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efried | edmondsw: placement handling extra specs. Yes, it does stuff with them, indirectly. This is in context of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/571111/3/specs/rocky/approved/add-emulated-virtual-tpm.rst -- looking... | 11:54 |
efried | wtf is tpm? | 11:54 |
efried | this one, I guess? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_Platform_Module | 11:54 |
edmondsw | yes | 11:55 |
* efried reads spec | 11:55 | |
edmondsw | I'm sure you'll have some comments in there | 11:56 |
edmondsw | one of my comments (still in draft) is that they need to talk to you placement guys | 11:56 |
edmondsw | but I wanted to understand better myself how/whether extraspecs are considered in placement | 11:57 |
edmondsw | since they are proposing an extraspec to indicate whether a VM should get a virtual TPM or not | 11:57 |
edmondsw | and ideally that would factor into placement so you could only schedule to a host that supports that | 11:57 |
edmondsw | efried I just posted my comments | 12:01 |
efried | edmondsw: The answer is that placement only considers the extra specs it considers. And indirectly, of course - the scheduler parses the extra specs to construct the querystring we use to ask placement for allocation candidates. | 12:01 |
edmondsw | ok, I thought it would be something like that | 12:02 |
edmondsw | i.e. some extra specs are special | 12:02 |
efried | edmondsw: Something like hw:vtpm could be translated through to placement-isms, but might make more sense for it to be treated as an actual resource. | 12:02 |
efried | However, stephenfin's comment in PS1 was a leading one: if it's not a "consumable" resource, anything we do to inventory it would be a hack. | 12:02 |
edmondsw | efried I could envision some drivers limiting how many vTPMs you could have on a host, and others not limiting | 12:03 |
efried | edmondsw: What does "unlimited" look like? total=$maxint ? | 12:03 |
edmondsw | efried the current solution that these wind river guys have uses a backing file on the hypervisor | 12:04 |
edmondsw | but the logical next step is to actually use the physical TPM, and that of course is a limited resource | 12:04 |
efried | a "physical TPM" - is that like a PCI card? A chip on the board? | 12:04 |
edmondsw | as long as it's just a backing file, though, you're only limited by the max number of files of the hypervisor and space on its disk | 12:05 |
edmondsw | chip on the board | 12:05 |
edmondsw | usually, anyway | 12:05 |
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edmondsw | and in hindsight, I probably should have pinged you in the placement channel | 12:06 |
edmondsw | so everyone else could see this | 12:06 |
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edmondsw | #startmeeting PowerVM Driver Meeting | 14:00 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Jun 19 14:00:48 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is edmondsw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:00 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:00 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_driver_meeting' | 14:00 |
efried | ō/ | 14:00 |
edmondsw | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm_driver_meeting_agenda | 14:01 |
edmondsw | ping esberglu gman-tx mdrabe mujahidali chhagarw | 14:01 |
edmondsw | #topic In-Tree Driver | 14:01 |
*** openstack changes topic to "In-Tree Driver (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:01 | |
edmondsw | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm-in-tree-todos | 14:01 |
edmondsw | I don't think we have any in-tree updates this week that I can think of... anyone else? | 14:02 |
efried | not I | 14:02 |
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edmondsw | #topic Out-of-Tree Driver | 14:02 |
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edmondsw | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm-oot-todos | 14:03 |
edmondsw | mdrabe I saw you were starting to look at MSP stuff | 14:03 |
edmondsw | are you working on nova-powervm changes for that? | 14:03 |
mdrabe | Yea gonna whip that up in nova-powervm soon | 14:03 |
edmondsw | efried sounds like you're off the hook :) | 14:03 |
mdrabe | I'm assuming we'll want test for that in devstack | 14:04 |
efried | woot | 14:04 |
mdrabe | I'll probably need help with that | 14:04 |
edmondsw | mdrabe anything we put into nova-powervm should be tested with devstack | 14:04 |
edmondsw | mdrabe I'm going to be writing up a wiki to help folks | 14:04 |
edmondsw | mdrabe if you're working on it before that email goes out, ping me | 14:05 |
mdrabe | Yep thnx | 14:05 |
efried | In reviewing py3-first changes I noticed our tox.inis - at least for networking-powervm, probably the other -powervms as well - is totally borqué. I started looking into it a little bit, but mostly don't really know what I'm doing. We should probably move to stestr before we try too hard to fix existing unused envs in there. | 14:05 |
edmondsw | efried I know essentially nothing about stestr... seem like it will be hard to transition? | 14:06 |
efried | Probably not. There's an email thread somewhere or other from mtreinish, which is where I would start. And if help needed, he's the one I would ask. | 14:06 |
edmondsw | i.e., you're not taking that further at the moment | 14:07 |
efried | priorities :) | 14:07 |
edmondsw | I added it to the TODO list | 14:07 |
efried | k | 14:07 |
edmondsw | esberglu, I think you said you're done porting changes from IT reviews back to OOT, correct? | 14:08 |
edmondsw | I removed that workitem from the TODO etherpad | 14:08 |
esberglu | edmondsw: No I'm done with IT follow ups | 14:08 |
esberglu | I haven't ported yet, I have a couple local changes that aren't quite done | 14:09 |
edmondsw | oh, misunderstood... I'll put it back then | 14:09 |
esberglu | For snapshot and base disk adapter, haven't looked at localdisk or vSCSI backports yet other than stuff I noted while developing | 14:09 |
edmondsw | so are you planning to finish that out, or are you done? | 14:10 |
edmondsw | if you have a list of things that need to be done there, you could throw it in the etherpad under that item | 14:10 |
esberglu | edmondsw: I'm planning on finishing that. It's all pretty minor changes so I've just been poking when I have a chance | 14:10 |
edmondsw | +1 and thank you | 14:10 |
edmondsw | chhagarw doesn't seem to be online today, but real quick on iscsi... | 14:11 |
edmondsw | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567575/ merged | 14:12 |
edmondsw | and she is now working on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/576034/ | 14:12 |
edmondsw | I'm not sure the approach she started with is the best, and I've commented accordingly | 14:12 |
edmondsw | would love others thoughts there | 14:13 |
edmondsw | efried mdrabe etc. | 14:13 |
efried | oh, I was waiting until you were +2 to even look. | 14:14 |
edmondsw | hmm... I can't get to http://review.openstack.org/ now... | 14:15 |
efried | just came back | 14:15 |
edmondsw | ok yep | 14:15 |
edmondsw | I'm trying to setup an env to test https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567964/ | 14:15 |
edmondsw | tjakobs has been working on a couple rbd changes that I think we can merge pretty easily once NovaLink and pypowervm support is in | 14:17 |
edmondsw | and the change to use loop backstore type is in a similar boat | 14:17 |
edmondsw | I've also been working on docs a bit when I can spare a minute (so not often) | 14:18 |
edmondsw | I think that's all for OOT | 14:18 |
edmondsw | #topic Device Passthrough | 14:18 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Device Passthrough (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:18 | |
edmondsw | efried ^ | 14:18 |
efried | Spec for reshape-provider-tree merged. nrp-in-alloc-cands series hasn't moved much in the last week. Consumer gens getting close, but not there yet. | 14:19 |
edmondsw | "consumer gens"? | 14:19 |
efried | consumer generations | 14:19 |
edmondsw | oh, right | 14:20 |
efried | Finally been reviewing cyborg specs, had some back-and-forth with Sundar about os-acc, getting closer on that. | 14:20 |
edmondsw | what's os-acc? | 14:20 |
edmondsw | this like os-vif but for accelerators? | 14:20 |
efried | like os-vif but for accelerators | 14:20 |
efried | yeah. | 14:20 |
edmondsw | jinx | 14:21 |
edmondsw | tx for commenting on the vTPM spec | 14:21 |
edmondsw | #topic PowerVM CI | 14:22 |
*** openstack changes topic to "PowerVM CI (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:22 | |
efried | Not sure if I mentioned last week, but the libvirt update_provider_tree and shared DISK_GB stuff merged, which is a big milestone. | 14:22 |
edmondsw | awesome | 14:22 |
edmondsw | #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm_ci_todos | 14:22 |
edmondsw | efried sorry, thought you were done | 14:22 |
efried | now I am | 14:22 |
edmondsw | mujahidali where do we stand with the CI? | 14:23 |
edmondsw | esberglu said yesterday that it was broken and he was working with you to redeploy | 14:23 |
mujahidali | currnetly I am redeplying the compute nodes | 14:23 |
edmondsw | esberglu I'm not even seeing powervm in http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=nova anymore | 14:24 |
edmondsw | does it get removed if we don't report on anything for a while? | 14:24 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yeah it only goes back 24 hours, so if we haven't voted in 24 it disappears | 14:25 |
edmondsw | mujahidali think we'll be back up today? | 14:25 |
esberglu | mujahidali was having some issues running the Ansible scripts. Are you still stuck on that same issue? | 14:25 |
mujahidali | edmondsw:most probably | 14:25 |
mujahidali | esberglu: problem was resolved | 14:26 |
esberglu | What was the issue? | 14:26 |
mujahidali | I restarted neo-7 | 14:27 |
mujahidali | it was pingable but not able to ssh | 14:27 |
mujahidali | and most of the vms are in error state | 14:27 |
esberglu | I thought you were having another issue with the playbook failing? | 14:28 |
esberglu | Was that error just because neo7 was down? | 14:28 |
esberglu | You sent me a log where the Update resolv.conf file task failed | 14:28 |
mujahidali | yeah, that was due to virtual env, asnible was asking for "python netaddr" and it was already installed | 14:29 |
mujahidali | so I googled it and did a pip install for the same | 14:29 |
esberglu | mujahidali: Okay cool let me know if you hit any other issues while deploying | 14:29 |
edmondsw | google for the win! | 14:30 |
mujahidali | esberglu: thanks for the quick help :) | 14:30 |
esberglu | I've given mujahidali some notes for where we are with multinode CI and the next steps to take there | 14:30 |
esberglu | I'm assuming we want to give that priority over the stable branch vSCSI CI he was doing? | 14:30 |
edmondsw | esberglu I thought we were really close to done on the vscsi stuff | 14:31 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Yeah I think we had all branches except ocata working | 14:31 |
edmondsw | working for queens and pike now, just ocata left? | 14:31 |
edmondsw | yeah | 14:31 |
mujahidali | esberglu: I am also looking into multinode, will come back to you after trying the steps mentioned in your mail. | 14:32 |
edmondsw | if we're going to put the ocata work on hold to focus on multinode, which makes sense to me, let's remove it from the changeset and update the commit to be specific to pike/queens | 14:32 |
esberglu | edmondsw: Honestly might not be worth the trouble of porting to ocata for now | 14:32 |
edmondsw | so we can go ahead and merge that for those release and work on ocata separately | 14:32 |
esberglu | Yeah what you said | 14:32 |
edmondsw | esberglu right | 14:32 |
edmondsw | you got that, mujahidali? | 14:33 |
mujahidali | make sense | 14:33 |
edmondsw | should be a quick/easy change, and then you can focus on multinode (after you get the CI back up, of course) | 14:33 |
edmondsw | anything else for CI/ | 14:34 |
edmondsw | ? | 14:34 |
esberglu | The only other CI task is getting those additional systems added to the CI pool | 14:34 |
mujahidali | yeah, will look into that | 14:35 |
edmondsw | mujahidali FYI, I hit an issue trying to do a greenfield NovaLink install over the weekend | 14:35 |
edmondsw | you will hit the same issue until we update the bootp server | 14:35 |
edmondsw | I will try to do that today | 14:35 |
edmondsw | ping me if I forget to update you when that's fixed | 14:36 |
edmondsw | :) | 14:36 |
mujahidali | sure | 14:36 |
edmondsw | one other thing I remembered | 14:36 |
edmondsw | we had a slack conversation last week while you were out mujahidali | 14:36 |
edmondsw | about an issue that came up where something updated a file and broke the CI | 14:36 |
edmondsw | go back and read that thread when you get a chance | 14:37 |
edmondsw | next time we redeploy the CI for non-emergency (i.e. not what you're doing now) we should talk about updating some things there to prevent that issue in future | 14:37 |
mujahidali | sure, will look into that, I think it's the opnestack-ci channel | 14:38 |
edmondsw | power-openstack-ci | 14:38 |
edmondsw | #topic Open Discussion | 14:39 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:39 | |
edmondsw | anything else before we close? | 14:39 |
edmondsw | alright, tx everyone | 14:41 |
edmondsw | #endmeeting | 14:41 |
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is for PowerVM-related development and discussion. For general OpenStack support, please use #openstack." | 14:41 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Jun 19 14:41:36 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:41 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2018/powervm_driver_meeting.2018-06-19-14.00.html | 14:41 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2018/powervm_driver_meeting.2018-06-19-14.00.txt | 14:41 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2018/powervm_driver_meeting.2018-06-19-14.00.log.html | 14:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: WIP: Snapshot In-tree Backports https://review.openstack.org/576630 | 19:45 |
openstackgerrit | Eric Berglund proposed openstack/nova-powervm master: WIP: Snapshot In-tree Backports https://review.openstack.org/576630 | 20:03 |
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