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thorst_ | esberglu_: lots of failures in CI. How we holding up? | 14:25 |
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esberglu | thorst_: Here are the failures since I turned it back on yesterday. (not including bad patches / our in tree runs) | 14:56 |
esberglu | http://paste.openstack.org/show/597197/ | 14:56 |
esberglu | I'm thinking we may still have an issue with the power off stuff | 14:56 |
thorst_ | ugh...really? | 15:01 |
thorst_ | efried: do you have any time to chase those? | 15:01 |
esberglu | A lot of the rebuild tests may be explained by that plus there are some that are still explicitly failing to power off | 15:01 |
adreznec | http://nooooooooooooooo.com/ | 15:01 |
efried | We're talking about the in-tree CI failing on power-off? | 15:02 |
thorst_ | oot | 15:02 |
efried | hmph. | 15:02 |
thorst_ | heh | 15:02 |
efried | Okay, yeah, I can take a look. | 15:02 |
esberglu | No the out of tree | 15:02 |
thorst_ | thx dude | 15:03 |
esberglu | I think some of the others may be bad patches or not supported. | 15:04 |
esberglu | p.s. I put the results from the in-tree runs at the bottom of that paste | 15:05 |
esberglu | Not all of them are from the latest patch, but just to get an idea where it's at | 15:06 |
esberglu | Seeing about 5-7 failures a run so far there | 15:07 |
esberglu | I need to dig in and see which are unsupported and if there are real failures | 15:08 |
efried | So hold on | 15:08 |
efried | what is it I'm looking at? | 15:08 |
efried | Specifically just those two power-off failures? | 15:08 |
efried | thorst_ esberglu ^^ | 15:09 |
thorst_ | yeah, lets see if there are power off failures...and then figure out why... | 15:09 |
thorst_ | other random failures, consider noise for the time being | 15:09 |
thorst_ | or a separate thing to chase | 15:09 |
efried | okay. Two power-off failures on just two runs in two separate test cases (though both rebuild) seems like random noise. | 15:10 |
efried | But I'll look. | 15:10 |
esberglu | Those two yeah. But I think some of the rebuilds might be hitting the same thing | 15:10 |
efried | So I'll reiterate what I said yesterday: I expect the in-tree to hit those power-off failures, because pypowervm doesn't have the latest fix. | 15:11 |
thorst_ | eww... | 15:12 |
thorst_ | so...how do we get rid of that noise? | 15:12 |
thorst_ | patch it in as part of the run...like we did with the local2remote | 15:12 |
thorst_ | until we can bump to | 15:12 |
efried | Well, we could disable the new timeout code in-tree. | 15:12 |
efried | Or that, but that seems a tad dishonest. | 15:12 |
thorst_ | I don't think dishonest. | 15:13 |
thorst_ | I think it will be pushed through by the time we're actually core reviewed | 15:13 |
thorst_ | I just don't want to be seeing failures for a month | 15:13 |
efried | Shrug, okay. So esberglu - wherever you're pulling in 2382, pull in 4761 as well. | 15:14 |
efried | Ugh, the CI env doesn't just conveniently patch those in from git, does it? It has, like, a copy of the diff in a text file checked in separately? | 15:15 |
esberglu | Yeah... | 15:15 |
esberglu | But that doesn't explain the power off issues for oot | 15:16 |
efried | Nono, separate issue. | 15:16 |
esberglu | Okay just making sure we were on the same page | 15:16 |
efried | btw, esberglu, not sure how you're doing your data collection, but I'm seeing two power-off failures in | 15:16 |
esberglu | That list definitely isn't perfect. Just gives a rough idea of what we are seeing | 15:18 |
esberglu | I want to make some sort of tool to automate this, I just haven't looked into it yet | 15:18 |
efried | yuh. | 15:19 |
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esberglu | Maybe jenkins has a plugin already | 15:21 |
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efried | esberglu thorst_ - So from what I'm seeing, this is trying the power-off unforced with a 60s timeout, and then when that fails, it's *not* retrying. | 15:39 |
efried | The code path that I believe leads to this is when the LPAR doesn't have RMC. | 15:40 |
thorst_ | well then my pypowervm 'fix' wasn't good | 15:40 |
efried | Yeah, your pypowervm fix was fine - we just weren't hitting it. | 15:40 |
thorst_ | hrmmm... | 15:40 |
thorst_ | I didn't think about RMC. | 15:40 |
efried | I'm questioning whether we should declare VMPowerOffFailure if we timeout that path (no RMC). | 15:40 |
efried | Or just ignore it. | 15:41 |
efried | Although... | 15:41 |
efried | We don't add the immediate flag when RMC is dead - just change from osshutdown to shutdown. | 15:41 |
efried | Sooo... I wonder if we should force-retry when that guy fails. | 15:42 |
efried | Add another noodle to that spaghetti code. | 15:42 |
efried | This is really getting to the point where I'm gonna refactor the sonofab!tch | 15:42 |
efried | It's out of control. | 15:42 |
thorst_ | efried: I'd support that. But the net is, if RMC is down, an osshutdown doesn't work, then a shutdown doesn't work...rip the damn power out. | 15:43 |
thorst_ | I think it was built the way it was because someone wanted to keep LoC down. | 15:43 |
efried | support which? The force-retry in that case, the refactor, or both? | 15:43 |
thorst_ | all | 15:43 |
efried | Okay. | 15:43 |
efried | Yeah, at this point I believe refactoring will actually reduce the LOC. | 15:44 |
thorst_ | yep | 15:44 |
efried | Thinking recursive. | 15:44 |
efried | instead of loop | 15:44 |
efried | Anyway, I'll do it in two steps. | 15:44 |
efried | First change set I'll add the force flag and retry in that scenario. | 15:44 |
efried | Then I'll do a refactor next. | 15:44 |
efried | Off I go. | 15:44 |
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thorst_ | cool beans | 15:55 |
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efried | thorst_ 4767 | 16:04 |
efried | esberglu: What does it take to pick up ^^? Does it need to merge, do things need to be rebuilt/redeployed, ...? | 16:04 |
esberglu | Management node redeploy (~2 hours) | 16:06 |
thorst_ | and getting it into the VMs | 16:06 |
thorst_ | so you have to flush ready nodes? | 16:06 |
esberglu | Yeah | 16:06 |
efried | gross | 16:06 |
efried | Sho would be nice if we had a way to try these pypowervm patches in the CI before they merge. | 16:07 |
esberglu | I could kick off an image build and flush the nodes manually, but it ends up taking just as long | 16:07 |
thorst_ | staging env... | 16:08 |
thorst_ | but...in this case... | 16:08 |
esberglu | I could do a manual run on the staging env | 16:09 |
thorst_ | I'd say go prod | 16:10 |
thorst_ | for throughput | 16:10 |
esberglu | Fine by me | 16:11 |
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esberglu | efried: thorst_: Sorry I wasn't clear before. 4767 still needs to be merged to test on the production environment | 16:48 |
efried | Yeah. | 16:48 |
* efried grumbles | 16:48 | |
esberglu | Then patch in both 4761 and 4767 for in-tree | 16:50 |
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efried | esberglu Yeah. As well as local2remote. | 17:01 |
esberglu | And abort fifo | 17:01 |
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esberglu | Reminder that tomorrow is the 1st release candidate for *-powervm projects. This means that a stable/ocata branch will be created. | 19:25 |
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esberglu | Any further changes for the ocata release will have to be made on the master branch and backported to the stable/ocata | 19:25 |
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thorst_ | wooo! | 19:30 |
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