Tuesday, 2016-05-03

openstackgerritMerged openstack/openstack-user-stories: Make the index page more readable  https://review.openstack.org/31007000:18
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Filesystem on logs.openstack.org is broken, we are on the process of repairing it. Please stop checking your jobs until further notice06:45
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Filesystem on logs.openstack.org is broken, we are on the process of repairing it. Please stop checking your jobs until further notice"06:45
*** ChanServ changes topic to "OpenStack Product WG IRC Room (More info at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam)"08:25
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Logs filesystem has been successfully restored, please recheck your jobs08:25
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Filesystem on docs-draft.openstack.org is broken, we are on the process of repairing it. Please stop checking jobs using this filesystem until further notice08:35
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Docs-draft filesystem has been restored. Please check your affected jobs again09:23
*** rockyg has joined #openstack-product20:05
*** Zucan has joined #openstack-product20:07
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: restarting apache on review.openstack.org to pick up security patches. Gerrit web ui may disappear for a short time.20:28
*** rockyg has quit IRC21:01
*** Zucan has quit IRC21:20

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