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esberglu | #startmeeting powervm_drviver_meeting | 13:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 3 13:01:58 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is esberglu. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 13:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 13:02 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_drviver_meeting' | 13:02 |
mdrabe | o/ | 13:02 |
esberglu | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm_driver_meeting_agenda | 13:02 |
esberglu | Didn't realize the recurring meetings had expired, sent out new ones just now | 13:03 |
esberglu | efried: edmondsw: thorst: You guys around? | 13:05 |
edmondsw | o/ | 13:05 |
esberglu | #topic In-Tree Driver | 13:05 |
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esberglu | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm-in-tree-todos | 13:05 |
esberglu | Nova is going through the specs this weeks so hopefully they get to ours | 13:06 |
edmondsw | esberglu nova is supposed to be going through specs today, so you may get a ping | 13:06 |
edmondsw | hopefully that's just an easy approve, though, since they didn't raise any issues at the PTG | 13:06 |
edmondsw | we'll see :) | 13:06 |
edmondsw | let me know if you get pinged | 13:07 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yeah I'm guessing any problems will just be semantics. Will do | 13:07 |
esberglu | Config Drive is waiting on reviews | 13:07 |
esberglu | I'm still working through some of the OVS test cases and cleaning it up a little | 13:07 |
esberglu | That's all for me IT | 13:07 |
edmondsw | you rebased OVS so that it's not dependent on that currently-abandoned change, right? | 13:08 |
edmondsw | I think I owe you a review on config drive. I'll hold off on OVS until you're done cleaning it up | 13:08 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yeah OVS is based on config drive now. OVS is not ready for reviews, I'll let you know when it is | 13:09 |
edmondsw | ++ | 13:09 |
edmondsw | I don't have anything else for IT | 13:10 |
esberglu | #topic Out-of-Tree Driver | 13:10 |
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edmondsw | still need reviews for ceph and iscsi OOT | 13:11 |
edmondsw | and there are some thing that need to merge if the OOT ci is working again... is it? | 13:11 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Something went in since yesterday afternoon that broke stacking again | 13:12 |
edmondsw | of course | 13:12 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Pretty typical of this stretch in the release cycle | 13:12 |
esberglu | Lots of changes going in | 13:12 |
edmondsw | esberglu yeah... once you get CI passing, ping me and I'll add rechecks on some OOT stuff | 13:13 |
edmondsw | if efried doesn't beat me to it :) | 13:13 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Sure thing | 13:13 |
edmondsw | probably all for OOT right now | 13:14 |
edmondsw | oh, docs... | 13:14 |
edmondsw | we have a lot of docs cleanup that we need to do OOT... kind of a mess | 13:14 |
edmondsw | I realized that we weren't even publishing docs other than master since newton, and we got that fixed yesterday (tx esberglu, adreznec) | 13:15 |
edmondsw | but our docs content is also pretty stale | 13:15 |
edmondsw | I've started cleaning some of it up under https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508173/ | 13:15 |
edmondsw | there will be other things that need to updates as well | 13:16 |
esberglu | Lets add a section to the etherpad with a list of outdated docs and all pitch in there as time allows | 13:16 |
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edmondsw | ++ yeah, I'll add something if I didn't already | 13:16 |
esberglu | I'm still targeting the IT doc updates, just been sidetracked by CI lately | 13:17 |
edmondsw | one of the things I noticed is that we need to be more careful as reviewers to make sure that new conf options are documented when added | 13:17 |
edmondsw | or we need to decide that all conf options aren't documented... | 13:18 |
edmondsw | and when options change, we need to check docs to make sure the docs don't need changing as well | 13:18 |
edmondsw | that will all tie into the WIP review I linked | 13:18 |
edmondsw | enough on that for today | 13:19 |
edmondsw | I've got nothing else for OOT | 13:19 |
esberglu | #topic Device Passthrough | 13:19 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Device Passthrough (Meeting topic: powervm_drviver_meeting)" | 13:19 | |
esberglu | Haven't heard from efried yet, probably because I didn't send out meeting invites in time | 13:20 |
edmondsw | I saw some chatter on the ML yesterday about vGPUs | 13:20 |
edmondsw | efried, you should read that thread if you haven't already | 13:20 |
edmondsw | were referenced a few times | 13:21 |
edmondsw | but I think they ended up where I hoped they would | 13:21 |
edmondsw | I don't have any other updates on this, so if efried isn't around... | 13:21 |
edmondsw | esberglu next | 13:23 |
esberglu | #topic PowerVM CI | 13:23 |
*** openstack changes topic to "PowerVM CI (Meeting topic: powervm_drviver_meeting)" | 13:23 | |
esberglu | Like I said OOT stacking is broken again | 13:23 |
esberglu | That's #1 on my list today | 13:23 |
edmondsw | ++ | 13:23 |
esberglu | Planning on knocking out a bunch of small backlog items throughout the week as able if I get it running well again | 13:24 |
esberglu | Nothing else to report for now | 13:24 |
edmondsw | I approved one of your proposals and asked a question in the other | 13:25 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yep I merged the 1st and responded to the 2nd | 13:25 |
edmondsw | k, will look after | 13:25 |
edmondsw | next? | 13:25 |
esberglu | #topic Open Discussion | 13:26 |
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esberglu | Nothing else from me | 13:26 |
edmondsw | I just looked at our TODOs etherpad and realized why I hadn't put OOT docs updates on it... | 13:26 |
edmondsw | it's for IT work | 13:26 |
edmondsw | https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm-in-tree-todos | 13:26 |
edmondsw | I will create an OOT todos etherpad. May move some things from the IT one as appropriate | 13:27 |
edmondsw | and link to each other | 13:28 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yeah there is definitely some OOT stuff on the IT one | 13:28 |
edmondsw | some things need to happen both OOT and IT... will need to think about where we want to cover those | 13:29 |
edmondsw | probably more detail in one place or the other, but mentioned on both | 13:29 |
esberglu | We could make a general todos as well. But that seems like a lot of pages | 13:30 |
edmondsw | yeah | 13:30 |
edmondsw | I won't do anything too drastic until efried is around to discuss | 13:30 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Sounds good. That all for today? | 13:30 |
edmondsw | and I want to look it over and form a strong opinion of my own :) | 13:30 |
edmondsw | yeah, think we're done | 13:31 |
esberglu | Cool. Time to battle with devstack | 13:31 |
esberglu | #endmeeting | 13:31 |
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is for PowerVM-related development and discussion. For general OpenStack support, please use #openstack." | 13:31 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 3 13:31:34 2017 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 13:31 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_drviver_meeting/2017/powervm_drviver_meeting.2017-10-03-13.01.html | 13:31 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_drviver_meeting/2017/powervm_drviver_meeting.2017-10-03-13.01.txt | 13:31 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_drviver_meeting/2017/powervm_drviver_meeting.2017-10-03-13.01.log.html | 13:31 |
esberglu | edmondsw: +2 from sdague on the spec | 13:46 |
edmondsw | esberglu great | 13:47 |
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efried | Oh, hey esberglu edmondsw. I thought it was weird that my Tuesday morning was clear. | 13:59 |
efried | Sorry I missed it. | 14:00 |
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esberglu | efried: No worries its on me for not sending invites | 14:00 |
efried | I have been following the vGPU thread on the dev ML. | 14:00 |
efried | I don't have a problem with multiple etherpads as long as they're cross-linked, but agree some stuff is intertwined (like IT ports to OOT). Use your judgment; I'm fine with whatever. | 14:01 |
efried | Anything else that needs my attention? | 14:02 |
esberglu | efried: OOT CI stacking is broken again. I think I see the problem and have a fix, testing it out now. Not sure if thats blocking you anywhere | 14:03 |
efried | nope. Nothing in the world is merging anyway. | 14:03 |
efried | Today is spec review day in nova, so I'll be helping out there all day. | 14:04 |
efried | esberglu Your spec isn't showing up in the dashboard: https://goo.gl/QidAVs | 14:09 |
esberglu | efried: Maybe because sdague already hit it with a +2? | 14:10 |
efried | esberglu It should be showing up in the "needs final +2" section. | 14:10 |
esberglu | efried: Wait no there's a section for that | 14:10 |
esberglu | Yeah | 14:11 |
efried | Wait, is it showing up for you? | 14:13 |
esberglu | efried: No | 14:13 |
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esberglu | It has everything that the others do. Link to the bp in the commit, the topic is set correctly | 14:14 |
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efried | esberglu The bp link isn't set to point to the spec. But I don't see how that could affect the dashboard. | 14:18 |
esberglu | efried: You mean the bp link on this page? | 14:20 |
esberglu | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=powervm-nova-it-compute-driver | 14:20 |
efried | esberglu Here: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/powervm-nova-it-compute-driver where it says "set the URL for this specification" | 14:22 |
edmondsw | efried I think I see why it's not showing up for us... | 14:22 |
efried | wye? | 14:22 |
edmondsw | NOT+reviewedby%3Aself | 14:22 |
edmondsw | you reviewed it, so it wouldn't show for you | 14:22 |
efried | I thought that too; but esberglu didn't review it. | 14:22 |
edmondsw | there's also NOT+owner%3Aself so it wouldn't show for esberglu | 14:22 |
edmondsw | I bet it shows for everyone but the 3 of us and sdague | 14:23 |
efried | but yeah, if I take that out, it shows up. So fine. | 14:24 |
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edmondsw | esberglu do you ever compare neo-os-ci/ci-ansible/roles/devstack-compute/templates/local.conf.j2 and powervm-ci/devstack/master/outoftree/local.conf ? | 14:53 |
edmondsw | wonder if any of the changes we've made in the latter would be useful in the former | 14:53 |
edmondsw | obviously they can't be identical | 14:53 |
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esberglu | efried: edmondsw: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/509208/ | 15:32 |
esberglu | ^ OOT stacking fix | 15:33 |
edmondsw | esberglu +1 | 15:35 |
edmondsw | I assume we will pull that patch to get OOT working while we wait for them to merge | 15:36 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Putting up a patch in powervm-ci | 15:37 |
esberglu | edmondsw: 5981 | 15:43 |
edmondsw | esberglu +2 | 15:54 |
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esberglu | efried: edmondsw: Quick, get your rechecks in while you can :) | 15:58 |
edmondsw | esberglu :) | 16:07 |
edmondsw | efried do you know anything about the local cinder volume support we have in nova-powervm OOT? is that for the cinder LVM driver? | 16:34 |
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efried | edmondsw Sorry, no idea. I just know whatever I can read from the code. Let me know if you want to go over it. | 16:35 |
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tjakobs | edmondsw I can't speak for the volume/local.py, but I was using the cinder LVM driver for my initial iSCSI tests | 16:38 |
edmondsw | tjakobs ok, tx... I don't see how that would work other than through volume/local.py, so I think that answers my question... at least that LVM is one type of local cinder volume support | 16:39 |
edmondsw | tjakobs wait, what would that have to do with iSCSI? | 16:41 |
tjakobs | it creates a logical volume on the c-vol node, and then exports through iSCSI for the compute node to connect to | 16:46 |
edmondsw | tjakobs oh... so I misread your previous comment. That wouldn't go through volume/local.py, that would go through volume/iscsi.py | 16:48 |
tjakobs | Yeah, I'm not sure how to use local.py, I was more commenting on how the LVM driver works (from my experience) | 16:49 |
edmondsw | to use local.py you'd have to run c-vol on the compute node | 16:50 |
tjakobs | but what volume_driver would you use? My c-vol and n-cpu are running on the same system, but I've never run into the local.py file | 16:51 |
edmondsw | tjakobs if I understand correctly, you would setup c-vol to use the LVM driver and then you could just attach to the VM through local.py instead of needing to setup iSCSI | 16:57 |
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edmondsw | tjakobs are you saying the LVM driver requires iSCSI? | 16:58 |
tjakobs | edmondsw from what i've done with it, yes | 16:58 |
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edmondsw | hmm... so I don't know what cinder driver you'd use, then | 16:59 |
edmondsw | tjakobs did you maybe configure it in some way that made it export as iscsi? | 16:59 |
tjakobs | I did add a `iscsi_helper = lioadm` in cinder.conf, but i'm pretty sure it defaults to tgtadm | 17:01 |
edmondsw | tjakobs sounds like you don't have to use icsci with the lvm driver: http://cloudgeekz.com/71/how-to-setup-openstack-to-use-local-disks-for-instances.html | 17:02 |
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edmondsw | tjakobs I also found this: https://ask.openstack.org/en/question/92001/cinder-lvm-volume-local-to-instance/ | 17:04 |
tjakobs | edmondsw look at https://github.com/openstack/cinder/blob/master/cinder/volume/drivers/lvm.py#L103-L108 | 17:05 |
tjakobs | hmmm i'll look at those links | 17:05 |
edmondsw | tjakobs maybe the target_driver only comes into play if it's not local? | 17:06 |
edmondsw | I mean, if the volume isn't on the same system as the VM | 17:06 |
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tjakobs | I think you'd have to specify something if thats the case, b/c I have cinder makings volumes on my system, then the same system connects to those volumes over iSCSI | 17:07 |
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edmondsw | tjakobs yeah, looks like LVM is tied to iscsi... but there are two drivers with driver_volume_type=local: BlockDeviceDriver and (in some cases) DrbdManageDrbdDriver | 17:38 |
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edmondsw | fyi, there's a ML thread saying they're going to go back to zuul v2 again for a bit | 19:11 |
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efried | esberglu Not sure if you already celebrated, but your spec merged. | 20:08 |
efried | and bp approved | 20:09 |
esberglu | efried: Yep I saw that. Woohoo! | 20:09 |
efried | Do you want the bp assigned to you? | 20:10 |
efried | I did that. | 20:10 |
esberglu | efried: cool | 20:18 |
edmondsw | good stuff | 20:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/networking-powervm master: Updated from global requirements https://review.openstack.org/507316 | 21:17 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/nova-powervm master: change kernel backstore to fileio https://review.openstack.org/507548 | 21:18 |
tjakobs | edmondsw: is there a reason some operations have a cli and some don't (regarding you comment on 498864 in support-matrix.ini) | 21:30 |
edmondsw | tjakobs I think cli is just indicating what corresponding CLI performs that action | 21:31 |
edmondsw | is it not set for some of the other things in nova-powervm even when it is set in nova? | 21:31 |
tjakobs | correct, there are several | 21:32 |
tjakobs | attach/detach for a quick example | 21:32 |
edmondsw | boo | 21:32 |
edmondsw | efried I assume this is just a miss, not intentional... you agree? | 21:33 |
efried | edmondsw tjakobs what are we talking about? | 21:33 |
efried | Okay, I see | 21:34 |
efried | It's possible the 'cli' field was added later, and we never filled it in? | 21:34 |
efried | But no, there's no intentional omission there. | 21:34 |
edmondsw | k... so I'll throw a TODO on the etherpad about filling out the others | 21:35 |
efried | When we're integrated with the main support matrix, the CLI goes with the whole block anyway. | 21:35 |
efried | Couldn't hurt to have it in ours, I suppose | 21:35 |
efried | Though I guess maybe someone should validate that it works for us. | 21:35 |
edmondsw | efried why wouldn't the CLI commands work for us? | 21:36 |
efried | Who knows. I would think that would represent a bug in any situation where it happens. So we can declare support, and let users open bugs. | 21:37 |
edmondsw | yep. The only way the CLI wouldn't work is if the API doesn't work, and that's kinda the point of the support matrix is to indicate what works | 21:41 |
openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add resize attached volume support https://review.openstack.org/498864 | 21:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Taylor Jakobson proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: Add resize attached volume support https://review.openstack.org/498864 | 21:57 |
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