Friday, 2016-08-26

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thorstefried1: I think we should run Comprehensive Scrub at driver boot up11:51
efried1thorst, do we not already?12:08
thorsthmmm...well the cloud I'm running is on stable/mitaka12:08
thorstand it isn't there...I'll double check12:08
efried1thorst, Ima commute, back online in an hour.12:09
thorstefried1: k12:09
thorstloving apearson's new console btw...get that code loaded on your system at some point.  It rocks12:09
efried1thorst, I'm not familiar with this.  You'll have to fill me in.12:10
thorstI'll send you a picture later12:10
thorsthave a safe drive12:10
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adreznecthorst: New console? the stuff that gets loaded with the pvm-core-5250 package?13:23
thorstadreznec: yeah13:23
adreznecOk, just making sure I didn't miss another new console somehow13:23
adreznecNever know these days...13:23
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thorstI'll send you a picture later, it looks good though.  No weird artifacts anymore13:25
thorstand it just OS code upgrade  :-)13:25
adreznecYeah... running most of a graphical environment will do that...13:25
thorstadreznec: hey - I'm glad we're running a graphical environment  :-)13:26
thorstit looks beautiful13:26
thorstand super nice for when we're doing just SDN with routers and what not13:26
adreznecYeah, yeah13:29
adreznecFYI my OSA demo will be a bit limited this morning. Had to reboot my AIO environment and somehow it broke Glance13:30
adreznecDoesn't seem to be a DB issue though, Nova, Neutron, etc seem fine13:30
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adreznecAh, I see. It's trying to store the images in swift and I broke swift13:32
thorstadreznec: you need to switch to tswift13:36
efriedthorst, svenkat:
efriedthorst, 383413:54
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svenkatefried: looking13:55
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thorstefried: 379714:11
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efriedthorst, done.  Thoroughly.14:25
thorstefried: good points.  LGTM14:28
efriedthorst, does tjakobs have merge auth in there, or do we need to push it for him?14:28
thorstnot sure, lets just push14:30
adreznecYeah, just push it14:31
efriedthorst, adreznec, done14:35
adreznecefried: thx14:38
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adreznecthorst: We need to talk about pypowervm with OSA15:06
thorstadreznec: give me an hour?  screen sharing15:06
adreznecLinking pypowervm into the venv like we're doing now doesn't work - it breaks every time with that pyasn1 modules issue15:07
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thorstadreznec: ready now if you are17:06
openstackgerritDrew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Do a comprehensive scrub on driver start
thorstmdrabe: Can you look at that ^^17:23
thorstI seem to remember you proposing something similar17:23
thorstand then us not going forward with it for some reason.17:23
mdrabethorst: My change was
mdrabeabandoned because that scrub does solve the problem of cleaning up stale adapters for evacuated instances17:26
mdrabeShould clear up other stale adapters though17:26
thorstahh, so reasoning is a bit different.17:26
thorstyeah, in my env, it wasn't any evac stuff17:26
thorstthat won't HURT evac stuff, will it/17:26
thorstadreznec:  There's a q to you that you may have missed.17:29
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adreznecthorst: sorry, ran out for lunch and have a meeting18:25
adreznecYou going to be at the sde scrum?18:25
thorstadreznec: yep18:25
adreznecand thx, did miss that18:25
thorstwith a Power user now.  There are so many :-)18:25
openstackgerritDrew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Get VLAN from Neutron PowerVM VIF Binding
openstackgerritDrew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Get VLAN from Neutron PowerVM VIF Binding
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openstackgerritDrew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Do a comprehensive scrub on driver start
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efriedthorst, ack19:28
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thorstso nice to see CI passing20:15
openstackgerritDrew Thorstensen (thorst) proposed openstack/nova-powervm: Get VLAN from Neutron PowerVM VIF Binding
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adreznecthorst: yeah it's pretty awesome to see20:41
adreznecEspecially the silent pipeline ones for nova, etc20:41
thorstits a sigh of relief20:41
thorstuntil the OSA one is going and we have all new problems to solve  :-)20:42
adreznecJust in time for us to add more CI20:42
thorstthough, overlay in overlay should save the day20:42
adreznecyo dawg...20:42
adreznecoh yeah, we needed to talk pypowervm in OSA20:42
thorstI've got 1520:43
adreznecHere or call?20:43
thorstis it complicated?  If so, voice may get it out quicker.  If not, here is good20:43
adreznecKind of20:44
adreznecI'll call quick20:44
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/nova-powervm: devref usage: n-cpu must run from pvm_admin group
openstackgerritEric Fried proposed openstack/networking-powervm: capacity from binding:profile => ml2 conf => None
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