Monday, 2016-08-01

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openstackgerritSridhar Venkat proposed openstack/networking-powervm: WIP: Mechanism driver for powervm SR-IOV interface
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openstackgerritSridhar Venkat proposed openstack/networking-powervm: Checkin blueprint for networking-powervm for SR-IOV VIFs support
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svenkatefried, thorst : this is about pci_device_id related monkey patches in sriov vif patchset :
efriedsvenkat, can you explain how this came about in the first place?15:05
efriedHelp me with the background.15:05
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svenkatsure, if i create a neutron port of vnic type direct and use it to deploy a VM15:05
svenkatthere are three areas in compute code that it does not let spawn and allocate_network_instance to go through15:05
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svenkatall those three are mentioned in the patchset and monkey patched15:06
svenkatthey are all related to pci_device_id not being present15:06
svenkatcouple of them are in and one in
efriedLet's start with monkey_populate_neutron_extension_values15:07
efriedI don't see a difference between your patched code and the original code.15:07
efriedCan you point it out?15:07
svenkatsure.. one moment15:08
svenkatline 76, pci_request_id is set to None15:08
svenkatthis is the difference15:08
efriedI see.15:08
efriedSo the original code makes _populate_neutron_binding_profile a no-op; but you've activated it.15:10
efriedsorry, vice versa.15:10
efriedokay, this one should be simple enough.15:11
svenkatthe code is in network api in nova… is there anything in nova-powervm to overwrite it?15:12
thorstsvenkat: or how to we change the PowerVM code to make it work with the existing behavior of nova.15:13
thorstthats been my stance all along15:13
svenkatso how do we do it in this particular case15:14
svenkatnext one is similar to this one.15:14
efriedWe may need to massage the pci whitelist to make that method no-op.15:14
svenkatso far i could not figure out how this required value flows within nova compute code, (that has entry or exit points in nova-powervm code).15:17
efriedYup, looking.15:17
efriedthorst, svenkat: we may need to inject a dummy value into the pci whitelist to make this work.15:18
efriedwould that be a reasonable approach?15:18
svenkat ok…15:18
thorstefried: yes.15:19
thorstI was assuming our dummy values would be some form of our physical network names15:19
efriedLet me look at the others and see if they would be resolved by similar means.15:19
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efriedsvenkat, this is weird, I can't find _populate_pci_mac_address at all.15:22
svenkatthis is a new method added15:22
svenkatare you looking in mitaka  or newton15:22
svenkati had the same issue… my devstack environment has it15:23
efriedI'm on the master branch of nova.15:24
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thorstsvenkat: I've put back several review comments15:33
svenkatin nova-powervm or networking-powervm or both?15:33
thorstnetworking-powervm.  Should show up in your request view.15:34
svenkatsure.. looking15:34
efriedthorst, how do I go from somebody's name to their IRC handle?15:36
thorstefried: good q...who are you looking for?15:36
efriedNikola Dipanov15:36
thorstnot sure...15:38
thorstprobably djipko15:39
efriedYeah, that's what I was seeing.15:39
efriedCan't see him in IRC - at least not the channels I'm searchin.g15:39
thorstworks for Facebook...still a little early for west coast.15:40
efriedWell, svenkat, it appears to me as though the _populate_pci_mac_address method was removed at some point in the last three weeks.15:44
efriedSo that issue may be moot.15:44
svenkatoh ok…15:44
thorstefried FTW15:44
efriedIt would be tough to figure out when that happened; but I can do that if it's necessary.15:45
svenkatthats good. if it is gone, we can ignore it15:45
efriedBut, in case you needed any further encouragement, this is a dramatic case-in-point why we don't monkey patch - especially private methods.15:45
openstackgerritSridhar Venkat proposed openstack/networking-powervm: Checkin blueprint for networking-powervm for SR-IOV VIFs support
thorstefried: I'd like a +1 from you on this before I W+1 it:
efriedthorst, time frame?15:56
thorstefried: dept lunch15:56
efriedThat doesn't help me.15:56
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thorstesberglu: I remapped all the volumes to neo617:19
thorstcan you re-add to ssp?  do you know those steps?17:19
esbergluthorst: You just go on the vios and do cluster addnode right?17:40
esbergluWhich vios owns the cluster though?17:42
esbergluthorst: nvm. found it17:45
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adreznecthorst: You good on merging then?19:13
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thorstadreznec: looking...19:33
thorstadreznec: yeah, definitely19:35
thorstmerge away19:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/nova-powervm: Fix package setup configuration
efriedthorst, mdrabe: brainstorming solutions for the stale mappings bug again.20:54
thorstk...I need to head out in 15-2020:54
thorstso lets brainstorm quick20:54
efriedWhat I'm thinking now is simply to add a mapping scrub at the end of the destroy flow to clean up any leftovers.20:54
mdrabeyou'd still hit that warning20:55
efriedDon't care.20:55
efriedDo I?20:55
thorstis a warning a bad thing?20:55
thorstWe could change the message.20:55
thorstto be a little friendlier20:55
mdrabeThe warning is saying: we're not gonna clean up this mapping or hdisk20:55
mdrabebut then you're gonna end up cleaning it up20:55
efriedYeah; we would need to change that.20:56
efried"Disconnect Volume: The backing hdisk for volume "20:56
efried"%(volume_id)s on Virtual I/O Server %(vios)s is "20:56
efried"not in a valid state.  No disconnect "20:56
efried"actions to be taken as volume is not healthy."),20:56
efriedJust whack that last sentence and I think we're okay.20:57
thorstefried: What other flows could perhaps be impacted by that?20:58
thorstcold migration?20:58
thorst(or does that call down to destroy...I think it does?)20:58
efriedSure, any flow that's using destroy would be impacted, but I believe that's what we want.20:59
efriedIn destroy, we always want all VSCSI mappings for the instance to go away.20:59
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mdrabeIf you're gonna change that warning message it might be nice to add something like " not in a valid state. This could be the result of evacuation"21:01
mdrabeThose stale mappings could be tackled from there too though21:02
thorstefried: what about disconnect volume...where you remove a volume but don't destroy the server?21:02
efriedoh, the instance.21:03
efriedYeah, the plan would be to put the scrub into destroy, not into disconnect_volume.21:03
thorstefried: yep, sorry21:04
thorstI'm just wondering if it could leave a volume around that way that we'd clean up otherwise21:04
thorstnonetheless, its not like we're taking anything away from what we have today21:04
thorstrather, just doing additional clean up....21:04
efriedRight.  Theoretically, disconnect_volume should be destroying any disk that we can actually find.21:04
thorstso I'm leaning towards liking it21:04
efriedThe problem we're having today is that, when the disk has been ripped out, we can't even get a name/UDID to use to identify the mapping.21:05
thorstefried: well, it'll destory a disk on the vscsi disconnect I think21:05
thorstso I think that's fine21:05
efriedSo if you try to disconnect_volume in a non-destroy flow, and that disk has been ripped out, you'll still leave that stale mapping around.21:05
efriedthat's still a hole21:05
thorstbut would be cleaned up on a destroy21:06
thorstso not a significant hole IMO21:06
efriedAnd I don't think we want to go removing storage-less mappings - because if the disk gets restored at some point, we want it to reappear to the VM.21:06
thorstfair enuf21:06
efriedI.e. handle flaky storage backend.21:06
efriedOkay, so now the only question is whether I can use VSCSIBus.delete() or have to do a second VIOS feed GET with VSCSI mapping xags.21:07
mdrabeshouldn't the Feed already be there?21:07
mdrabeWith xags galore21:07
thorsteveryone gets a xag21:08
thorstgotta run, but I'm currently with mdrabe...I'd be thinking that the feed is already there21:08
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efriedargh, sorry kids.  mdrabe, we *may* be able to use the same feed.  I'll have to look into that.21:15
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