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openstackgerrit | Wang Qing wu proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Refine oslo config help description and code format https://review.openstack.org/410734 | 01:49 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/nova-powervm master: Fix VirtualInterfacePlugException message info https://review.openstack.org/428762 | 13:09 |
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esberglu | #startmeeting powervm_ci_meeting | 13:31 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Feb 9 13:31:38 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is esberglu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:31 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:31 |
openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_ci_meeting' | 13:31 |
thorst_ | o/ | 13:31 |
xia | o/ | 13:31 |
xia | #help | 13:31 |
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efried | o/ | 13:32 |
efried | #topic Power-off issues? | 13:32 |
esberglu | Sure | 13:33 |
efried | So the good news (esberglu please confirm) is that PS11 of the power.py refactor ran through the CI with no appreciable difference in failure rate. | 13:34 |
esberglu | Yep | 13:34 |
efried | Which means it's at least working to the point of backward compatibility, at least in the code paths that are hit by the CI. | 13:35 |
efried | With the caveat that that doesn't include some things, including IBMi. | 13:35 |
efried | The bad news (well, neutral news, really) is that we're still seeing failures. | 13:35 |
thorst_ | still seeing power off failures or general failures? | 13:35 |
efried | Which I really don't want to address in the current patch set, which I'd like to reserve for pure refactor. | 13:35 |
efried | power off failures, at least. | 13:36 |
efried | I'm still working on the whole "enumerating all the job options" thing. Should have a patch set up for a look by lunchtime, I believe. | 13:36 |
thorst_ | OK - just to verify...with the patch, we still see power off failures? | 13:37 |
efried | yes | 13:37 |
thorst_ | or just 'failures' | 13:37 |
thorst_ | k. | 13:37 |
esberglu | Still power off failures | 13:37 |
efried | Before we merge that sucker, I would like to run some live tests on IBMi. nvcastet has volunteered to help me out in some fashion there. I think by sliding me a disk with an IBMi image on it. | 13:37 |
thorst_ | so efried, was the refactor not supposed to help with power off failures? | 13:38 |
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thorst_ | just make it more managable? | 13:38 |
efried | No. | 13:38 |
efried | Just make it easier to debug and fix said failures. | 13:38 |
thorst_ | ok | 13:38 |
thorst_ | confusion cleared. | 13:38 |
efried | So I think once I get the PowerOpts patch up, I'll first investigate those failures and try to put up a separate change set (on top of the refactor) that addresses them. | 13:39 |
efried | With esberglu's handy-dandy live patching gizmo, we ought to be able to run that through the CI fairly easily, yes? | 13:39 |
esberglu | Yep | 13:39 |
efried | #action efried to finish proposing PowerOpts | 13:39 |
efried | #action efried to investigate power-off failures and propose a fix on top. | 13:39 |
efried | #action efried to live test on IBMi (and standard, for that matter). | 13:40 |
efried | Anything else on the power-off issue for now? | 13:40 |
efried | esberglu Other topics? | 13:41 |
esberglu | #topic CI redeploy | 13:41 |
esberglu | Just wanted to say that the redeploy finished last night | 13:41 |
thorst_ | jobs going through yet? | 13:42 |
esberglu | So now we are running across the board | 13:42 |
esberglu | Yep. | 13:42 |
thorst_ | neat | 13:42 |
esberglu | I haven't looked at any results yet though | 13:42 |
thorst_ | that's good to know for the CI host server....CPU utilization on that sucker is like 10% | 13:42 |
thorst_ | after we moved everything to the SAN | 13:42 |
esberglu | That's all I had for that, just wanted to update | 13:44 |
esberglu | #topic In Tree CI | 13:44 |
esberglu | I think we need to talk about how we want to handle moving the in-tree runs from silent to check when we are ready | 13:45 |
esberglu | Because if we start posting results, it will fail everything until PS1 is through | 13:45 |
esberglu | which is a lot of red coming from our CI | 13:45 |
efried | Can it be as simple as checking for the presence of, say, our driver.py? | 13:46 |
efried | Or do we not know that until too late in the process? | 13:46 |
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efried | I guess we could inspect the commit tree and bail out if we don't see that first change set's commit hash / Change-Id. | 13:47 |
thorst_ | efried: yep | 13:47 |
thorst_ | that's what we should do | 13:47 |
thorst_ | if the commit message (probably?) has the word powervm in it, we publish. | 13:48 |
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thorst_ | and for the oot driver, if the commit message has a set of files from the nova project and contains the word powervm, we should just not run (because we'll fail) | 13:48 |
thorst_ | (due to duplicate options) | 13:48 |
efried | Or if the file list in the change set contains '/powervm/'? | 13:48 |
efried | Wait, why do we need to do something special for OOT? | 13:49 |
thorst_ | The OOT driver will always fail on an IT driver change set. | 13:49 |
efried | Oh, you mean we don't run the *in-tree* CI on *out-of-tree* patch sets. | 13:49 |
thorst_ | because the OOT driver has duplicate options | 13:49 |
efried | Gotcha. So it should be as simple as whether the change set is in the nova-powervm project, neh? | 13:49 |
thorst_ | so if a patch set comes in that is in tree for PowerVM, we should avoid running the OOT driver change | 13:50 |
thorst_ | otherwise we post a +1 and a -1 in the same patch | 13:50 |
efried | Sorry, yeah, I had it backwards. | 13:50 |
thorst_ | k | 13:50 |
thorst_ | once it merges, we can remove the opts from the oot. | 13:50 |
efried | Right. | 13:50 |
thorst_ | and be happy again | 13:50 |
efried | So esberglu Do you know how to make all of that happen? | 13:50 |
efried | I can help out with the git commands if you need. | 13:51 |
efried | #action esberglu to set up mutually-exclusive running/publishing of CI results for in- and out-of-tree. | 13:51 |
efried | #action efried to assist as needed. | 13:51 |
efried | (that's not going to show up right in the minutes) | 13:52 |
esberglu | Cool. That's all I had for in-tree | 13:53 |
esberglu | Any other topics? | 13:53 |
thorst_ | I'm assuming that once we get in-tree going, we flip back to ansible CI? | 13:53 |
thorst_ | I know that the openstack-ansible team is still waiting there. | 13:53 |
esberglu | Yep | 13:53 |
adreznec | Yeah | 13:53 |
adreznec | FYI I discussed that a bit with Jesse last week | 13:54 |
thorst_ | ok - yeah, that was my next question | 13:54 |
thorst_ | do they understand we still are targeting that? | 13:54 |
thorst_ | (seems like they do) | 13:54 |
adreznec | Gave him a bit of status on where we were with CI (the whole in-tree driver, etc) | 13:54 |
adreznec | Yeah, theydo | 13:54 |
adreznec | *they do | 13:54 |
thorst_ | k. Assume you'll connect up more at PTG? | 13:54 |
adreznec | Yep | 13:54 |
adreznec | That was the plan | 13:54 |
thorst_ | rockin | 13:55 |
thorst_ | that was the only other thing I had | 13:55 |
adreznec | Just curious - wangqwsh esberglu how much work do you think is left there? | 13:55 |
thorst_ | I know the whole OVS thing needs to be solved... | 13:56 |
wangqwsh | openstack can be installed via osa, but not run tempest to test it | 13:56 |
wangqwsh | so need to compose some codes for tempest for powervm osa ci | 13:58 |
efried | Is that what Nilesh is supposed to be doing? | 13:59 |
thorst_ | Nilesh is supposed to do some tempest tests with it, yeah | 13:59 |
thorst_ | we know that other env's have gotten that running | 13:59 |
adreznec | Right, you can definitely run tempest against OSA with PowerVM. For the most part it really shouldn't be all that different than running it against a devstack AIO | 14:00 |
adreznec | Since it's just calling into the APIs | 14:00 |
esberglu | Cool. Sounds like we are starting to get that back on the radar, but we aren't too far away | 14:04 |
esberglu | Anything else? | 14:04 |
wangqwsh | yes, when we can continue to do for powervm osa ci? after the in-tree ready, right? | 14:05 |
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esberglu | If anyone has free cycles they can go for it. I reserved systems for the infrastructure | 14:08 |
wangqwsh | a question related to convert instance's uuid to powervm uuid. | 14:08 |
esberglu | Otherwise yes, after in-tree | 14:08 |
efried | wangqwsh Is that a CI-related question, or should it wait til after the meeting? | 14:08 |
wangqwsh | not ci question | 14:09 |
wangqwsh | ok | 14:09 |
esberglu | #endmeeting | 14:09 |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Feb 9 14:09:46 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:09 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_ci_meeting/2017/powervm_ci_meeting.2017-02-09-13.31.html | 14:09 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_ci_meeting/2017/powervm_ci_meeting.2017-02-09-13.31.txt | 14:09 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_ci_meeting/2017/powervm_ci_meeting.2017-02-09-13.31.log.html | 14:09 |
efried | wangqwsh Go. Then I've got another topic after that. | 14:10 |
wangqwsh | int(uuid[0], 16) & 7 | 14:10 |
wangqwsh | i found this code in convert_uuid_to_pvm method | 14:10 |
wangqwsh | why do we do this for powervm uuid. | 14:10 |
thorst_ | the powervm UUID format does not match the openstack UUID format | 14:11 |
thorst_ | it is one character difference | 14:11 |
efried | sometimes | 14:11 |
thorst_ | yeah, true. | 14:11 |
thorst_ | sometimes. | 14:11 |
thorst_ | net is, there are different UUID formats, and OpenStack's is slightly different from PowerVM's. | 14:11 |
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wangqwsh | is that meanings the powervm uuid uses the number in the front of uuid? | 14:12 |
thorst_ | all of the differences between the UUIDs are found in the convert_uuid_to_pvm method | 14:13 |
thorst_ | you can reliably go from an OpenStack UUID -> PowerVM UUID, but not in reverse. | 14:13 |
wangqwsh | ok | 14:13 |
efried | Right, the first bit of the PowerVM UUID has to be zero, so we mask it off. But going back to OpenStack, there's no way to know if we need to turn that bit back on. | 14:14 |
wangqwsh | thx :) | 14:14 |
efried | thorst_ adreznec From the Nova meeting agenda: "Move and/or repropose specs for Pike in the nova-specs repo." Do we need to take action here? I see "Series goal: Accepted for pike" on our blueprint page (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/powervm-nova-compute-driver). Do we need to copy/move https://review.openstack.org/#/c/381772/ to specs/pike? | 14:14 |
efried | We need to get our bp reapproved for pike before they'll lift our -2. So if we need a new spec before we can ask for that approval... | 14:15 |
thorst_ | I think that we update our review to move to the pike branch | 14:15 |
thorst_ | and that should handle it? | 14:15 |
efried | master is pike | 14:16 |
efried | it's already there. | 14:16 |
efried | I asked the question in the nova meeting, and they said we have to get the bp reapproved. | 14:16 |
efried | So I'm asking whether we need to move the spec to specs/pike and get that merged before we can request bp reapproval. | 14:16 |
efried | Thinking prolly yes. | 14:16 |
efried | Volunteers to do that (and give it a re-read to make sure it's still sane)? | 14:17 |
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efried | If not, I can queue that up after all the power.py stuff. | 14:17 |
efried | Not a huge hurry, I guess. | 14:17 |
efried | <crickets> | 14:18 |
* efried is off to get food | 14:18 | |
thorst_ | whoops, sorry. | 14:19 |
thorst_ | reading | 14:19 |
thorst_ | yeah, I'd say you drive that post power stuff...or mixed in with power stuff while we're waiting for retries. | 14:19 |
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thorst_ | adreznec: how big of a disk should I make for Nilesh's new OSA host? | 14:27 |
thorst_ | 100 gig or 200? | 14:27 |
adreznec | thorst_: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/openstack-ansible/developer-docs/quickstart-aio.html#building-an-aio | 14:28 |
adreznec | 100 gig should be fine | 14:28 |
adreznec | Well | 14:28 |
thorst_ | k...I just seem to remember we needed more once upon a time | 14:28 |
adreznec | Unless we want lots of AIX images | 14:28 |
adreznec | Then we need more... | 14:28 |
adreznec | Because they're so hug | 14:28 |
adreznec | *huge | 14:28 |
thorst_ | 200 it is. | 14:29 |
thorst_ | 8 gb mem good? | 14:30 |
thorst_ | or moere | 14:30 |
thorst_ | *more | 14:30 |
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adreznec | That should be ok for a small environment | 14:32 |
thorst_ | k | 14:32 |
thorst_ | I can always add more later | 14:32 |
thorst_ | disk was more important to get right initially | 14:32 |
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thorst_ | adreznec: so I'm thinking I still need to get him 3 unique vlans with super short names (ex. br-st?). Is that still right/ | 14:41 |
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adreznec | thorst_: Sorry, yeah, we'll still need VLANs. They don't necessarily have to be unique (if you're short for some reason?) but we'd need unique ranges in each of the 3 | 14:48 |
thorst_ | well, I'll own the whole network... | 14:48 |
adreznec | Well then | 14:49 |
thorst_ | so I can make them unique. The question is how big do they need to be. I seem to remember I had to use low VLAN numbers (ex. 3, 4, 5) for Ashana because the device names got too long otherwise | 14:49 |
thorst_ | is that still a thing? | 14:49 |
adreznec | I don't think that the VLANs affect the container networks | 14:50 |
adreznec | Since the VLAN devices aren't exposed to the containers | 14:50 |
thorst_ | ok...so you're saying no its not a thing and I have every right to be mad if it becomes a thing | 14:50 |
thorst_ | got it. | 14:50 |
adreznec | Only br-mgmt, br-st, etc | 14:50 |
thorst_ | :-D | 14:50 |
* adreznec hides under a rock | 14:50 | |
thorst_ | nbante: can you PM me your server that you're using? I've forgotten which it is, but I'll need to get VLANs strung to it | 14:56 |
nbante | novalink IP neo/neo123 | 14:57 |
nbante | FSP IP : | 14:57 |
thorst_ | nbante: PM means private message in future | 14:58 |
thorst_ | we don't put IPs in here :-) | 14:58 |
nbante | yes..I came to know ..sorry :) | 14:58 |
thorst_ | I'll look at getting it wired in a few hours...need to run to a meeting... | 14:59 |
nbante | will take care next times..sure | 14:59 |
* adreznec imagines thorst_ out pulling VLANs on the datacenter floor | 15:00 | |
* thorst_ adreznec knows that I only want to remove wires, not add them (or add VLANs)...yet adreznec still makes me | 15:00 | |
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esberglu_ | thorst_: efried: :q | 15:56 |
thorst_ | shoot | 15:56 |
esberglu_ | I'm not sure if I can just avoid running a test based on if its an in-tree patch | 15:57 |
esberglu_ | I think the run will have to start before I can detect it | 15:57 |
thorst_ | could we add a script that checks the patch we add? | 15:58 |
esberglu_ | And once the run starts, I could check for it, but I'm not sure if I can avoid posting a result | 15:58 |
thorst_ | and bails out or something if its bad? | 15:58 |
thorst_ | ahh | 15:58 |
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thorst_ | well, we definitely need to think through that more... | 15:59 |
thorst_ | adreznec: any thoughts/ | 15:59 |
esberglu_ | We could just report the OOT as a success on the IT patches | 15:59 |
esberglu_ | And post some sort of message saying it isn't a true OOT run | 15:59 |
thorst_ | that seems...dubious. | 16:00 |
thorst_ | but maybe sufficient... | 16:00 |
thorst_ | efried would be a good voice to have in that discussion but he's no in IRC atm | 16:00 |
adreznec | Yeah I was worried about this actually working | 16:02 |
esberglu_ | I'm still looking to see if there's a way that I can abort the run and not post any results | 16:03 |
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esberglu | adreznec: efried: thorst_: I think our best bet may be to use a few jenkins plugins. | 19:33 |
esberglu | Then we can have it make the check and set the build to ABORT | 19:33 |
thorst_ | call the plugins from the job? | 19:33 |
thorst_ | like a script in the job | 19:33 |
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esberglu | We would just have to add some steps to our job template | 19:45 |
esberglu | To call the plugins | 19:46 |
esberglu | I've got a plan, I'm gonna try it out on staging | 19:49 |
thorst_ | cool | 19:49 |
thorst_ | efried: I need you to take a peak at the direction of 4836 | 19:50 |
efried | thorst_ ack | 19:51 |
efried | aaaaghhh! Slot maps!!! | 19:52 |
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thorst_ | its a slot map | 19:53 |
thorst_ | just wait for the corresponding nova-powervm change | 19:54 |
thorst_ | it is accordingly awful as well. | 19:54 |
efried | thorst_ Why do we need to do this, if we don't need to do similar for the other UDID-havin things? | 19:57 |
efried | Sorry, I mean I get storing the path as an extra_spec - I'm talking about the whole lookup-by-extra-spec thing. | 19:58 |
efried | I guess I'll see that answer in nova-powervm? | 19:58 |
thorst_ | basically | 19:58 |
thorst_ | I can't pre-fetch the UDID of a file | 19:58 |
thorst_ | so I can't look it up via UDID | 19:58 |
thorst_ | because I don't know the UDID | 19:58 |
efried | But why should you need to? | 19:59 |
thorst_ | so that a rebuild op puts the file in the same vscsi slot | 19:59 |
thorst_ | and the order doesn't get screwed up | 19:59 |
efried | So UDIDs of the other types are preserved across migrations (of whatever type) but not of FileIO? | 20:00 |
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mdrabe | thorst_ Is there anything else you _would_ know about the file that could be put in the slot_map extra_spec to identify it? | 20:01 |
adreznec | I thought UDIDs for fileio WERE going to be preserved across migration as long as the path stayed the same... | 20:01 |
efried | Meh, the path should be sufficient, and the requirement would remain the same. | 20:01 |
thorst_ | efried: they may be the same across migrations | 20:01 |
efried | *may*? | 20:01 |
thorst_ | but the problem is, I can't figure out WHAT that UDID even is | 20:01 |
thorst_ | Cinder doesn't give it to me like it would from FC | 20:01 |
thorst_ | afk for a sec...got a phone call | 20:02 |
mdrabe | Does the file path change? | 20:04 |
mdrabe | If it doesn't I think that would be used as the stg_key in the slot_map | 20:04 |
thorst_ | so to be clear...the REST API determines a UDID based off the path | 20:05 |
thorst_ | so the UDID and path shouldn't change | 20:05 |
thorst_ | the problem is Cinder *only* gives me the path | 20:05 |
thorst_ | so when I'm on the target...how can I look it up if I only have the path | 20:05 |
thorst_ | or....I can ask REST what algorithm they use to generate a UDID from the path...and embed that in pypowervm...but then if they ever change that, we're screwed | 20:06 |
mdrabe | I'm saying | 20:06 |
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mdrabe | Why do you even need the UDID? | 20:06 |
mdrabe | If you know the path at both ends, and that path is unique and guaranteed to stay the same, then you can store the slots keyed off that and lookup on the target just fine | 20:07 |
efried | Yeah, I see mdrabe's point. Use the file path as the key, and leave extra_specs blank. | 20:07 |
efried | The only downside I see is that it's not consistent with the other storage types that also inherit from VDisk-ish. | 20:07 |
efried | So does that mean we have to special-case other code to account for that? | 20:07 |
thorst_ | that's why I didn't do that | 20:09 |
thorst_ | because it does in fact have a UDID | 20:09 |
thorst_ | and that UDID gets pulled in via the vscsi mapping register | 20:09 |
thorst_ | see register_vscsi_mapping | 20:09 |
thorst_ | so I'd have to kinda screw up the 'api' (if we can call it that) to fake it out | 20:09 |
thorst_ | and I was trying not to screw up the API even more | 20:09 |
efried | mdrabe Thoughts? | 20:11 |
mdrabe | phone call sec | 20:11 |
efried | thorst_ Why can we figure out from cinder the UDID for a PV/LU/VDisk, but not for a FileIO? | 20:12 |
efried | Cause if you're gonna say we look it up from REST, I'm gonna say we should do that for FileIO as well. You know, to keep the "API" consistent. | 20:13 |
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thorst_ | efried: PVs - comes from cinder | 20:20 |
thorst_ | LU's - I don't think I can. | 20:20 |
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restarting gerrit due to performance problems | 20:20 | |
thorst_ | and we don't yet | 20:20 |
thorst_ | vSCSI PV's - I also run the lua_discovery thing that gives it to me | 20:20 |
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thorst_ | I suppose I could ask REST for an API that - for a given path - gives me the UDID | 20:21 |
thorst_ | that's kinda like a lua discovery.... | 20:21 |
thorst_ | and then if they change the algorithm, its all one spot. No version issues... | 20:21 |
thorst_ | hmm....I like that. | 20:21 |
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efried | thorst_ +1 | 20:26 |
thorst_ | fits better... | 20:27 |
efried | mdrabe gets a twinkie | 20:27 |
efried | thorst_ New rev up for 4776 (power refactor) including abstractions for all the additional params. | 20:27 |
thorst_ | bah, he's not the one on weight watchers | 20:27 |
efried | No, mdrabe is lean and mean. | 20:28 |
mdrabe | cept it's girl scout cookie season | 20:28 |
mdrabe | But yea, I like the REST API doin that. Though I still don't see why the UDID is needed | 20:29 |
efried | I'll grant that the other way is "quicker" (can save a REST call), but it's hackier. | 20:30 |
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efried | thorst_ Sorry, NOW a new rev of 4776 is up. | 20:33 |
mdrabe | But efried is storing the file path as the key really hackier? | 20:36 |
mdrabe | If you're trying to identify files in an FS, whatsamatter with using the full path | 20:37 |
efried | mdrabe That part would be for consistency in the slot manager code. | 20:50 |
efried | Which isn't the be-all-end-all. | 20:50 |
efried | But I think overall it makes the code prettier to do it the other way. | 20:51 |
mdrabe | I'm slowly convincing myself keying off the path is the way to go | 20:53 |
mdrabe | The reason we used UDID for the other storage types was because that's all we had, I think | 20:54 |
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thorst_ | mdrabe: well, it is the unique identifier as well | 21:07 |
mdrabe | The file path might not work actually | 21:08 |
mdrabe | If you've got multiple clusters | 21:09 |
mdrabe | Though I supposed the extra_spec could be used for that | 21:09 |
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