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edmondsw | #startmeeting PowerVM Driver Meeting | 14:01 |
openstack | Meeting started Tue Oct 9 14:01:06 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is edmondsw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 14:01 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 14:01 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'powervm_driver_meeting' | 14:01 |
efried | ō/ | 14:01 |
edmondsw | #link agenda https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/powervm_driver_meeting_agenda | 14:01 |
edmondsw | mujahidali: mdrabe: ping | 14:01 |
edmondsw | #topic In-Tree Driver | 14:02 |
*** openstack changes topic to "In-Tree Driver (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:02 | |
edmondsw | I don't believe there's been any work going on here for a while | 14:02 |
edmondsw | I'm hoping that mujahidali will be able to start working on more porting from OOT to IT eventually | 14:03 |
edmondsw | but the next stuff up requires multi-node CI, so he's gotta get that working first | 14:03 |
edmondsw | comments from anyone else? | 14:03 |
efried | nay | 14:03 |
edmondsw | #topic Out-of-Tree Driver | 14:04 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Out-of-Tree Driver (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:04 | |
edmondsw | We have opted-in for the community to help us upgrade to newer versions of neutron-lib as the release | 14:05 |
edmondsw | via https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607625/ | 14:05 |
efried | \o/ | 14:05 |
edmondsw | we also fixed a bug https://review.openstack.org/#/c/608023/ | 14:05 |
edmondsw | I think that's it since the last meeting | 14:06 |
efried | oh, does -^ need to be ported IT? | 14:06 |
efried | (I didn't look) | 14:06 |
edmondsw | efried ah, that's a good point... I thought about backporting (don't think that's needed at this point) but not IT | 14:07 |
edmondsw | I'll check after the meeting if nobody beats me to it | 14:07 |
efried | ✔ | 14:08 |
edmondsw | mdrabe: how is your schedule looking for working on MSP? | 14:08 |
edmondsw | I've been tied up in other things, so I might need you to take over getting the multi-node devstack env working | 14:09 |
edmondsw | but I can help advise you there at least | 14:09 |
edmondsw | alright, moving on | 14:11 |
edmondsw | #topic Device Passthrough | 14:11 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Device Passthrough (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:11 | |
edmondsw | efried ^ | 14:11 |
efried | Jay has agreed (again) to review kosamara's spec. | 14:11 |
efried | But we have a suggestion from Sylvain to break it apart into one spec for the file format and one for the passthrough itself. | 14:12 |
efried | because the file format has the potential to gain traction for use in a lot of areas other than just device passthrough. | 14:12 |
efried | Basically as a generic provider configurator | 14:12 |
edmondsw | interesting | 14:12 |
efried | which is getting interest from several high-priority blueprints right now | 14:12 |
efried | So if we can land something around that file spec in nova proper, we could implement passthrough fairly easily on top of it - whether IT or OOT. | 14:13 |
efried | Placement extraction is going well. Upgrade stuff is getting close to working. | 14:14 |
efried | Reshaping & nrp work is moving along | 14:14 |
efried | we keep hitting new and interesting issues (e.g. see gibi's ML post this morning) | 14:14 |
efried | I've been keeping abreast and weighing in, but not doing a lot of actual writing of spec/code content due to time split. | 14:15 |
efried | I think that's about it, unless someone wants more details on anything. | 14:16 |
edmondsw | thanks | 14:16 |
edmondsw | #topic PowerVM CI | 14:16 |
*** openstack changes topic to "PowerVM CI (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:16 | |
edmondsw | mujahidali how is the CI? | 14:16 |
mujahidali | After redeployment followed by Power outage, CI was broken and we added "AttachInterfacesUnderV243Test.test_add_remove_fixed_ip " to blacklist. | 14:16 |
mujahidali | CI looks good now. | 14:17 |
edmondsw | yep, I noticed we were getting some good votes. Tintri looks pretty clean | 14:17 |
edmondsw | thanks for fixing that up | 14:17 |
mujahidali | I have installed diskimage-builder and updated nodepool to 3.2.0 on stage env. | 14:18 |
mujahidali | I am currently trying to figure out the nodepool configuration to use the diskimage-builder. I am using this https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config-example/blob/master/nodepool/nodepool.yaml as refernce. | 14:18 |
mujahidali | I need some more tweaking with the nodepool.yaml file and then we may get a wroking nodepool config. | 14:19 |
edmondsw | that'll be awesome | 14:20 |
mujahidali | :) | 14:20 |
mujahidali | Once nodepool is working with disimage-builder we need to figure out the SSP part for multinode. | 14:21 |
edmondsw | I can help you create an SSP that spans 2 nodes. I've done that before | 14:22 |
mujahidali | that will be a great help. | 14:22 |
mujahidali | thanks | 14:22 |
edmondsw | I'll leave it to you to figure out how to configure the CI to know which 2 nodes are paired | 14:22 |
mujahidali | okay | 14:22 |
mujahidali | that's it from me. | 14:24 |
edmondsw | mujahidali I'd suggest that we move to the new nodepool and diskimage-builder and all that first, and then worry about making the CI multinode in a later commit(s) | 14:24 |
edmondsw | i.e. try to stage the work out | 14:24 |
edmondsw | sound good? | 14:24 |
mujahidali | sure. | 14:24 |
mujahidali | so, let's break it out in two parts | 14:25 |
edmondsw | you didn't mention zookeeper. Have you been working with that as well? | 14:25 |
mujahidali | upgrade CI | 14:25 |
mujahidali | and then enable multinode | 14:25 |
edmondsw | yes | 14:25 |
edmondsw | alright, tx | 14:26 |
edmondsw | #topic Open Discussion | 14:26 |
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: PowerVM Driver Meeting)" | 14:26 | |
edmondsw | efried the community has a "reason" arg for Unplug exceptions but not for plug: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/exception.py#L132-L137 | 14:27 |
efried | nice | 14:28 |
edmondsw | so while OOT we customize the Plug exception to give reason information (at the expense of saying it's a plug... which maybe we should change) | 14:28 |
edmondsw | IT we just stick with the generic message: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/virt/powervm/vif.py#L116-L118 | 14:28 |
edmondsw | I guess that's ok for IT, until/unless they add reason to the exception | 14:29 |
efried | tbh if we're using LOG.exception I'm not sure what benefit we would get by shoving a %reason in there | 14:29 |
edmondsw | but I'll probably propose a follow-on OOT to add a "Virtual interface plugin failed: " prefix to the message we create there | 14:30 |
edmondsw | efried yeah, I think the benefit would only be if the message gets used in the REST response | 14:30 |
efried | which it doesn't. | 14:31 |
efried | Because the REST operation is asynchronous. | 14:31 |
efried | You notice the instance go to ERROR state. | 14:31 |
efried | and then you go look at logs. | 14:31 |
edmondsw | hmm... then why did Arun care about this, I wonder | 14:31 |
efried | oh, because it would have been raising a spurious exception in the logs, obscuring the actual reason for the error. | 14:31 |
efried | Oh, I was talking about spawn - there may be a synchronous plug operation that does surface the error. | 14:32 |
efried | idk for sure | 14:32 |
edmondsw | I'll try to catch Arun and ask him for more detail | 14:32 |
efried | either way it's a correct fix | 14:32 |
edmondsw | yeah | 14:32 |
edmondsw | better than it was, for sure | 14:32 |
edmondsw | if that's it, I'll let y'all go | 14:33 |
edmondsw | #endmeeting | 14:33 |
*** openstack changes topic to "This channel is for PowerVM-related development and discussion. For general OpenStack support, please use #openstack." | 14:33 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Tue Oct 9 14:33:26 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 14:33 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2018/powervm_driver_meeting.2018-10-09-14.01.html | 14:33 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2018/powervm_driver_meeting.2018-10-09-14.01.txt | 14:33 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/powervm_driver_meeting/2018/powervm_driver_meeting.2018-10-09-14.01.log.html | 14:33 |
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edmondsw | efried I spoke to Arun. He said that plug error message won't show up in the REST response, but it will be part of the notification, so the controller node's logs can have the message as well as the compute node. | 16:13 |
efried | okay | 16:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Elod Illes proposed openstack/ceilometer-powervm master: Install ceilometer from pypi https://review.openstack.org/609058 | 17:17 |
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