00
openstackbugzilla.redhat.com bug 1636463 in openstack-nova "nova-compute's UUID doesn't correlate with nova_api's resource_providers table contents" [High,Closed: notabug] - Assigned to nova-maint14:00
bauzasI closed it as NOTABUG since I wasn't able to reproduce it but I also fixed the problem by asking our customer to just update the DB directly14:00
* bauzas tries to not be schziphrenic when it comes to discuss about internal bugs :)14:01
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bauzasschizophrenic even :)14:01
cdentI seem to recall an upstream bug that was similar but I'm struggling to find it. The basic idea was that you need to clean up after yourself if you destroy a compute node14:02
efriedI don't really understand the issue; will one of you respond to that thread?14:02
cdentI was hoping saying the above would help find the bug and that once found we could then (and only then) respond on the thread14:03
bauzasefried: my assumption is that somehow the compute node name changed14:03
bauzasso it created a new entry14:03
bauzasand then a new UUID14:04
bauzasI asked the reporter to give me the compute_nodes records but he didn't so I still struggle by guessing the problem14:04
cdentyeah, what bauzas is describing sounds what I'm remembering as well14:05
* cdent still looking14:05
bauzascdent: efried: replying to the thread14:06
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mriedemgibi: replies in the grenade placement extraction change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/604454/ - if you're ok with those i'll make the updates14:41
edleafeSo I'm working on setting up alembic for the placement database, and was wondering what the consensus is (if any) on moving from the nova-api db: are we copying the entire thing and then removing the tables we don't need, or are we only copying the placement tables?15:00
cdentedleafe: the model in the grenade change is to only copy the relevant tables (with dan's migration script): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/603234/8/tools/mysql-migrate-db.sh15:14
cdenthowever, if people do choose to copy their entire nova-api, or have been using the optional placement db, the extra tables shouldn't matter. they should be ignored, no?15:15
edleafecdent: in practice, yes, but alembic will see them in those where they exist and not see them in the rest. Seems like having an inconsistent starting point will make the process more complicated15:17
cdentI guess I'm not understanding15:19
edleafeheh, like I'm any different :)15:20
cdentMy understanding/hope is that alembic simply won't care about tables we don't tell it to care about?15:21
cdentalso, somewhat related, dansmith and mriedem we're pretty keen about making sure that we document that people do a migration (using the aforementioned script) so that there's a clean break15:22
cdentdoing otherwise is an option, of course15:22
mriedemiow don't point placement at the nova_api db15:23
mriedemor nova.conf15:23
edleafemriedem: no, I'm not thinking about doing that15:23
edleafejust hoping that having two different potential starting points for the alembic migrations doesn't trip us up15:24
mriedemwhat are the two different starting points?15:25
edleafemriedem: a DB with all the current nova-api tables, and a DB with just the placement-related tables15:25
mriedema placement database with no nova_api tables vs a nova_api db with nova tables?15:25
mriedemeven if you rolled rocky with a placement database, it gets the nova_api schema doesn't it?15:25
mriedembut just doesn't use those non-placement tables15:26
openstackgerritSundar Nadathur proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Nova Cyborg interaction specification.  https://review.openstack.org/60395515:27
edleafeI was thinking about whether starting with a db with just the related tables and starting with the whole nova api db would be an issue with alembic15:28
edleafeAlembic is new to me, and based on the docs I've read, it seemed like it *might* be an issue15:28
cdentedleafe: sounds like a job for just trying it15:29
edleafeSo I was just seeing if we had agreed on a preferred path for the new db15:29
cdentsince we haven't got rid of the unused models yet, might be an option15:29
cdentthat create script on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/600161/  only uses the ones that are actually used15:29
edleafeok, thanks - let me dig further15:30
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/placement master: Add nova database migration script for postgresql  https://review.openstack.org/60402815:33
mriedemi don't know anything about alembic, but i'd think it shouldn't care15:33
mriedemunless it scans the database and compares against the model and complains that you have tables not in the model15:33
mriedemzzzeek probably has the answer off the top of his head15:34
dansmithwhich is kinda the point of it I think15:34
dansmithI dunno if it cares or not, but I expect it to care more than sqla-migrate15:34
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/placement master: Add nova database migration script for postgresql  https://review.openstack.org/60402815:36
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cdentdinner dinner dinner16:31
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mriedemread everything from nova for the last 30 minutes17:23
mriedemhttps://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/377921103121bc62a3f7fce60c63e30815406851/nova/api/openstack/placement/objects/resource_provider.py#L1924 is busted17:24
mnaser..yeah, along those lines17:24
mnaserand breaks upgrades from queens to rocky17:24
mriedemdoesn't handle multiple allocations from the same consumer on the same provider17:24
mriedembecause the insert_from_select is getting select results with duplicate consumer ids17:24
mriedem3 instances on the same provider, 3 resource classes per allocation (vcpu, disk, memory_mb)17:24
mriedemhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/565405/26/nova/tests/functional/api/openstack/placement/db/test_consumer.py appears to not catch it because it has 3 consumers each with a single allocation record17:25
mriedemi'm trying to recreate17:25
mriedemmnaser: can you report a bug in the interim?17:25
mnasermriedem: yes17:25
mnasermriedem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/179816317:30
openstackLaunchpad bug 1798163 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Placement incomplete consumers online migration fails" [Undecided,New]17:30
mnasermriedem: i think i have figured out how to breaktests17:33
mriedemi think i do too17:35
mnasertrying it17:35
mnasermriedem: http://paste.openstack.org/show/732266/ to create a more realistic layout of the db17:36
mriedemi got it17:37
mnasermriedem: as in failed test or failed test + fix?17:39
mriedemfailed test17:39
mriedempushing up in a sec17:39
mnasermriedem: cool ill have a look at yours and compare to what i have too (i got oslo_db.exception.DBDuplicateEntry locally in tests with what i have too)17:40
* mriedem eats lunch17:49
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openstackgerritSundar Nadathur proposed openstack/nova-specs master: Nova Cyborg interaction specification.  https://review.openstack.org/60395520:32
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/placement master: Add recreate test for bug 1798163  https://review.openstack.org/61116420:59
openstackbug 1798163 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Placement incomplete consumers online migration fails" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1798163 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)20:59
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/placement master: Use unique consumer_id when doing online data migration  https://review.openstack.org/61116520:59
mriedem^ are the mirror cherry picks of the nova changes21:00
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