Monday, 2018-06-04

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efriededmondsw: Did you see the note from Jay Bryant about removing cinder drivers from support?13:18
efriedDidn't know if we were relying on any of those.13:18
edmondswno, let me look13:19
efried[openstack-dev] [cinder] Removing Support for Drivers with Failing CI's ...13:20
edmondswefried tx for mentioning13:20
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efriededmondsw: Where are we on ?16:50
edmondswefried waiting for me to get back to it16:51
efriedokay, wasn't sure if we were waiting for someone from infra to ack it.16:51
edmondswnah, I've just been caught up in other things16:51
edmondswneed to find time to review16:51
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efriedWe should move to stestr17:12
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