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esberglu | edmondsw: efried: thorst_: CI is limping along with the six systems that are still up. I'm reinstalling neo 6,7,8 and 11 | 14:08 |
esberglu | Can't connect to the neo or fsp for neo 26, 27, 28, and 30 | 14:08 |
edmondsw | esberglu what happened? | 14:08 |
esberglu | No idea the ssp for 6-11 got destroyed somehow and a bunch of stuff wasn't working | 14:08 |
esberglu | No sure about the other 4 | 14:09 |
esberglu | *not | 14:09 |
esberglu | Apparently 26 - 30 were down for a week but I didn't notice because the rest of the systems were picking up the slack | 14:10 |
esberglu | But then the ssp died for the other group and that's when I saw that those were down as well | 14:10 |
efried | esberglu I'm about to stack a new node. Any tips/tricks before I do? | 14:20 |
efried | AIO local.conf from powervm-ci still the best starting point? | 14:20 |
esberglu | efried: Yep | 14:21 |
esberglu | Make sure you run | 14:21 |
esberglu | https://github.com/powervm/powervm-ci/blob/master/devstack/prep_devstack.sh#L185-L188 | 14:21 |
esberglu | Those 4 lines before you stack | 14:21 |
esberglu | And you should be good to go | 14:21 |
efried | esberglu Where's the 2G image live? | 14:29 |
esberglu | efried: DM'ed | 14:30 |
thorst_ | esberglu: I think there were some fun network issues in the lab | 14:31 |
thorst_ | though I think they're resolved now...wonder if that was the cause | 14:32 |
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edmondsw | esberglu is there something we can do differently where we would have noticed 26-30 were down earlier, so failures don't pile up like this? | 14:38 |
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esberglu | edmondsw: I'm sure there must be a way to set up email notifications | 14:39 |
esberglu | I'll take a look after I get the systems back up | 14:39 |
edmondsw | I'll throw something on your TODO list | 14:39 |
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esberglu | thorst_: edmondsw: 6 - 11 are back up with an ssp. I rebooted 26 - 30 and have access again | 17:40 |
esberglu | But 26-30 are showing the ssp cluster on the vios, however on the neo it says it failed to find any ssp entries | 17:41 |
esberglu | Any ideas on how to resolve | 17:41 |
esberglu | Apparently "cluster -sync" does the trick | 18:02 |
esberglu | CI is coming down while I redeploy with all of the systems. Should be back up by EOD unless something weird happens. | 18:03 |
esberglu | I redeployed staging last night with no issues so I'm not expecting problems | 18:03 |
edmondsw | esberglu ack, tx | 18:11 |
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openstackgerrit | OpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/networking-powervm master: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/485318 | 18:37 |
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