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openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: DNM: ci check https://review.openstack.org/328315 | 14:50 |
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BorD__ | does anyone have to move to a new location? | 15:29 |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We are currently investigating an issue with our AFS mirrors which is causing some projects jobs to fail. We are working to correct the issue. | 15:50 | |
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: AFS replication issue has been addressed. Mirrors are currently re-syncing and coming back online. | 17:19 | |
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efried | thorst_ +2 power refactor (4776)? | 18:14 |
thorst_ | efried: looking | 18:17 |
thorst_ | yep, +2. small delta there | 18:17 |
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efried | thorst_ merged. | 18:24 |
efried | thorst_ btw, esberglu said with, we're not seeing the power-off failures we were seeing before. | 18:24 |
efried | I was trying to nail down the newer failures. So far not having any luck with the rebuild-server-in-error-state one. | 18:25 |
efried | I can't see anything going wrong there. | 18:25 |
efried | We do seem to be hitting an error where we attempt to delete a partition that's not shut down, though. | 18:25 |
efried | (separate test case) | 18:25 |
esberglu | Yeah I saw that too | 18:28 |
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thorst_ | efried: I added that sync flag so we didn't hit that though | 19:01 |
efried | thorst_ And yet we're hitting it. | 19:01 |
efried | I'm still looking at it. | 19:02 |
efried | I see a PowerOn, and then shortly afterward we consider a PowerOff, but no-op it because the partition is already off. Then presumably the PowerOn catches, and then we try to hit the delete. | 19:03 |
efried | The part that's confusing is how we get to a PowerOff before the PowerOn has returned. And the PowerOn shouldn't return until the state has changed. | 19:03 |
efried | Is something in this test doing stuff async? | 19:03 |
efried | I suppose there's nothing stopping someone doing a vm delete while some other op is ongoing. | 19:04 |
efried | Do we need to synchronize our PowerOn/Off Tasks in nova-powervm? | 19:04 |
thorst_ | yeah | 19:05 |
thorst_ | PowerOn should be sync=True | 19:05 |
thorst_ | I didn't do that | 19:05 |
thorst_ | but that totally makes sense. | 19:05 |
efried | Um, I don't think that's what I mean. | 19:05 |
efried | I don't mean running the Job synchronously. I think we're always doing that, neh? | 19:05 |
efried | Yeah, as far as I can see, we're always doing the Job synchronously. | 19:07 |
efried | No, what I'm talking about is putting an actual semaphore around power on & power off so even if multiple threads are running, we always wait for one to finish before trying the next. | 19:08 |
thorst_ | hmm...I'd have thought task state would've handled that. | 19:10 |
thorst_ | I mean, we could easily add a lock in vm.py | 19:10 |
thorst_ | something with lock_utils via the VM's uuid. | 19:10 |
efried | Yeah. | 19:12 |
efried | How would taskflow handle that? | 19:12 |
efried | We would never be putting together a single taskflow with both power on and power off | 19:12 |
efried | or are you talking about nova task state? | 19:12 |
efried | Hm. It's possible we actually have an LPAR name conflict going on here. | 19:17 |
efried | nooo... but it does appear to be two separate threads. Different req-<uuid>s | 19:18 |
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thorst_ | yeah, I think its just two threads. | 19:34 |
thorst_ | but I would've thought task state would handle | 19:34 |
thorst_ | and maybe it doesn't happen on KVM because power on/off is faster? | 19:34 |
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thorst_ | efried: did we handle making it so that is a VIOS is hosting a VIOS, it doesn't wipe it out? | 20:24 |
thorst_ | I think we don't? | 20:24 |
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efried | thorst_ Yes, that's fixed. | 20:46 |
efried | thorst_ If the lab was up, I'd point you to the change set. It's the one Brad did. | 20:48 |
efried | thorst_ https://github.com/powervm/pypowervm/commit/8bb4dbcbff52405534e7481bbbc6d7d075ff10c8 | 20:49 |
thorst_ | thx | 20:50 |
efried | thorst_ Got an explanation for why driver.reboot isn't using the vm.power_* methods? | 21:00 |
thorst_ | link? | 21:00 |
thorst_ | I thought it was | 21:00 |
efried | thorst_ https://github.com/openstack/nova-powervm/blob/master/nova_powervm/virt/powervm/driver.py#L975-L982 | 21:01 |
efried | thorst_ Maybe because vm.power_off doesn't have the restart param, and it was just too hackish to pass it in add_parms? | 21:06 |
efried | Anyway, I can redo all of that. | 21:06 |
openstackgerrit | Matt Rabe proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add vopt removal params to the power on job in spawn https://review.openstack.org/425780 | 21:13 |
openstackgerrit | Matt Rabe proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add vopt removal params to the power on job in spawn https://review.openstack.org/425780 | 21:27 |
efried | thorst_ We're free to change the public APIs in nova-powervm, right? | 21:28 |
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thorst_ | yeah | 21:34 |
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mdrabe | psst thorst_ efried can y'all look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/425780/5 when ya get a sec please | 22:02 |
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efried | mdrabe Reviewed. Let me know if you have any questions. | 22:39 |
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efried | esberglu When you get a chance (like tomorrow) can you look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/431583/ ? | 22:40 |
efried | This is failing OOT consistently. It might be the first change set we've seen explicitly in the stable/ocata branch. | 22:41 |
efried | It may be that we need to do something to get that branch working. | 22:41 |
efried | Yeah - 12:35:23 stable/ocata is not a supported branch for tempest | 22:42 |
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